import sys print "the number of python program‘s argument:",len(sys.argv) print "the value of every argument is ",str(sys.argv) #上述程序的文件名sysargv.py python sysargv.py argv1 argv2 argv3 argv4 the number of python program‘s argument: 5 the value of every argument is [‘sysargv.py‘, ‘argv1‘, ‘argv2‘, ‘argv3‘, ‘argv4‘]
其次,python程序使用命令行参数,必不可少的模块,就是getopt 模块,先看看一段代码
(args, options[, long_options])
import getopt args = ‘-a -b -cfoo -d bar a1 a2‘.split() args [‘-a‘, ‘-b‘, ‘-cfoo‘, ‘-d‘, ‘bar‘, ‘a1‘, ‘a2‘] optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, ‘abc:d:‘) optlist [(‘-a‘, ‘‘), (‘-b‘, ‘‘), (‘-c‘, ‘foo‘), (‘-d‘, ‘bar‘)] args [‘a1‘, ‘a2‘]
s = ‘--condition=foo --testing --output-file abc.def -x a1 a2‘ args = s.split() args [‘--condition=foo‘, ‘--testing‘, ‘--output-file‘, ‘abc.def‘, ‘-x‘, ‘a1‘, ‘a2‘] optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, ‘x‘, [‘condition=‘, ‘output-file=‘, ‘testing‘]) optlist [(‘--condition‘, ‘foo‘), (‘--testing‘, ‘‘), (‘--output-file‘, ‘abc.def‘), (‘-x‘, ‘‘)] args [‘a1‘, ‘a2‘]
import getopt,sys def main(): try: opts,args=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hi:o:v",["help","infile=","outfile="]) except getopt.GetoptError as error: print str(error) usage() sys.exit(2) infile=None output=None verbose=False for key,value in opts: if key=="-v": verbose=True elif key in ("-h","--help"): print "sysargv.py -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>" print "or sysargv.py --infile <inputfile> --outfile <outputfile>" elif key in ("-i","--infile"): infile = value elif key in ("-o","--outfile"): output= value print "inputfile:", infile print "outputfile:", output print verbose if __name__=="__main__": main()
C:\Python27>python sysargv.py --help sysargv.py -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> or sysargv.py --infile <inputfile> --outfile <outputfile> inputfile: None outputfile: None False C:\Python27>python sysargv.py -h sysargv.py -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> or sysargv.py --infile <inputfile> --outfile <outputfile> inputfile: None outputfile: None False C:\Python27>python sysargv.py -i "inputfile1" -o "ouputfile2" inputfile: inputfile1 outputfile: ouputfile2 False C:\Python27>python sysargv.py -i "inputfile1" inputfile: inputfile1 outputfile: None False C:\Python27>python sysargv.py -o "outputfile1" inputfile: None outputfile: outputfile1 False C:\Python27>python sysargv.py -o "outputfile1" -v inputfile: None outputfile: outputfile1 True C:\Python27>python sysargv.py --infile "inputfile" --outfile "outputfile1" -v inputfile: inputfile outputfile: outputfile1 True
时间: 2024-12-25 20:25:38