C++ Learning——Build a simple&little RB_Tree

Why would we go to such ludicrous lebgths to explain the RB_TREE?









(4)任一节点到NULL(树尾端)的任何路径,所含之黑节点数必须相同。 (即黑同)

Here are the RB_TREE code && explanation:(You also can actualize it.Believe yourself!)

#include<assert.h>   //for assert
#include<string.h>   //for memset

* void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);
*  The  memset() function fills the first n bytes of the memory area
* pointed to by s with the constant byte c.

using namespace std;

typedef int Type;
typdef enum{RED=0, BLACK}Color;

typedef struct Node
    Color color;
    Type key;
    struct Node *left, *right, *parent;
}*PNode;    //节点的类型为指针类型

typedef struct
    Node *root;
    Node *Nil;
}RB_TREE;    //RB_TREE节点内容,Nil为一个工具,为后续树之节点的的赋空、判空起作用

Node* Buynode()
    Node *p = new Node;
    assert(p != NULL);
    memset(p,0,sizeof(Node));    //为新增节点节点初始化,{color = RED, key = 0, left = 0x0, right = 0x0, parent = 0x0}
    return p;

void InitTree(RB_TREE &t)    //创建节点并对其初始化
    t.Nil = Buynode();
    t.root = t.Nil;
    t.Nil->color = BLACK;
    t.Nil->key = -1;


bool Insert(RB_TREE &t, Type x)    //插入节点
    Node *p = t.Nil;
    Node *s = t.root;
    while(s != t.Nil)
    p = s;
    if(x == s->key)
        return false;
        else if(x < s->key)
        s = s->left;    //说明x的位置应该在此时s的左树位置查找
        s = s->right;    //那么此时x应插入的位置应该继续在s的右树上寻找
    Node *q = Buynode();
    q->key = x;
    q->parent = p;   //仔细想想,这里不能写q->parent = s;因为程序执行到这里的时候s = t.Nil,即s为NULL
    if(p == t.Nil)    //这里我感觉可以没有这个条件,因为此时p是存在的
        t.root = q;
    else if(x < p->key)
        p->left = q;
        p->right = q;
    q->left = q->right = t.Nil;
    q->color = RED;    //新插入节点颜色须为红色
    Insert_Fixup(t,q); //需要进一步修正一下,是的满足RB_TREE的规则
    return true;

int main()
    int ar[] = {5,7,10};
    RB_TREE rb;
    for(int i = 0; i<sizeof(ar) / sizeof(int); ++i)
        Insert(rb, ar[i]);
    return 0;








void Rotateleft(RB_TREE &t, Node *p)
    Node *s = p->right;
    P->right = s->left;
    if(s->left != t.Nil)
    s->left->parent = p;
    s->parent = p->parent;
    if(p->parent = t.Nil)
    t.root = s;
    else if(p = p->parent->left)
    p->parent->left = s;
    p->parent->right = s;
    s->left = p;
    p->parent = s;

void Rotateright(RB_TREE &t, Node *p)
    Node *s = p->left;
    p->left = s->right;
    if(s->right != t.Nil)
        s->right->parent = p;
    s->parent = p->parent;
    if(p->parent == t>Nil)
    t.root = s;
    else if(p == p->parent->left)
    p->parent->left = s;
    p->parent->right = s;
    s->right = p;
    p->parent = s;


void Insert_Fixup(RB_TREE &t, Node *z)

时间: 2024-12-20 17:43:33

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