import timedef timmer(func): def wrapper(*arg,**kwargs): start_time = time.time() res=func(*arg,**kwargs) end_time = time.time() print("运行时间:",end_time-start_time) return res return wrapper@timmerdef my_max(x,y): time.sleep(1) max = x if x>y else y return max my_max(3,5)print(my_max(3,5))
def auth2(auth_type): def auth(func): def warpper(*args,**kwargs): if auth_type == ‘ldap‘: flag = True while flag: with open("lock", "r",encoding="utf8") as f_read, open("account1", "r",encoding="utf8") as f_write: username = input("input your username:").strip() r=eval(f_write.read()) if username in r : m = f_read.read() f = eval(m) if f[username] == 3: print("username is locked") else: while flag: password = input("input your password") if str(r[username]) == password: print("successful") func() flag = False break else: with open("lock", "w",encoding="utf8") as f_read: number = int(f[username]) number += 1 f[username] = number f_read.write(str(f)) if number == 3: print("lock") flag = False else: print("input right username") else: print("other") return warpper return auth @auth2(auth_type=‘ldap‘)def tell(): print("welcome to oldboy") tell()
时间: 2024-11-06 15:27:04