How to generate file name according to datetime in bat command

On the command line, note: must copy and paste below lines of code and then execute them one by one:

FOR /f %a IN (‘WMIC OS GET LocalDateTime ^| FIND "."‘) DO SET DTS=%a
SET DateTime=%DTS:~0,4%-%DTS:~4,2%-%DTS:~6,2%_%DTS:~8,2%-%DTS:~10,2%-%DTS:~12,2%
echo %DateTime%

In a BAT file:

@echo off
FOR /f %%a IN (‘WMIC OS GET LocalDateTime ^| FIND "."‘) DO SET DTS=%%a
SET DateTime=%DTS:~0,4%-%DTS:~4,2%-%DTS:~6,2%_%DTS:~8,2%-%DTS:~10,2%-%DTS:~12,2%
echo %DateTime%

Example output:


时间: 2024-12-26 00:35:04

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