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def add ():
    d = query()
    add = input("please input proxy your add:")
    count = 0
    for line in f_first:
        if count == d[max(d)] :
        count +=1
def change ():
    d = query()
    old = input("please input proxy your choice:")
    new = input("please input new proxy;")
    count = 0
    for line in f_first:
        count +=1
        if count == d[old] :
            f_second.write("\t\t" + new + "\n")
def delete():
    d = query()
    delete = input("please input proxy your want delete:")
    count = 0
    for line in f_first:
        count += 1
        if count == d[delete]:
def query ():
    d = {}
    flag = False
    url = input("please input url:")
    count = 0
    for line in f_first:
        count += 1
        if line.startswith("backend") and url in line:
            flag = True
        if line.startswith("backend") and flag:
            flag = False
        if flag:
            d[line.strip()] = count
    for i in d:
    return d
def main ():
    menu = {1: "add", 2: "delete", 3: "change", 4: "query",5:"quit"}
    for i in range(1,6):
        print (i,menu[i])
    action = int(input("choice:"))
    if action ==5:quit()
    list_url = []
    with  open("haproxy.conf", encoding="utf8") as f_first:
        for line in f_first:
            if line.startswith("backend"):
    for i in list_url:
        print (i.split(" ")[1])
    return action
import os
with  open("haproxy.conf", encoding="utf8") as f_first, open("haproxy1.conf", mode="w+",
                                                             encoding="utf8") as f_second:
    choice = main ()
    if choice == 1 : add()
    if choice == 2 : delete()
    if choice == 3 : change()
    if choice == 4 : query ()

时间: 2024-10-09 12:39:50





第一部分代码(实体类) package com.wf.entity; public class Hehe{ private int hehe_id; private String hehe_name; private String hehe_gender; public int getHehe_id(){ return hehe_id; } public void setHehe_id(int heheId){ hehe_id=heheId; } public String getHehe_na

第三课作业——set类型、sorted set类型的增删改查,redis的事务

第三课时作业 静哥 by 2016.2.23~2016.3.6   [作业描述] 1.总结什么是set以及什么是sorted set,并完成对set以及sorted set的增删改查(查需要至少4种方式,比如列表,单个节点等) 2.总结redis的事务特征,并且实际操作事务的提交  丢弃以及乐观锁 [作业一:总结什么是set以及什么是sorted set,并完成对set以及sorted set的增删改查] (1) set是字符串的无序集合,集合内的成员可以是重复: sorted set是有序集合

第二部分 Mongodb增删改查

学习内容:1.mongodb增加操作2.mongodb删除操作3.mongodb查询操作增删改查的高级应用Capped Collection(固定集合)GridFS 大文件上传或下载 1: insertMongoDB是面向文档存储的数据库,文档结构形式叫BSON(类似JSON)db.c1.insert({name:"user1"});db.c1.save({_id:1, name:"user1"}); //save()如果已经存在就不会插入,如果不存在就插入//这里


//demo.aspx.cs登陆页面代码using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace web20150811 { public par


有以下员工信息表 当然此表你在文件存储时可以这样表示 1 1,Alex Li,22,13651054608,IT,2013-04-01 现需要对这个员工信息文件,实现增删改查操作 可进行模糊查询,语法至少支持下面3种: select name,age from staff_table where age > 22 select  * from staff_table where dept = "IT" select  * from staff_table where enroll

作业三:模拟 mysql 进行增删改查

1 # !/usr/bin/env python3 2 # _*_coding:utf-8_*_ 3 4 5 def help_sql(cmd): 6 if cmd in func_dic.keys(): 7 print('{} usage:\n '.format(cmd)) 8 if cmd == 'select': 9 print("\tselect * from staff_table;") 10 print("\tselect name,age from staff_


跬步何以至千里 今天主要学习增删改查,坚持每天学习一点 增删改查主要还是记住命令以及语法. 增删改查命令中都需要有表名 增 insert into 表名 value(); 删 delete from 表明 where from 参数 = “”; 改 update 表名 set 参数 = "" where owner = ""; 查 select * from 表名; 查看数据表的结构 (参数 类型等) desc 表名; mysql数据类型(引用菜鸟教程) MySQL

javascript生成表格增删改查 JavaScript动态改变表格单元格内容 动态生成表格 JS获取表格任意单元格 javascript如何动态删除表格某一行

jsp页面表格布局Html代码 <body > <center> <input type="text" value="111" id="mytext"> <table border="1" width="60%" id="mytable"> <tr> <td id="td1">第一行第一列<