Replicate Schema Changes

Replication 能够将Article的Schema Change同步到Subscriber中,只需要将 Publication 的属性:Replicate Schema Changes 设置为Ture。

引用《Make Schema Changes on Publication Databases》:

If you make the following schema changes to a published article, they are propagated, by default, to Microsoft SQL Server Subscribers:


If you do not want to replicate schema changes for a publication, disable the replication of schema changes in the Publication Properties - <Publication> dialog. On the Subscription Options page of the Publication Properties - <Publication> dialog box, set the value of the Replicate schema changes property to False.

To propagate only specific schema changes, set the property to True before a schema change, and then set it to False after the change is made. Conversely, to propagate most schema changes, but not a given change, set the property to False before the schema change, and then set it to True after the change is made.

时间: 2024-12-26 10:20:56

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