前不久,看了Yi Ma的演讲PPT,真的不错。有几句话,想和大家分享一下。
- Research is not a profession, it is first a hobby!
- Research needs faith in there are always interesting new things
for you to discover!
- Research is for anyone who has passion and determination.
- The best research results are knowledge worth passing
on to future generations! (文章千古事!)
- The best contributions are technologies that help the
company or the entire industry to grow! (发展才是硬道理!)
- Number does not matter, quality does!
- Research is all about generalizability, whereas engineering
is about instantiation and implementation.
- Enlightening research results are like love at first sight, keep you
up all night! (新发现如初恋,让你彻夜难眠!)
- The only person you could cheat is yourself!(自欺不欺人!)
- All top talents are free agents.(士为知己者死,才为用人者生。)
需要看完整版ppt,请点解完整帮Research as a Career.
时间: 2024-12-25 01:17:22