每日阅读记录 - 20170913

A. Responsive_Navigation_Patterns(响应式导航模式)


  1. Top toggle menu

    • Pros(优势):
    • one button in header maximizes space for content on a small screen
    • important items stay visiblein most screen sizes and you decide the item priorities
    • legibility of navigation items is maintained with adequate spacing, by automatically hiding items that don’t fit
    • Cons(缺点):
    • navigation items might be less discoverable because some items are hidden in the drop-down or toggle menu
    • users may not notice the button contains a navigation menu in the smallest screen size
    • one more step is needed to access the hidden navigation items
  2. Expandable bottom menu

    • Pros(优势):
    • expandable menu is easy to discover
    • important items are always visible and you decide the item priorities
    • legibility of navigation items is maintained with adequate spacing, by automatically hiding items that don’t fit
    • Cons(缺点):
    • one more step is needed to access the navigation items that are hidden
    • navigation items might be less discoverable because some items are hidden
    • less space for content in the smallest screen size
  3. Left hidden menuLeft hidden menu

    • Pros(优势):
    • potentially displays more navigation items in a left navigation compared to a top navigation
    • most items are always visible except in the smallest screen size
    • one button in header maximizes space for content on a small screen
    • Cons(缺点):
    • navigation items might be less discoverable because some items are hidden in the drop-down or toggle menu
    • users may not notice the button contains a navigation menu in the smallest screen size
    • one more step is needed to access the navigation items that are hidden

B. 布局模式


  1. 块布局:用来布置文件。块布局包含以文档为中心的功能,例如浮动元素或将其放置在多列上的功能。

  2. 行内布局:用来布置文本。

  3. 表格布局:用来布置表格。

  4. 定位布局:用来对那些与其他元素无交互的定位元素进行布置 。

  5. 弹性盒子布局:用来布置那些可以顺利调整大小的复杂页面。

    • column-*属性对弹性项目无效。
    • floatclear无效。
    • vertical-align对弹性元素无效。
  6. 网格布局:用来布置那些与一个固定网格相关的元素。

C. 雅虎前端优化策略


  1. Content ·「网页内容相关

    • Make Fewer HTTP Requests [减少http请求次数]
    • Reduce DNS Lookups [减少DNS查询次数]
    • Avoid Redirects [避免页面跳转]
    • Make Ajax Cacheable [缓存Ajax]
    • Postload Components [延迟加载]
    • Preload Components [提前加载]
    • Reduce the Number of DOM Elements [减少Dom元素数量]
    • Split Components Across Domains [根据域名划分内容]
    • Minimize Number of iframes [减少iframes数量]
    • Avoid 404s [避免404]
  2. Server ·「服务器相关

    • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) [使用CDN]
    • Add Expires or Cache-Control Header ×[添加Cache-Control控制头]
    • Gzip Components [压缩传输文件]
    • Configure ETags [配置ETags]
    • Flush Buffer Early [尽早flush输出]
    • Use GET for Ajax Requests [使用get请求]
    • Avoid Empty Image src[避免空的图片src]
  3. Cookie ·「缓存

    • Reduce Cookie Size [减少Cookie大小]
    • Use Cookie-Free Domains for Components [页面内容使用无cookie域名]
  4. CSS ·「CSS

    • Put Stylesheets at Top [样式置顶]
    • Avoid CSS Expressions [避免CSS表达式]
    • Choose Over @import [选择link而不是import]
    • Avoid Filters [避免使用Filters]
  5. JavaScript ·「JavaScript

    • Put Scripts at Bottom [脚本置底]
    • Make JavaScript and CSS External [使用外部的JavaScript和CSS3]
    • Minify JavaScript and CSS [简化的Js和css]
    • Remove Duplicate Scripts [脚本去重]
    • Minimize DOM Access [减少Dom访问]
    • Develop Smart Event Handlers [使用智能事件处理]
  6. Images ·「图片

    • Optimize Images [优化图片]
    • Optimize CSS Sprites [优化雪碧图]
    • Do Not Scale Images in HTML [不要在html中缩放图片]
    • Make favicon.ico Small and Cacheable [使用小且可缓存的favicon.ico]
  7. Mobile ·「移动客户端

    • Keep Components Under 25 KB [保持单个内容小于25KB]
    • Pack Components Into a Multipart Document [打包组建成复合文档]
时间: 2024-12-13 18:04:59

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*/--> pre.src {background-color: Black; color: White;} pre.src {background-color: Black; color: White;} pre.src {background-color: Black; color: White;} pre.src {background-color: Black; color: White;} pre.src {background-color: Black; color: White;}


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