software source

  1. whati is software source?

    software source is a provide any softwares from sources.list.

    or it can be recognized as a address of server.we can assign this adress of server.

    so how to alter the address of server? so we have methods ,the one of methods is update /etc/apt/sources.list.

  2. what is use of /etc/apt/sources.list?


  3. 如何删除带括号的文件

    如:Linux360 (2)     删除方法是:rm -r Linux360/ /(2/)

  4. 如何安装deb文件

    deb是debian linus的安装格式,跟red hat的rpm非常相似,最基本的安装命令是:dpkg -i file.deb

    dpkg 是Debian Package的简写,是为Debian 专门开发的套件管理系统,方便软件的安装、更新及移除。所有源自Debian的Linux发行版都使用dpkg,例如Ubuntu、Knoppix 等。类似于red hat提供rpm 安装方式。

  5. 如何解压zip文件

    unzip命令 Linux也提供了。

时间: 2024-12-24 22:09:20

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