Stream Editor,sed是文本流编辑器,它能对文本进行行编辑,使用它能对数据进行匹配查找后,进行添加、删除、替换等操作。
sed [options] /pattern/ /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 ······ #pattern为匹配模式;处理多个文件时用空格隔开
[[email protected] scripts]# sed ‘/^#/p‘ /scripts/test # The first line. # The first line. The second one.
[[email protected] scripts]# sed -n ‘1,3p;5,/^#/p‘ /etc/fstab #打印文件中第1行到第3行、第5行到以井号开头的行其内容 #第1行 # #第2行 # /etc/fstab #第3行 # #第4行 # Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under ‘/dev/disk‘ #这里第5行和以井号开头的行是同一行
[email protected]要查找的内容@替换为的内容@g:查找的内容可以使用模式匹配,替换为的内容不能使用模式匹配,但可以引用;标志位:g表示全局,i表示忽略大小写
[[email protected] scripts]# which ls alias ls=‘ls --color=auto‘ /bin/ls [[email protected] scripts]# which ls | sed ‘/^alias/!s#^[[:space:]]##‘ alias ls=‘ls --color=auto‘ /bin/ls [[email protected] scripts]# which ls | sed ‘/^alias/d;s#^[[:space:]]##‘ #先去掉alias开头的行,然后搜索替换去掉空白字符 /bin/ls
. 任意单个字符
[] 范围内
[^] 范围外,例如非空白字符[^[:space:]]
[0-9],[[:digi:]] 数字
[a-z],[[:lower:]] 小写字母
[A-Z],[[:upper:]] 大写字母
[a-zA-Z],[[:alpha:]] 字母
[a-zA-Z0-9],[[:alnum:]] 数字+字母
[[:space:]] 空白字符
[[:punct:]] 标点符号
\{m,n\} 至少m次,最多n次
\{m\} 精确m次
\{m,\} 至少m次
\{0,n\} 最多n次
* 匹配前面字符任意字符任意次
\? 匹配前面字符0次或1次
^ 锚定行首
$ 锚定行尾
\<,\b 锚定词首
\>,\b 锚定词尾
\(\),\1 ,\2,······ 分组
. 任意单个字符
[] 范围内
[^] 范围外,例如非空白字符[^[:space:]]
[0-9],[[:digi:]] 数字
[a-z],[[:lower:]] 小写字母
[A-Z],[[:upper:]] 大写字母
[a-zA-Z],[[:alpha:]] 字母
[a-zA-Z0-9],[[:alnum:]] 数字+字母
[[:space:]] 空白字符
[[:punct:]] 标点符号
{m,n} 至少m次,最多n次
* 匹配前面字符任意字符任意次
? 匹配前面字符0次或1次
+ 匹配前面字符1次或多次
| 或者
( ),\1, \2 分组
^ 锚定行首
$ 锚定行尾
\<,\b 锚定词首
\>,\b 锚定词尾
a \Text:添加内容到匹配的内容下一行,使用\n能添加下一行
i \Text:添加内容到匹配的内容前面一行
c \Text: 将符合条件的内容替换为指定的文本
r /path/to/file:在匹配内容处加入其他文件的内容
w /path/to/file:将匹配内容保存至指定文件中
[[email protected] scripts]# cat test # The first line. The second one. [[email protected] scripts]# sed /^#/p /scripts/test #未使用-n时,不仅打印匹配内容,文件所有内容也会打印到屏幕 # The first line. # The first line. The second one.
[[email protected] scripts]# cat test # The first line. The second one. [[email protected] scripts]# sed /^#/d /scripts/test #删除以井号开头的行 The second one.
[[email protected] scripts]# cat test # The first line. The second one. [[email protected] scripts]# sed ‘/^#/!d‘ /scripts/test #删除非井号开头的行 # The first line.
a \Text:添加内容到匹配的内容下一行,使用\n能添加下一行
[[email protected] scripts]# cat test # The first line. The second one. [[email protected] scripts]# sed ‘/^#/a \next line‘ /scripts/test #内容插入到井号开头的行下一行 # The first line. next line The second one.
i \Text:添加内容到匹配的内容前面一行
[[email protected] scripts]# cat test # The first line. The second one. [[email protected] scripts]# sed ‘/^#/i \previous line‘ /scripts/test #内容插入到井号开头行的上一行 previous line # The first line. The second one. You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
r /path/to/somefile:在匹配内容处加入其他文件的内容
[[email protected] scripts]# cat test # The first line. The second one. [[email protected] scripts]# sed ‘/^#/r /etc/issue‘ /scripts/test #把issue文件的内容加入匹配内容后 # The first line. CentOS release 6.5 (Final) #issue文件中内容 Kernel \r on an \m #issue文件中内容 #issue文件中内容 The second one.
c \Text:将匹配内容替换为指定的文本
[[email protected] scripts]# !c cat test # The first line. The second one. [[email protected] scripts]# sed ‘/^#/c \Replace line.‘ /scripts/test #替换内容 Replace line. The second one.
w /path/to/file:将匹配内容保存至指定文件中
[[email protected] scripts]# ls test [[email protected] scripts]# sed ‘/^#/w /scripts/new‘ /scripts/test # The first line. The second one. [[email protected] scripts]# cat new #匹配的内容已经添加到new文件中,经测试,如果文件中存在内容,此命令相当于>输出重定向,而不是>>追加 # The first line.
[[email protected] scripts]# cat test # The first line. # The second one. # Last line. 111111111111111 222222222222222 333333333333333 # New line. [[email protected] scripts]# sed /^#/= /scripts/test #匹配到内容所在行的行号 1 # The first line. 2 # The second one. 3 # Last line. 111111111111111 222222222222222 333333333333333 7 # New line.
-e:在一个sed命令中使用多个/pattern/,如sed –e /pattern1/ –e /pattern2/ –e /pattern3/ ······ /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 ······,例如
-f:从文件中读取处理脚本,并执行;sed -f sed_scripts8 /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 ······
[[email protected] scripts]# cat test # The first line. # The second line. # Last line. [[email protected] scripts]# sed /first/p /scripts/test #默认除了打印匹配的内容,文件内容也将打印到屏幕 # The first line. # The first line. # The second line. # Last line. [[email protected] scripts]# sed -n /first/p /scripts/test #仅打印匹配的内容 # The first line. [[email protected] scripts]#
[[email protected] scripts]# which ls alias ls=‘ls --color=auto‘ /bin/ls [[email protected] scripts]# which ls | sed ‘/^alias/d‘ /bin/ls [[email protected] scripts]# which ls | sed -e‘/^alias/d‘ -e s#^[[:space:]]## #使用多个/pattern/ /bin/ls [[email protected] scripts]#
[[email protected] scripts]# cat test # The first line. The second line. Last line. [[email protected] scripts]# sed -i ‘s/The first line./The new line./‘ /scripts/test #将文件中“The first line.”修改为“The new line.” [[email protected] scripts]# cat test #已被修改 # The new line. The second line. Last line.
-f:从文件中读取处理脚本,并执行;sed -f sed_scripts8 /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 ······
[[email protected] scripts]# ls new sed.script1 test [[email protected] scripts]# cat sed.script1 #创建一个脚本,里面每行是一个匹配模式或命令 /^#/p /second/w /scripts/new2 [[email protected] scripts]# sed -f /scripts/sed.script1 /scripts/test #使用脚本文件执行命令 # The new line. # The new line. The second line. Last line. [[email protected] scripts]# ls new new2 sed.script1 test [[email protected] scripts]# cat new2 #第二条命令执行结果--->成功 The second line.