1.Good schema design is pretty universal, but of course MySQL has special implementation details to consider. In a nutshell, it’s a good idea to keep things as small and simple as you can. MySQL likes simplicity, and so will the people who have to work with your database:
• Try to avoid extremes in your design, such as a schema that will force enormously complex queries, or tables with oodles and oodles of columns. (An oodle is somewhere between a scad and a gazillion.)
• Use small, simple, appropriate data types, and avoid NULL unless it’s actually the right way to model your data’s reality.
• Try to use the same data types to store similar or related values, especially if they’ll be used in a join condition.
• Watch out for variable-length strings, which might cause pessimistic full-length memory allocation for temporary tables and sorting.
• Try to use integers for identifiers if you can.
• Avoid the legacy MySQL-isms such as specifying precisions for floating-point numbers or display widths for integers.
• Be careful with ENUM and SET . They’re handy, but they can be abused, and they’re tricky sometimes. BIT is best avoided.
Normalization is good, but denormalization (duplication of data, in most cases) is sometimes actually necessary and beneficial. We’ll see more examples of that in the next chapter. And precomputing, caching, or generating summary tables can also be a big win. Justin Swanhart’s Flexviews tool can help maintain summary tables.Finally, ALTER TABLE can be painful because in most cases, it locks and rebuilds the whole table. We showed a number of workarounds for specific cases; for the general case, you’ll have to use other techniques, such as performing the ALTER on a replica and
then promoting it to master.
高性能MySQL笔记-第4章Optimizing Schema and Data Types
时间: 2024-10-10 20:44:09
高性能MySQL笔记-第4章Optimizing Schema and Data Types的相关文章
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高性能mysql 4,5,6章优化总结
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转载请注明: TheViper http://www.cnblogs.com/TheViper <<高性能mysql>>这本书写的真的很好,只可惜本屌不才,大部分都看不懂,暂且记下与mysql优化有关,对自己有用的东西. 测试指标 吞吐量 吞吐量指的是单位时间内的事务处理数,单位tps(transaction per second).这一直是经典的数据库应用测试的指标. 响应时间或延迟 这个指标用于测试任务所需的整体时间 并发性 注意,web服务器并发性不等同于数据库的并发性.
MySQL性能优化介绍 什么是性能优化呢?其实我们往往从广义的定义是觉得一个MySQL系统的非功能性的优化都会看作是性能优化,比如我们会将数据库服务器的稳定性.每秒执行的SQL查询数目.系统的可扩展性.cpu利用率等等特性的优化都会看成是MySQL的性能优化. 我个人比较赞同本书的观点是MySQL性能优化应该就是指MySQL的查询响应时间的优化,MySQL性能优化就是将查询响应时间优化到一个客户或者用户体验能够接受的一个程度.
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转载请注明: TheViper http://www.cnblogs.com/TheViper 这篇说下mysql查询语句优化 是否请求了不需要的数据 典型案例:查询不需要的记录,多表关联时返回全部列,总是取出全部列,重复查询相同的数据. 是否在扫描额外的记录 最简单的衡量查询开销的指标. 响应数据 扫描的行数 返回的行数 访问类型 在评估查询开销时,需要考虑下从表中找到某一行数据的成本,mysql有好多种方式可以查找并返回一行结果.有些访问方式可能需要扫描很多行才能返回一行结果,也有些方式可能
<High Performance MySQL>真是本经典好书,从应用层到数据库到硬件平台,各种调优技巧.常见问题全都有所提及.数据库的各种概念技巧平时都有接触,像索引.分区.Sharding等等,但要想真正提高还是得如此系统学习一下. Chapter 1: MySQL Architecture and History 1.1 Transaction Isolation Level 事务隔离级别真是个老生常谈的问题的,但大多材料一提到脏读.幻读.重复读就讲得云里雾里,所以还是自己动手实践能体会