Python Networked programs (网络编程)

HyperText Transport Protocol - HTTP
The HyperText Transport Protocol is described in the following document:  This is a long and complex 176-page document with a lot of detail. If you find it interesting, feel free to read it all. But if you take a look around page 36 of RFC2616 you will find the syntax for the GET request. To request a document from a web server, we make a connection to the server on port 80, and then send a line of the form

where the second parameter is the web page we are requesting, and then we also send a blank line. The web server will respond with some header informationabout the document and a blank line followed by the document content.

//makes a connection to a web server and follows the rules of the HTTP protocol to requests a document and display what the server sends back.

 1 import socket
 2 mysock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 3 mysock.connect((‘‘,80))
 4 mysock.send(‘GET HTTP/1.0\n\n‘)
 5 while True:
 6     data = mysock.recv(512)
 7     if(len(data)<1):
 8         break
 9     print data
10 mysock.close()


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2015 14:22:51 GMT

Server: Apache

Last-Modified: Fri, 04 Dec 2015 19:05:04 GMT

ETag: "e103c2f4-a7-526172f5b5d89"

Accept-Ranges: bytes

Content-Length: 167

Cache-Control: max-age=604800, public

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, x-requested-with, content-type

Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/plain

But soft what light through yonder window breaks
It is the east and Juliet is the sun
Arise fai
r sun and kill the envious moon
Who is already sick and pale with grief


First the program makes a connection to port 80 on the server our program is playing the role of the “web browser”, the HTTP protocol says we must send the GET command followed by a blank line.Once we send that blank line, we write a loop that receives data in 512-character chunks from the socket and prints the data out until there is no more data to read (i.e., the recv() returns an empty string).

The output starts with headers which the web server sends to describe the document. For example, the Content-Type header indicates that the document is a plain text document (text/plain). After the server sends us the headers, it adds a blank line to indicate the end of the headers, and then sends the actual data of the file romeo.txt

时间: 2024-12-22 20:59:07

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Python TCP通信网络编程

最近在看廖雪峰老师的基础教程(,今天实现了一下简单Python的Socket的网络编程. 1. Socket网络编程 Socket是网络编程的一个抽象概念.通常我们用一个Socket表示“打开了一个网络链接”,而打开一个Socket需要知道目标计算机的IP地址和端口号,再指定协议类型即可. 2. 客户端 大多数连接都是可靠的TCP连接.创建TCP连接时,主动发起连接的叫客户端,被动响应连接的叫服务器.举个例子,当我们在浏览器中访问新浪时,我


在了解python基础的语法基础上,就可以自由的去组合出自己需要各类高级功能. 由于python语言的特性,各类功能的实现都会非常快捷的. 网络变成就是python具备的高级特性之一. 需要进行网络编程首先需要了解几个模块urllib和urllib2 1.简单的访问请求 import sys,urllib,urllib2 url=input("please input the url:") url = "" #发起请求 req

python之路 -- 网络编程

1.软件开发的架构 - C/S架构(需要安装应用程序使用的软件) c client 客户端 s server 服务端 - B/S架构(可以通过浏览器使用的) b broser 浏览器 s server 服务端 不需要额外的安装客户端了,只需要一个网址就可以访问 轻量级,使用成本低 2.tcp协议/udp协议 tcp协议 全双工的通信协议 建立了专门穿送数据的通道(连接),是一个长连接 面向流的传输 传输速率比udp协议慢 数据安全不容易丢失 大文件算法自己拆包编号发送 建立连接的 三次握手 断开


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Python3网络编程 '''无论是str2bytes或者是bytes2str其编码方式都是utf-8 str( ,encoding='utf-8') bytes( ,encoding='utf-8') 而在使用.encode('utf-8')时,虽然type类型是byte,但常常报错''' Socket又称"套接字",应用程序通常通过"套接字"向网络发出请求或者应答网络请求,使主机间或者一台计算机上的进程间可以通讯. socket起源于UNIX,在Unix一切皆文


网络通信 使用网络的目的 把多方链接在一起,进行数据传递: 网络编程就是,让不同电脑上的软件进行数据传递,即进程间通信: ip地址 ip地址概念和作用 IP地址是什么:比如192.168.1.1 这样的一些数字: ip地址的作用:用来在电脑中 标识唯一一台电脑,比如192.168.1.1:在本地局域网是唯一的. 网卡信息 查看网卡信息 Linux:ifconfig windows:ipconfig ensxx:用来与外部进行通信的网卡: lo:环回网卡,用来进行本地通信的: linux关闭/开启


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