Inverted sentences

And ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.


这是个倒装句,因为ever位于句首,句子要倒装,it是形式主语,has been是谓语,that从句是真正的主语从句,until后为状语




第一节    完全倒装

一、here, there, now, then, thus, hence等词位于句首的倒装形式

以here, there, now, then, thus, hence等词开头的句子,谓语动词be, stand, lie, come, go, fall, follow等的一般现在时或一般过去时,句子的谓语全部倒装。

例如:Then came the hour we had been looking forward to.

There stands a table in the middle of the room.

Then followed 8 years of Anti- Japanese war.

Now comes your turn.

Here is the book you want.

Thus ended the lesson.

There lies a valley fastness known today as the Old Crow Basin.


Here he comes. (Here comes the teacher.)

There it goes. (There goes the last bus.)

二、ahead, away, down, in, off, out ,up等方位副词位于句首的倒装形式

ahead, away, down, in, off, out, up等方位副词或bang, click, crack等象声词位于句首时,谓语动词常用go, come, rush, run等表示位置移动的不及物动作动词的一般过去时,句子主谓去全部倒装,目的是为了生动地描写这些动作。

例如:Up went to the rocket into the air.

In went the sun and down came the rain.

Following a roar, out rushed a tiger from among the bushes.

Down came the hammer and out flew the sparks.

Away flew the bird!


Out he ran.

Away they went.



例如:Below the mountain ran a little stream.

From the valley came a frightening sound.

Beyond them lay the fields of paddy rice.

In this chapter will be found a partial answer.

After the banquet came a firework display in the garden.

To the list may be added the following names.

At last came the happiest moment!



例如:Present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement, and a person who will buy space in newspapers or time on TV.

Surrounding the earth is a layer of air of unkonwn thickness.

Seated on the ground are a group of young men.

Sweet was tha evening.

Below was a restaurant.

Next to my school is a hospital.

Such would be our home in the future.

Standing besides the table ws an interpreter.

Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.



例如:“What does the word mean?” asked the boy.

“Where are you from?” he asked.

“You should have been here five minutes earlier,” said the teacher.

“Help! Help! shouted the boy.( The boy shouted, “Help! Help!”)

“I’m hungry!” Jim will say.

第二节   部分倒装

一、neither, nor或so引导的分句的倒装形式

以neither, nor或so引导的分句,用来表示相同的看法主谓部分倒装。neither或nor用于否定句,含义为“也不“;so用于肯定句,含义“也如此”。

例如: I haven’t been to New York before and neither has my sister.

She would never sing, nor would she dance.

My sister often calls me and so does my brother.

—  I can’t swim.

—  Neither can I.

If you do not go swimming, neither shall I.

注意1)当so开头的句子只是表示对别人的情况加以肯定、确认、表示有同感时,其含义为“确实如此”, 主谓不倒装。例如:

—They will have a good time.

—So they will.

—It was cold yesterday!

—So it was!

注意2)当前面说的是两件或两件以上的事、用不同的动词或不同的时态,要用句型:so it is with…(= It is the same with…)含义为“…也是如此“。例如:

—Mary isn’t well today and she hasn’t finished her homework yet.

—So it is with Tom.

Kate likes singing, but she can’t sing well. So it is with Mary.

Aunt Li was a trained nurse five years ago, but now she’s a doctor and works in a hospital. So it is with Wei Hua’s mother.


在虚拟语气条件状语从句中,如果从句中有should, were 或had,可将这些词提到句首省略if。

例如:Had you not helped me, I would have failed.

Were it fine tomorrow, we should go on a picnic.

Were I to stay there, I should not let him off lightly.

Should anyone call, wake me up.


as 引导的让步状语从句要把表语(名词、形容词),状语(副词)或实义动词放在句首,即放在as前面,后面是主语+谓语,不倒装。单数名词放在句首前面不加冠词,形容词最高级放在句首前面不加the。though也可用在这种结构中。

例如: Hard as/ though he studied, he didn’t pass the exam.

Child as/ though she is, she speaks English well.

Pretty as / though she is, she is not clever.

Try as/ though he did, he couldn’t finish the task successfully.

Oldest (person) as/ though he is in the office, he is modest.


Cold that it is, the children play outside.

Child that he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.


例如: Only then, as I looked at the bigger picture, did I notice the huge gilt frame that enclosed my grandmother’s form.

Only yesterday did he find that his wallet was missing.

Only when you come to know him, will you get along with him.

Only by shouting was he able to make himself heard.


Only a doctor can do that operation.






no longer


not until
















not before






not often





by no means


in vain


in no sense


no longer


in no way


  • on no account


in no case


  • on no conditon


in no respect


under/in no circumstance



barely/ hardly/scarcely …when/before一…就(主句谓语动词常用had done, when/before后常用did) no sooner …than 一…就

例如:Not until he returned to the school did he know that he failed the exam.

I don’t like singing, nor/ neither do I like dancing.

In vain did he try to open the locked door.

Barely had he arrived home when he had to leave again.

In no case will he give up the experiment.

No longer are they staying with us.

Not a single word could he say.

Little did we think that the district was so rich in mineral resources.

Under no circustances could we agree to such a principle.

六、so/ such that句型结构的倒装

当so/such that结构中的so或such位于句首表示强调时,主句要用部分倒装,that从句用正常语序。如果结构中的谓语动词用be时,则主句要用全部倒装。

例如:So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.

(Light travels so fast that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.)

So loudly did he speak that everyone could hear him clearly.

(He spoke so loudly that everyone could hear him clearly.)

Such was the earthquake that the city was destroyed.

(The earthquake was such that the city was destroyed.)

Such a man is he that I don’t want to see any more of him.

(He is such a man that I don’t want to see any more of him.)

So bright was the moon that the flowers were bright as by day.

(The moon was so bright that the flowers were bright as by day.)


to such a point


to such a degree


to such an extent


to such lengths


例如:To such an extent did the temperature rise that the firemen had to leave the buring house.

To such an extent do the parents love their son that they have tried to satisfy every demand of his.

To such lengths did he speak that everyone got bored.


频度副词及短语位于句首时句子主谓部分倒装。常见的有:often, always, once, many a time, now and then, now and again, every other day, every few weeks.

例如:Many a time in college years have we wandered in the hills.

Twice within her lifetime has she been to England.

Often have I heard it said that it is a good book.

Always did Mr. Li go to help the villagers.

Now and then does he play truant.


方式或程度等副词位于句首时,句子主谓部分倒装。常见的有:gladly, brightly, bitterly, well等。

例如:Well do I remember the day I saw her first.

Well did I know her and well did she know me.

Gladly would I accept your proposal.

Bitterly did he report that decision.

九、并列连词not only …but also等连接句子时的倒装

由并列连词not only… but also,neither… nor连接的句子,否定词后面的句子倒装。

例如:Not only did he teach at school, but he (also) wrote novels.

Neither could theory do without practice, nor could practice do without theory.

Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.

注意:neither …nor或not only… but also连接主语时,句子用正常语序。例如:

Neither his sisters nor his brother has ever been to Europe.

Not only Kate but also her classmates have read the novel.

十、the+比较级, the+比较级“结构中的倒装


例如:In winter, the closer to the North Pole, the shorter is the day.

The harder you study, the greater progress you will make.

The thicker is the wire, the smaller is the resistance.

The more you read, the better will you write.

The more you know, the more you will realize how little you know.



例如: May the friendship between our two people last forever!

May God be with you!

May you return in safety!

注意:在表示祝愿的long live句型中,常用全部倒装。

Long live the great unity of the people of the world!

时间: 2024-08-08 03:33:07

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