HDU 1004 Let the Balloon Rise【STL<map>】

Let the Balloon Rise

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 123800    Accepted Submission(s): 48826

Problem Description

time again! How excited it is to see balloons floating around. But to
tell you a secret, the judges‘ favorite time is guessing the most
popular problem. When the contest is over, they will count the balloons
of each color and find the result.

This year, they decide to leave this lovely job to you.


contains multiple test cases. Each test case starts with a number N (0
< N <= 1000) -- the total number of balloons distributed. The next
N lines contain one color each. The color of a balloon is a string of
up to 15 lower-case letters.

A test case with N = 0 terminates the input and this test case is not to be processed.


each case, print the color of balloon for the most popular problem on a
single line. It is guaranteed that there is a unique solution for each
test case.

Sample Input












Sample Output




WU, Jiazhi






 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 int main()
 4 {
 5     map<string,int>ballon;
 6     int n;
 7     string str;
 8     while(cin>>n&&n)
 9     {
10         ballon.clear();
11         while(n--)
12         {
13             cin>>str;
14             ballon[str]++;
15         }
16         int maxn=0;
17         string maxcolor;
18         map<string,int>::iterator it;
19         for(it=ballon.begin();it!=ballon.end();it++)
20         {
21             if(it->second>maxn)
22             {
23                 maxn=(*it).second;
24                 maxcolor=(*it).first;
25             }
26         }
27         cout<<maxcolor<<endl;
28     }
29     return 0;
30 }
时间: 2024-12-23 05:23:24

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