Unity报错 : BCE0004: Ambiguous reference 'preview': CameraMotionBlurEditor.preview, UnityEditor.Editor.preview.


“BCE0004: Ambiguous reference ‘preview‘: CameraMotionBlurEditor.preview, UnityEditor.Editor.preview.”

修改  preview 为 preview_

var preview_ : SerializedProperty;
preview_ = serObj.FindProperty ("preview");  

EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (preview_, new GUIContent("Preview"));
if (preview_.boolValue)


Unity报错 : BCE0004: Ambiguous reference 'preview': CameraMotionBlurEditor.preview, UnityEditor.Editor.preview.

时间: 2024-12-24 21:42:06

Unity报错 : BCE0004: Ambiguous reference 'preview': CameraMotionBlurEditor.preview, UnityEditor.Editor.preview.的相关文章

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