2015-12-14 在做一个textbox下拉框时,需要显示数据库中存储的消息的种类.但是由于同一条消息是不断的在插入,所以造成了取消息名字不好取. 比如A方案有B和C两条消息,而且两条消息都是一直在插入,只是插入时间不一样,那么有两种方式: 一:只取出B和C消息的名字.可以用select distinct name from 表 二:不但要取出名字还要计算和之类的可以用SELECT name,sum(id) from 表 group by name; select name, id from
It's no easy trick to see stored procedures in a database programmatically with a scripting language like ASP. If you're using MS Access, you're out of luck. Access provides no way to see the actual meat of a stored procedure although you can get the