
Use Gedit as Remote File Editor via FTP and SSH

Migrating from Windows Vista to Ubuntu 8.04 and have been using it all the way to 9.10, I am now a complete Linux convert. As a web developer, I am frequently required to edit files on remote servers. Without some kind of mechanism to automate the upload process, it becomes laborious as number of files grows. On Windows system I use Notepad++ and its FTP plugin to edit remote files, which work pretty well.

Now I am using Ubuntu, I have to find a similar editor to accomplish this. After some investigation, I found that the bundled text editor gedit is capable of doing remote file editing -- but not without some tricks. In the rest of the article I am going to show you how to do this.

Table of Contents [hide]

  • 1 Step 1: Connect to a Remote Server
  • 2 Step 2: Editing Remote File
    • 2.1 More interesting posts ...

Step 1: Connect to a Remote Server

  • Go to Places->Connect to Server and connect to a remote server. Make sure that you check "Add bookmark" check box.(file explorer)
  • Enter a name for this connection as you will use this to refer to the remote server in gedit.
  • Click "Connect" to proceed.

If you are promoted to enter a password, enter it and choose a password option that fits your need. They are self-explanatory.

Step 2: Editing Remote File

  • Once you are successfully connected to a server, fire up gedit.
  • Go to view and check "Side Panel" or press F9.
  • At bottom of side panel, click "File Browser" tab.
  • On top of the side panel drop down menu, select "Bookmarks".
  • Expand the server you are connecting to.
  • You now can edit remote files as they are local files.

Gedit is a very powerful text editor. In my option it is as feature-rich as Notepad++. Syntax highlighting, bracket matching, automatic indentation are the features I find the most useful to me. I use the following preferences to make gedit the programmer‘s perfect text editor:

Another tip is that you can narrow the file list in the side panel by applying filter. For example at bottom of the side panel, if you enter "*.php" in the "Match Filename" text box, the side panel now will only show PHP files.

Once again thanks for reading.

时间: 2024-07-28 14:12:13


ubuntu gedit 打开 windows 分区中txt 文件乱码 ubuntu 12.04 gedit 打开 windows 分区中的txt 文件乱码,是因为 ubuntu 和 windows 两个系统的编码不同. 解决办法1:(推荐) 终端里依次输入以下 2 条命令即可: gsettings setorg.gnome.gedit.preferences.encodings auto-detected "['GB18030','GB2312', 'G

ubuntu 14.04解决gedit中文乱码的问题

终端输入gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.encodings auto-detected "['UTF-8','GB18030','GB2312','GBK','BIG5','CURRENT','UTF-16']"回车即可.


本文由fcbruce个人原创整理,转载请注明出处:>_< 用了linux有半年多了(ubuntu->debian),之前敲代码都是通过IDE来编译运行,一直有转Vim的想法,可是那玩意太高端,暂时玩不过来.前两天发现gedit加上各种插件简直就是神器,这两天一直在抽空配置,试用了下,感觉很爽,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,下面来分享下我的心得.>_< 操作系统:Debian 7

解决Centos 6.3 中 gedit中文乱码问题

1.安装gconf-editor yum list | grep conf-editor yum install gconf-editor 2.运行gconf-editor 设置: apps  ---> gedit-2  --->  preferences  ----> encoding auto-detected 项添加Add New list value: GB2312 shown_in_menu 项添加 New list value: GB2312  解决Centos 6.3 中

sudo gedit xx warning

When I sue command "sudo gedit xx", it appeas several warning: gedit:2714): IBUS-WARNING **: The owner of /home/ecomu/.config/ibus/bus is not root! (gedit:2714): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Serv


1 设置中文显示环境 1. 打开System Settings 2. 打开Personal-> Language Support. 会弹出如下对话框,提示你“语言支持没安装完整”. 点击“Remind Me Later”. 3. 在“Language Support”中,点击“Install/Remove Languages”,在打开的窗口中,找到“Chinese(simplified)”并勾选上,点击“Apply Changes”. 4. 上面只是下载了语言包,还需要切换系统语言才能使之生效.

ubuntu14.04中 gedit 注释能显示中文,而source insight中显示为乱码的解决办法

1.乱码显示情况: 2.用gedit打开文件,并用ctrl+shift+s(另存为),其中charactor coding选为chinese simplified(GB2312); 2.修改个文件名, 并点击save. 3.用source insight打开,看看是不是不是乱码了? - - 4.这个我可搞了好几天,嘿嘿~~~

点滴记录——Ubuntu 14.04中gedit打开文件出现中文乱码问题

在中文支持配置还不完整的Ubuntu 14.04中,使用gedit打开带有中文字符的文件有时会出现乱码的情况,这是由于gedit对字符编码匹配不正确导致的,解决方法如下: 在终端中输入如下命令,然后重新打开gedit即可: gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.encodings auto-detected "['GB18030', 'GB2312', 'GBK', 'UTF-8', 'BIG5', 'CURRENT', 'UTF-16']"

2017.7.6 ubantu软件安装与卸载 编辑器gedit sublime

windows相关软甲 ubantu系统安装软件命令 1.备份 cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup 2.修改   更新源 gedit /etc/apt/sources.list 百度:ubantu 16.04更新源 3.sudo -s apt - get install 软件名