

1 Anointing of the Sick British English
2 Civvy Street Clerk of the Closet
3 I mean I must say
4 I suppose so I will thank you to do something
5 Incoming mail server Lithium battery
6 Middle English New Covenant
7 Old Covenant Trivial Pursuit
8 a bad conduct a bad penny always turns up
9 a bad workman always blames his tools a bag of bones
10 a ball of fire a barrel of laughs
11 a bed of roses a big deal
12 a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush a bit much
13 a bit thick a bite at the cherry
14 a blast from the past a blessing in disguise
15 a bowl of cherries a brass farthing
16 a brick short of a load a broken reed
17 a broth of a boy a call to arms
18 a can of worms a centre of excellence
19 a change is as good as a rest a chapter of accidents
20 a chip off the old block a conspiracy of silence
21 a counsel of despair a counsel of perfection
22 a different kettle of fish a done deal
23 a drop in the bucket a dusty answer
24 a dying breed a fate worse than death
25 a fight to the finish a firm hand
26 a foregone conclusion a glutton for punishment
27 a good few a good job
28 a great deal a great many
29 a heartbeat away a helping hand
30 a hill of beans a labour of Hercules
31 a labour of love a leap in the dark
32 a lick and a promise a likely story
33 a little a lump in the throat
34 a matter of a matter of course
35 a matter of opinion a matter of record
36 a meeting of minds a mile a minute
37 a month of Sundays a mover and shaker
38 a name to conjure with a nasty one
39 a necessary evil a needle in a haystack
40 a new broom sweeps clean a new one
41 a nodding acquaintance a pat on the back
42 a peg to hang a matter on a piece of cake
43 a pox on a prophet is not without honour save in his own co
44 a race against time a rainy day
45 a rum go a sack of potatoes
46 a sinking ship a slice of the action
47 a song and dance a square peg in a round hole
48 a stab in the back a stab in the dark
49 a sticky wicket a stiff upper lip
50 a stitch in time saves nine a straight face
51 a tale of a tub a tall order
52 a tangled web a tempest in a teapot
53 a touch a trifle
54 a trouble shared is a trouble halved a voice in the wilderness
55 abandon ship abide by
56 abjure the realm about time
57 about to do something above suspicion
58 above the line access by remote
59 access denied accident and emergency
60 accidental homicide accidents will happen in the best regulated famili
61 according to account for
62 aches and pains acquired taste
63 across country across from
64 across the board act of God
65 act of grace act out
66 act the maggot act up
67 actions speak louder than words add insult to injury
68 after a fashion after a sort
69 after all after hours
70 after you again and again
71 against nature against the grain
72 against the sun agree to differ
73 ahead of ahead of the game
74 ahead of time aid and abet
75 aim high alarums and excursions
76 alive and kicking alive and well
77 alive to all and sundry
78 all at once all bets are off
79 all but all comers
80 all ends up all flesh
81 all for all found
82 all fours all hours
83 all is not lost all manner of
84 all of a tremble all one knows
85 all over bar the shouting all over the lot
86 all over the shop all over the show
87 all present and correct all standing
88 all that glitters is not gold all the best
89 all the go all things considered
90 all to the good all wet
91 along about along with
92 an accident waiting to happen an army marches on its stomach
93 an arrow in the quiver an article of faith
94 an awful lot an early bath
95 an even break an itching palm
96 an offer of amends an old chestnut
97 and company and everything
98 and no mistake and one knows it
99 and so forth and stuff
100 and such and the like
101 and then some answer the description of
102 any amount of any number of
103 any old any old how
104 any port in a storm anything but
105 anywhere near apart from
106 argue the toss arm in arm
107 armed to the teeth arrest of judgement
108 arse about face arse over tit
109 article of virtu as I see it
110 as a general rule as a matter of fact
111 as a rule as and when
112 as clear as mud as cross as two sticks
113 as easy as winking as far as I can see
114 as far as one can tell as fit as a fiddle
115 as fit as a flea as for
116 as fresh as a daisy as from
117 as happy as a sandboy as it happens
118 as it stands as likely as not
119 as luck would have it as much
120 as near as damn it as nutty as a fruitcake
121 as often as not as old as the hills
122 as opposed to as per usual
123 as regular as clockwork as safe as houses
124 as silent as the grave as sober as a judge
125 as such as sure as death
126 as the case may be as the crow flies
127 as though as usual
128 as who should say as yet
129 aside from ask for trouble
130 ask me another asleep at the switch
131 at a clip at a disadvantage
132 at a discount at a glance
133 at a gulp at a lick
134 at a loss at a low ebb
135 at a price at a profit
136 at a range of at a rate of knots
137 at a rough estimate at a stretch
138 at all at all points
139 at an angle at anchor
140 at any price at bay
141 at cross purposes at daggers drawn
142 at first at first blush
143 at first glance at first hand
144 at first instance at first sight
145 at full cock at full stretch
146 at grade at grass
147 at gunpoint at hack
148 at hand at interest
149 at intervals at issue
150 at it at last
151 at leisure at length
152 at liberty at livery
153 at need at port arms
154 at random at risk
155 at root at source
156 at speed at stool
157 at stud at the buzzer
158 at the drop of a hat at the earliest
159 at the end of the day at the end of the rainbow
160 at the furthest at the instance of
161 at the latest at the outside
162 at the slope at the trail
163 at the wicket Cricket at variance
164 at war attachment of earnings
165 away with away with the fairies
166 ax to grind backwards and forwards
167 badly off bag and baggage
168 bake blind bake something blind
169 balance of payments balance of power
170 balance of trade bandy words
171 bank on banner headline
172 baptism of fire bar none
173 bare all bare of
174 bash on bash something out
175 battle it out battle royal
176 battle stations bawl someone out
177 bay for blood be a box of birds
178 be a darling be a far cry from
179 be a mass of be a question of time
180 be able to be absorbed in
181 be after doing something be all ears
182 be all eyes be all fingers and thumbs
183 be all fur coat and no knickers be all hat and no cattle
184 be all smiles be all thumbs
185 be an item be as right as rain
186 be at a stand be at the bottom of
187 be beforehand with be bouncing off the walls
188 be brought to bed be built like a brick shithouse
189 be burned at the stake be carved on tablets of stone
190 be climbing the walls be crook on
191 be crowded with be cruel to be kind
192 be detrimental to be done and dusted
193 be easier said than done be engraved in stone
194 be filled with be firing blanks
195 be for it be fresh out of
196 be full of the joys of spring be gone on
197 be good news be hard on
198 be hearing things be history
199 be in at the death be in at the kill
200 be in credit be in debit
201 be in for be in good company
202 be in hospital be in on the act
203 be in pictures be in the doghouse
204 be in the majority be in the market for
205 be in the money be in the process of doing something
206 be in the race be in the same boat
207 be jumping up and down be left at the post
208 be left for dead be lost for words
209 be lost on be made of sterner stuff
210 be mentioned in dispatches be miles away
211 be my guest be no joke
212 be no respecter of persons be none the wiser
213 be not about to do something be not long for this world
214 be not worth the paper it is written on be nothing to do with
215 be nothing to write home about be nutty about
216 be of be of assistance
217 be of the belief that be of the opinion that
218 be on a hiding to nothing be on about
219 be on about how about just about be on at someone
220 be on firm ground be on nodding terms
221 be on the offensive be on the rag
222 be on the take be on the watch
223 be on to someone be on to something
224 be open to debate be open with
225 be over be part and parcel of
226 be quick off the mark be riding for a fall
227 be running on empty be saved by the bell
228 be seeing things be set in concrete
229 be shitting bricks be sick
230 be similar to be simplicity itself
231 be skin and bone be spoilt for choice
232 be spoken for be staring something in the face
233 be sure be taken ill
234 be ten a penny be that as it may
235 be the case be the death of
236 be the despair of be the limit
237 be the making of someone be the most
238 be the pits be thick on the ground
239 be thrown back on be tickets
240 be to blame be to do with
241 be toast be tuned in
242 be unable to hear oneself think be unable to hold a candle to
243 be under the illusion that be up with the lark
244 be vaccined be well rid of
245 be wise after the event be wrapped up in
246 bear arms bear down on
247 bear fruit bear in mind
248 bear someone a grudge bear the brunt of
249 bear the burden of beat a retreat
250 beat about the bush beat off
251 beat out beat someone at their own game
252 beat someone hollow beat someone to the punch
253 beat the bushes beat the count
254 beat the rap beauty is in the eye of the beholder
255 because of become of
256 bed of nails bedside manner
257 beer and skittles before the mast
258 before the wind before you can say knife
259 beg off beg to differ
260 behind closed doors behind the counter
261 believe it or not bells and whistles
262 below decks belt and braces
263 beneath contempt benefit of clergy
264 bent out of shape besetting sin
265 beside oneself beside the point
266 bet the farm between two fires
267 between you and me and the wall betwixt and between
268 beyond belief beyond description
269 beyond doubt beyond recall
270 beyond the pale beyond the veil
271 bid defiance bid fair
272 bid fair to bid in
273 bid up big gun
274 big idea big jobs
275 big money big on
276 big screen bill and coo
277 bind off birds of a feather flock together
278 bit of rough bit of stuff
279 black out blast off
280 blaze up blissful ignorance
281 blot sth out blow a gasket
282 blow the whistle on blunder into
283 bob and weave bob for apples
284 bob up body and soul
285 bog in bog off boil down
286 boil down to boil over
287 boom boom born and bred
288 born on the wrong side of the blanket bottle and glass
289 bottom out bounce an idea off someone
290 bound up in bow out
291 box of tricks boys in blue
292 boys will be boys brace up
293 brassed off brave new world
294 breach of promise breach of the peace
295 break a leg break bread
296 break camp break cover
297 break down break in
298 break into break off
299 break step break the bank
300 break the ice break the mould
301 breathe fire breed apart
302 breed like rabbits brevity is the soul of wit
303 brew up bricks and mortar
304 bright and early bring down the curtain on
305 bring someone to book bring someone to justice
306 bring something home to bring something into question
307 bring something up to code bring to naught
308 bring to pass bring up the rear
309 broad in the beam broadside on
310 bronze medal brothers in arms
311 brush someone back brush up
312 buck up buckle down
313 buckle to buckle up
314 buddy up bugger all
315 bugger me bugger off
316 bump into bums on seats
317 burden of proof burn out
318 burn something to a crisp burn up
319 burnt to a cinder business as usual
320 bust a gut but for
321 but that butt heads
322 butt in butt naked
323 butt out butter up
324 buy off buy out
325 buy the farm buy time
326 buy up by a canvas
327 by a nose by accident
328 by and by by appointment
329 by appointment to the Queen by choice
330 by common consent by courtesy
331 by default by definition
332 by degrees by deputy
333 by design by dint of
334 by extension by force of
335 by implication by inches
336 by itself by main force
337 by marriage by mistake
338 by name by no manner of means
339 by numbers by oneself
340 by order by parol
341 by road by rule
342 by sea by the book
343 by the dozen by the shoe leather express
344 by the truckload by the yard
345 by water by wire
346 cakes and ale call a halt
347 call a spade a spade call back
348 call down call for
349 call forth call it quits
350 call the tune cannot choose but do something
351 card in card out
352 care of carry a torch for
353 carry away carry forward
354 carry off carry on
355 carve something out case in point
356 cash down cash in
357 cash out cast about
358 cast around cast off
359 cast on catch a crab
360 catch fire catch on
361 catch out catch someone napping
362 catch someone with their trousers down catch the sun
363 catch up cause and effect
364 cause of action caver in
365 caviar to the general chain of causation
366 chalk up change address
367 change colour change hands
368 change of pace change of scene
369 change of scenery change off
370 chapter and verse charity begins at home
371 chase the dragon chat someone up
372 chat up cheap and cheerful
373 cheap and nasty cheap at the price
374 cheap at twice the price check in
375 check out check over
376 cheek by jowl cheek to cheek
377 chew the cud chew the rag
378 chew the scenery chime in
379 chip in choke back
380 choke off choke something back
381 choke up choose up
382 chop logic chosen few
383 chosen people churn out
384 churn something out circle the wagons
385 circumstances alter cases citizen of the world
386 claim to fame clamp down
387 clap eyes on clap hold of
388 clarion call clasp hands
389 clean out clean up
390 clerk of the course climb down
391 clip the wings of close but no cigar
392 close by close in
393 close out close the books
394 closed book clutch at straws
395 coals to Newcastle come a mucker
396 come about come across
397 come along come down the pike
398 come in handy come into question
399 come out in the wash come out of the woodwork
400 come to a bad end come to a sticky end
401 come to grief come to naught
402 come to no harm come to pass
403 come to rest come to terms with
404 come true come up dry
405 come up smiling comedy of errors
406 commend me to commercial potential
407 commit suicide common ground
408 common knowledge common or garden
409 complete with conclude missives
410 confidential material considerable experience
411 contradiction in terms contrary to
412 cor blimey corn on the cob
413 corridors of power count coup
414 count noses count on
415 count sheep crack a book
416 crack a bottle crack a crib
417 crack of dawn crack the whip
418 crank out crank up
419 crap on crash and burn
420 cream something off creature of habit
421 credit where credit is due crop out
422 crop up cross that bridge when one comes to it
423 cross the floor crowning glory
424 cruising for a bruising cry wolf
425 crystal clear cuckoo in the nest
426 culpable homicide curiosity killed the cat
427 curry favor currying favor with
428 cut a caper cut a swath
429 cut on the bias cut someone some slack
430 cut someone to the quick cut the cackle
431 cut the mustard daily life
432 damsel in distress dance attendance on
433 dash something off day of obligation
434 dead as mutton deafening silence
435 defence in depth defy description
436 degrees of frost deliver the goods
437 delusions of grandeur depart this life
438 depending on deserve a medal
439 desperate diseases must have desperate remedies dialogue of the deaf
440 diamond cut diamond diamond in the rough
441 dice with death different strokes for different folks
442 dig a pit for discretion is the better part of valour
443 dish out dish the dirt
444 dispose of distance lends enchantment to the view
445 distinction without a difference division of labour
446 do a bunk do a fade
447 do a runner do anything for a quiet life
448 do drugs do lunch
449 do more harm than good do oneself an injury
450 do oneself justice do someone a favour
451 do someone an injustice do someone dirt
452 do someone no favours do someone proud
453 do the business do the decent thing
454 do the dirty on someone do the honours
455 do the job do the trick
456 do violence to do without
457 dog and bone dog eat dog
458 dog in the manger dollars to doughnuts
459 done for doom and gloom
460 dope something out down south
461 down the drain down the hatch
462 down the middle down the road
463 down to the wire doze off
464 drag someone through the mud draw a bead on
465 draw a blank draw a veil over
466 draw blood draw rein
467 dress someone down dress something up
468 dressed overall dressed to kill
469 dressed to nines drink and drive
470 drink deep drive a coach and horses through
471 drive a hard bargain drive a wedge between
472 drive at drive someone to distraction
473 drive someone up the wall drive something home
474 drop anchor drunk and disorderly
475 due to duke it out
476 dull as dishwater dummy up
477 dump on dust and ashes
478 dyed in the wool each and every
479 eager beaver early bird
480 early doors easy of access
481 eat crow eat dirt
482 eat humble pie ebb and flow
483 economical with the truth economy of scale
484 economy of scope eff and blind
485 eh up either way
486 enough is as good as a feast enough is enough
487 enough said enter into the spirit
488 enter the lists err on the right side
489 err on the side of err on the side of caution
490 eternal triangle even as
491 even if even though
492 ever and anon ever since
493 every bit as every cloud has a silver lining
494 every few every inch
495 every nook and cranny every trick in the book
496 every whit everything but the kitchen sink
497 everything in the garden is rosy everywhere else
498 exchange contracts excuse me
499 exeunt omnes explain away
500 explain oneself extremes meet
501 eyeball to eyeball fade in
502 fade out fall between two stools
503 fall by the wayside fall flat
504 fall into step fall off of the back a lorry
505 fall on stony ground fall prey to
506 fall victim to false position
507 familiarity breeds contempt famous for being famous
508 famous for fifteen minutes famous last words
509 far and near far and wide
510 farm out favourite son
511 feel strange feel the draught
512 feet of clay fetch and carry
513 fetch up few and far between
514 fiddle while Rome burns fifteen minutes of fame
515 fight a losing battle fight fire with fire
516 fight or flight fight shy of
517 fight tooth and nail figure of fun
518 figure of speech find fault
519 find favour find the lady
520 finish someone off finish up
521 fire and brimstone fire away
522 first cousin once removed first cousin twice removed
523 fish or cut bait fishing expedition
524 fit like a glove fit the bill
525 fit to be tied fit to bust
526 fix up flatten out
527 flavour of the month flicker out
528 flog a dead horse flunk out
529 flutter the dovecotes fly in the face of
530 fly the coop fly the flag
531 fob off food for thought
532 for a certainty for a song
533 for all seasons for aye
534 for certain for crying out loud
535 for dear life for effect
536 for example for free
537 for fun for future reference
538 for keeps for my money
539 for nothing for now
540 for one for openers
541 for real for rent
542 for show for starters
543 for sure for that matter
544 for the benefit of for the birds
545 for the duration for the love of God
546 for the love of Mike for the most part
547 for the nonce for the pot
548 for the record for the ride
549 for the sake of argument for the taking
550 for want of forbid the banns
551 forbidden fruit force the bidding
552 forced march forever and a day
553 forever and ever forge ahead
554 form of address fortune favours the brave
555 forty winks four noble truths
556 free and easy free of charge
557 freshen up from all angles
558 from bad to worse from memory
559 from pillar to post from soup to nuts
560 from stem to stern from strength
561 from the floor from the top
562 from top to bottom from top to toe
563 front and center front of house
564 froth at the mouth fuck all
565 full to overflowing fun and games
566 functionally illiterate funk something up
567 fur and feather gain time
568 game on gang agley
569 gang up gas up
570 gather way get a fix on
571 get a load of get a move on
572 get a shift on get a wiggle on
573 get a word in edgeways get down to brass tacks
574 get hitched get hold of
575 get in there get into bed with
576 get it on get it up
577 get knotted get lost
578 get moving get on top of
579 get or have itchy feet get out of bed on the wrong side
580 get outside of get physical
581 get religion get rid of
582 get sick get someone wrong
583 get something in one get something over with
584 get something straight get somewhere
585 get stuffed get the message
586 get the nod get to first base
587 get weaving get wind of
588 get with the program ghost at the feast
589 gild the lily give and take
590 give as good as one gets give birth
591 give credence to give evidence
592 give it a rest give oneself airs
593 give place to give pursuit
594 give someone a mouthful give someone a shout
595 give someone the creeps give someone the glad eye
596 give someone the hairy eyeball give someone the shudders
597 give someone the slip give someone their due
598 give something a miss give something a whirl
599 give something up as a bad job give suck
600 give up the ghost give voice to
601 gloom and doom go astray
602 go ballistic go belly up
603 go bush go by default
604 go by the board go by the wayside
605 go commando go crook
606 go down a bomb go down a storm
607 go down in history go down the drain
608 go down the pan go downhill
609 go flying go for broke
610 go for the jugular go gold
611 go into action go into detail
612 go it alone go legit
613 go mad go nap
614 go native go off the rails
615 go overboard go phut
616 go places go platinum
617 go postal go private
618 go public go shares
619 go south go steady
620 go straight go the distance
621 go the extra mile go the knuckle
622 go the way of all flesh go the whole hog
623 go through the motions go to arbitration
624 go to bed with go to court
625 go to pot go to press
626 go to sea go to smash
627 go to the mat go to the pack
628 go to the stake for go to the wars
629 go to town go to war
630 go to waste go up in smoke
631 go walkabout go west
632 go with the flow go without
633 going on gone a million
634 good riddance good wine needs no bush
635 grasp the nettle grease the palm of
636 grease the skids great and small
637 great oaks from little acorns grow grin and bear it
638 grist to the mill grow into
639 guard of honour guest of honour
640 guilt by association gum up
641 gun for hack around
642 hack someone off hacking cough
643 had need had rather
644 hail from hair of the dog
645 half a loaf is better than no bread half the battle
646 hand down hand on
647 hand out hand over
648 handsome is as handsome does hang around
649 hang back hang by a thread
650 happy hunting ground hard as nails
651 hard cheese harden something off
652 hardening of the arteries hardly any
653 hardly ever harmony of the spheres
654 harp on haul someone over the coals
655 have a bun in the oven have a cadenza
656 have a cow have a few
657 have a lock on have a mountain to climb
658 have a problem with have a shy at
659 have a soft spot for have a thin time
660 have a tin ear have an aptitude for
661 have an aptitude to have an axe to grind
662 have at have been around
663 have been in the wars have designs on
664 have everything have eyes like a hawk
665 have eyes like saucers have first dibs on
666 have it both ways have kittens
667 have no business have nothing on someone
668 have nothing to do with have nothing to lose
669 have on have one over the eight
670 have someone on toast have something against someone
671 have something on good authority have something to offer
672 have swallowed a dictionary have the advantage of
673 have tickets on oneself have two left feet
674 have what it takes he who hesitates is lost
675 he who pays the piper calls the tune head off
676 hear from hearken back
677 heave in sight heave to
678 heavy going hem and haw
679 her indoors here and now
680 here and there here goes
681 hey up hidden depths
682 hide out highly commended
683 his and hers hit the bottle
684 hit the hay hit the road
685 hit the sack hit the skids
686 hit the spot hither and yon
687 hive off hive something off
688 hoe in hoe into
689 hold a brief for hold a candle to
690 hold back hold down
691 hold forth hold no brief for
692 hold off hold someone in contempt
693 hold something in fee hold sway
694 hold the field hold the purse strings
695 hold the ring hold the stage
696 honesty is the best policy honor bound
697 honour bright honours are even
698 hook up hope for the best
699 hope springs eternal in the human breast hopping mad
700 house of ill fame how much
701 how the land lies how the world wags
702 howl down huff and puff
703 ice the puck idle something away
704 if I were you if and only if
705 if and when if anything
706 if my memory serves me ill at ease
707 imitation is the sincerest form of flattery in Queer Street
708 in a body in a brown study
709 in a delicate condition in a fog
710 in a hurry in a manner of speaking
711 in a minor key in a nutshell
712 in a snap in a spot
713 in a vacuum in a whirl
714 in accord with in action
715 in actual fact in addition
716 in addition to in advance
717 in advance of in aid of
718 in all in all innocence
719 in all likelihood in all probability
720 in all weathers in an interesting condition
721 in and out of in anticipation
722 in arms in attendance
723 in ballast in behalf of
724 in bond in bottle
725 in bounds in brief
726 in broad daylight in bud
727 in bulk in business
728 in canon in cement
729 in chorus in clover
730 in commemoration in commission
731 in common in company
732 in company with in concert
733 in conclusion in conference
734 in conjunction in connection with
735 in consideration of in contention
736 in context in contravention of
737 in control in convoy
738 in court in danger of
739 in default in default of
740 in deference to in defiance of
741 in demand in depth
742 in detail in dock
743 in doubt in due course
744 in duplicate in earnest
745 in eclipse in effect
746 in effigy in embryo
747 in escrow in essence
748 in exchange in facsimile
749 in favor of in favour
750 in fawn in fess
751 in flank in for
752 in front in front of
753 in fruit in full career
754 in full flight in full flow
755 in full view in funds
756 in future in gear
757 in general in goal
758 in good standing in hardback
759 in harness in her complement
760 in hock in honour bound
761 in isolation in its entirety
762 in its totality in itself
763 in jig time in lamb
764 in league in less than no time
765 in lieu of in little
766 in marriage in mass
767 in memory of in mesh
768 in microcosm in midstream
769 in milk in miniature
770 in mint condition in mitigation
771 in moderation in mothballs
772 in motion in no uncertain terms
773 in obedience to in on
774 in opposition in order
775 in order for in order that
776 in order to in order to do something
777 in ordinary in outline
778 in pale in paperback
779 in parallel in parenthesis
780 in particular in passing
781 in pawn in pod
782 in point of fact in practice
783 in principle in private
784 in process of time in profile
785 in progress in proportion
786 in pup in question
787 in rags in recovery
788 in relation to in relief
789 in reserve in residence
790 in residence take up residence in retard
791 in retrospect in ruins
792 in safe hands in sequence
793 in series in session
794 in seventh heaven in shore
795 in short order in short supply
796 in silence in silhouette
797 in small doses in some sort
798 in sooth in spades
799 in specie in spite of
800 in spite of oneself in sport
801 in spots in stitches
802 in substance in sum
803 in summary in sunder
804 in support of in tandem
805 in that in the absence of sth
806 in the abstract in the affirmative
807 in the air in the altogether
808 in the balance in the belief that
809 in the buff in the can
810 in the cart in the catbird seat
811 in the cause of in the concrete
812 in the dock in the driving seat
813 in the field in the gift of
814 in the land of the living in the last analysis
815 in the lurch in the main
816 in the making in the market
817 in the mass in the matter of
818 in the middle of in the midst of
819 in the neighbourhood of in the nip
820 in the nude in the offing
821 in the ordinary way in the pink
822 in the pipeline in the process
823 in the pudding club in the region of
824 in the rough in the saddle
825 in the same boat in the second place
826 in the sequel in the soup
827 in the sun in the throes of
828 in the wake of in the wash
829 in theory in this or that connection
830 in touch in tow
831 in train in trim
832 in triplicate in truth
833 in type in unison
834 in view in view of
835 in voice in wait
836 in waiting in wear
837 in whelp in whole
838 in with a shout in words of one syllable
839 in writing individual economy
840 influenza vaccine informed consent
841 inhabited environment inquire after
842 inshore of inside of
843 inside out inspection stock
844 into orbit iron out
845 it is all up with it is only a matter of time
846 it makes no odds it never rains but it pours
847 it stands to reason it takes all sorts to make a world
848 it takes two to tango jam on the brakes
849 jam tomorrow join battle
850 join forces join hands
851 join issue join the club
852 jump the gun just as well
853 just in case justifiable homicide
854 keel over keen on
855 keep a weather eye on keep an eye out
856 keep at keep body and soul together
857 keep cave keep company
858 keep down keep mum
859 keep nit keep off
860 keep pace with keep regular hours
861 keep someone dangling keep someone sweet
862 keep something dark keep something warm for someone
863 keep the field keep the flag flying
864 keep the pot boiling keep to
865 keep up appearances keep watch
866 keep wicket keep your pecker up
867 keep your shirt on key up
868 kick against the pricks kick over the traces
869 kill off kill the fatted calf
870 kiss the rod knock someone off their perch
871 knock someone sideways know what one is about what about
872 knuckle down knuckle under
873 labour the point labour under
874 lap up lares and penates
875 lash out latch on
876 laugh at launch into launch out
877 law of octaves lay about
878 lay aside lay away
879 lay by lay claim to
880 lay down the law lay siege to
881 lay something on the table lead off
882 lead on lead someone astray
883 lead someone by the nose lead someone to the altar
884 lead someone up the aisle lead the field
885 lead up to lean on
886 leave alone leave off
887 leave school leave someone to their own devices
888 lend an ear less and less
889 let alone let bygones be bygones
890 let down let drive
891 let go let on
892 let out let somebody stew in their own juice
893 let something ride let something slide
894 let something slip let up
895 level off liaison interpreting
896 licence to print money lie down
897 lie in life and limb
898 lift off light at the end of the tunnel
899 light up lightning never strikes twice in the same place
900 like a bull at a gate like a bull in a china shop
901 like a demon like a dose of salts
902 like a lamb to the slaughter like a leech
903 like a moth to the flame like a red rag to a bull
904 like a scalded cat like a shag on a rock
905 like a streak like a ton of bricks
906 like anything like blazes
907 like clockwork like crazy
908 like fury like greased lightning
909 like mad like magic
910 like stink like turkeys voting for Christmas
911 like watching paint dry line of communications
912 line up listen in
913 little by little little or nothing
914 live down live in
915 live like a lord live out
916 live with loaded for bear
917 lock horns lock on to
918 lock out loiter with intent
919 look a fright look after
920 look as if you have seen a ghost look daggers at
921 look for look for trouble
922 look kindly on look like
923 look lively look smart
924 lop and top lose a wicket
925 lose caste lose face
926 lose flesh lose heart
927 lose out lose out on
928 lose the plot lose time
929 lose touch lovely jubbly
930 lower the boom on lull sb to do sth
931 made for make a beeline for
932 make a clean breast of make a clean sweep
933 make a conquest of make a drama out of
934 make a face make a fight of it
935 make a fuss make a go of
936 make a hash of make a killing
937 make a market make a match
938 make a meal of make a mockery of
939 make a mountain out of a molehill make a move
940 make a noise make a production of
941 make a spectacle of oneself make a splash
942 make a statement make an ass of oneself
943 make an example of make an exhibition of oneself
944 make an issue of make away with
945 make capital out of make certain
946 make common cause make conversation
947 make for make hay while the sun shines
948 make heavy weather of make history
949 make it a rule to do something make it snappy
950 make little of make mincemeat of someone
951 make no mistake about it make off
952 make oneself scarce make oneself useful
953 make out make over
954 make room make shift
955 make someone sick make someone welcome
956 make sport of make the grade
957 make the most of make the papers
958 make waves make whoopee
959 many moons ago map something out
960 margin of error mark down
961 mark up marriage of convenience
962 may as well me and mine
963 meals on wheels mean business
964 mean to say mean well
965 measure up medieval Latin
966 meet the case meeting of the minds
967 melt in the mouth might as well
968 mince matters mine host
969 minor in minute of arc
970 miss a beat mop something up
971 mop up more and more
972 more like it more often than not
973 more or less move heaven and earth to do something
974 move in move the goalposts
975 move up a gear mow down
976 mow someone down muddle through
977 muddy the waters music of the spheres
978 must needs do something muster in
979 muster out mutton dressed as lamb
980 my humble abode my oath
981 my sainted aunt nail down
982 naked of narrow something down
983 near at hand near enough
984 necessity is the mother of invention needless to say
985 neither chick nor child neither here nor there
986 never a one never cease to
987 never fear never mind
988 never say die next in line
989 night and day nine tenths
990 nine times out of ten nip something in the bud
991 no amount of no can do
992 no comment no contest
993 no dice no harm done
994 no less no little
995 no longer no matter
996 no more no news is good news
997 no object no offence
998 no other no picnic
999 no problem no rest for the wicked
1000 no soap no thanks to
1001 none other than none the less
1002 none the worse for nor yet
1003 nose out not a patch on
1004 not a sausage not at all
1005 not be able to do something for toffee not be fussy
1006 not but what not care a cent
1007 not cricket not for all the tea in China
1008 not give a stuff not go nap on
1009 not guilty not half
1010 not have a clue not have a prayer
1011 not have the faintest not in the same street
1012 not in the slightest not know the meaning of the word
1013 not least not much chop
1014 not nearly not necessarily
1015 not playing with a full deck not proven
1016 not put it past someone not quite
1017 not so dusty not stand the ghost of a chance
1018 not suffer fools gladly not take kindly to
1019 not the full quid not the full shilling
1020 not the only pebble on the beach not to be sneezed at
1021 not to speak of not to worry
1022 not trust someone as far as one can throw them not very
1023 not worth a red cent nothing daunted
1024 nothing of the sort nothing succeeds like success
1025 object of virtu of a lifetime
1026 of a size of a sort
1027 of all of good cheer
1028 of necessity of some size
1029 of the deepest dye of the essence
1030 off and on off limits
1031 off the boat off the bridle
1032 off the cuff off the grid
1033 off the map off the pace
1034 off the peg off the shelf
1035 official presentation oh boy
1036 oh well oil and water
1037 oil the wheels old fruit
1038 old trout on a budget
1039 on a plate on a platter
1040 on a silver platter on a sixpence
1041 on a wing and a prayer on balance
1042 on behalf of on board
1043 on cloud nine on commission
1044 on consignment on cue
1045 on demand on deposit
1046 on draft on draught
1047 on drugs on fire
1048 on horseback on ice
1049 on loan on order
1050 on paper on parade
1051 on principle on purpose
1052 on release on relief
1053 on remand in custody on security of something
1054 on shipboard on shore
1055 on song on spec
1056 on special on standby
1057 on stilts on supply
1058 on tap on target
1059 on the agenda on the alert
1060 on the auction block on the barrelhead
1061 on the bench on the bounce
1062 on the cadge on the carpet
1063 on the cheap on the couch
1064 on the crest of a wave on the cuff
1065 on the debit side on the decrease
1066 on the defensive on the dole
1067 on the downgrade on the hip
1068 on the hoof on the horizon
1069 on the increase on the inside
1070 on the job on the latch
1071 on the market on the mat
1072 on the other hand on the outside
1073 on the outside looking in on the prod
1074 on the prowl on the rails
1075 on the rebound on the road
1076 on the same page on the scent
1077 on the scrounge on the sea
1078 on the shelf on the side of the angels
1079 on the skew on the skids
1080 on the sly on the spot
1081 on the spree on the spur of the moment
1082 on the streets on the stump
1083 on the surface on the table
1084 on the telephone on the tiles
1085 on the town on the upgrade
1086 on the wane on thin ice
1087 on thorns on trial
1088 on velvet on view
1089 on welfare on which the sun never sets
1090 on wings one nation
1091 one of us one swallow does not make a summer
1092 only just open sesame
1093 open slather open up
1094 opportunity knocks or else
1095 or so or something
1096 or whatever or whenever
1097 or wherever or worse
1098 other than out front
1099 out loud out of a clear blue sky
1100 out of bounds out of commission
1101 out of context out of control
1102 out of court out of danger
1103 out of gear out of humor
1104 out of humour out of joint
1105 out of plumb out of practice
1106 out of proportion out of the box
1107 out of the handicap out of the ordinary
1108 out of the question out of the woodwork
1109 out of touch out of whack
1110 out on a limb out to lunch
1111 outboard of over against
1112 over and above over and done with
1113 over my dead body over the counter
1114 over the hill over the moon
1115 over the transom over with
1116 overshoot the mark overstep the mark
1117 owe someone a grudge owing to
1118 pack a punch pack heat
1119 pack it in packed like sardines
1120 pad something out pad up
1121 paint oneself into a corner paint the town red
1122 pair of hands palm off
1123 pan and scan pan out
1124 panic stations paper over
1125 paper over the cracks parallelogram of forces
1126 part of the furniture part with
1127 pass away pass for
1128 pass muster pass off
1129 pass out pass the parcel
1130 past it pat someone on the back
1131 patent infringement pay court to
1132 pay off pay out
1133 pay someone back in their own coin pay up
1134 peaches and cream pearls before swine
1135 peed off peel off
1136 peel out pen and ink
1137 pencil something in per pale
1138 perish the thought perk up
1139 permit me phase in
1140 phase out pick and choose
1141 pick apart pick at
1142 pick holes in pick nits
1143 pick off pick on
1144 pigmy hippopotamus pile up
1145 pin down pin on
1146 piping hot piss off
1147 planning blight play footsie
1148 play footsie with play havoc with
1149 play politics play possum
1150 play someone false play to the gallery
1151 play truant plea of tender
1152 plow back pluck up courage
1153 plug in plug into
1154 plug something in ply for hire
1155 poacher turned gamekeeper port of entry
1156 posh something up pot of gold
1157 pour cold water on pour it on
1158 pour oil on troubled waters pour scorn on
1159 power of appointment practice makes perfect
1160 practise what one preaches praise be
1161 preach down preach to the converted
1162 preach up preliminary to
1163 preparatory to press charges
1164 press something home press the flesh
1165 prevention is better than cure previous to
1166 prime the pump primrose path
1167 prince of the blood princess of the blood
1168 principal in the first degree prior to
1169 private address prop up the bar
1170 propose marriage prove out
1171 psych someone out psych something out
1172 public performance pull a fast one
1173 pull away pull back
1174 pull down pull in
1175 pull out all the stops pull up stakes
1176 pump up punch in
1177 punch out pure and simple
1178 purify something from push the boat out
1179 put a brave face on something put a crimp in
1180 put a false complexion on put a period to
1181 put a stop to put down roots
1182 put off the evil day put on the map
1183 put out to pasture put paid to
1184 put someone on the spot put someone out to pasture
1185 put someone to shame put something on the map
1186 put something out to tender put something up the spout
1187 put the acid on put the cart before the horse
1188 put the mockers on put the skids under
1189 put the squeeze on put the tin lid on
1190 put to rout put to shame
1191 put up a fight put up the shutters
1192 queen it quick on the trigger
1193 quids in quit hold of
1194 rain cats and dogs rain out
1195 raise Cain raise the devil
1196 rake and scrape rake up
1197 rant and rave ray of sunshine
1198 read out read someone like a book
1199 read up really and truly
1200 reckon with redress the balance
1201 reduce someone to the ranks reduced circumstances
1202 reel off reel something off
1203 refer to drawer reflect on
1204 regardless of rehearsal for
1205 reinvent the wheel rejoice in
1206 relative to remain to be seen
1207 rend the air renounce the world
1208 report out resort to
1209 rewrite history rewrite the record books
1210 rhyme or reason ride for a fall
1211 ride herd on ride high
1212 ride out ride roughshod over
1213 ride to hounds ring up
1214 rip into rise like a phoenix from the ashes
1215 rise to the bait rite of passage
1216 rob Peter to pay Paul rock the boat
1217 roll back roll out
1218 roll over roll up
1219 rough and ready rough around the edges
1220 rough it round on
1221 round the twist round up
1222 royal road to rub down
1223 rub in rub out
1224 rule of law rule out
1225 run a blockade run a tight ship
1226 run across run after
1227 run against run along
1228 run interference run out of gas
1229 run riot run someone ragged
1230 run the gamut run wild
1231 run with the hare and hunt with the hounds rustle something up
1232 sabbatical leave sackcloth and ashes
1233 sad to say safe in the knowledge that
1234 safety first salute the judge
1235 satisfy the examiners saw off
1236 say a mouthful say cheese
1237 scare something up scissors and paste
1238 scoot over scot and lot
1239 scrape acquaintance with scrub round
1240 scrub up second cousin
1241 second cousin once removed second of arc
1242 second to none secret address
1243 secure arms security of tenure
1244 see daylight seeing is believing
1245 seek dead seize the day
1246 sell like hot cakes sell someone a bill of goods
1247 sell someone a dummy sell someone down the river
1248 send a message send someone flying
1249 send someone packing send someone to Coventry
1250 send someone to the showers sense of proportion
1251 sentimental value separate the wheat from the chaff
1252 separation of powers serve at table
1253 serve someone right set at naught
1254 set in motion set something aside
1255 set the agenda set the stage for
1256 set up shop sew something up
1257 share and share alike sharp as a tack
1258 shift for oneself ship a sea
1259 shiver my timbers shop around
1260 short commons shout something from the rooftops
1261 shove off shove up
1262 show willing shuffle off this mortal coil
1263 sideways on sign of the cross
1264 sign of the times silence is golden
1265 simmer down sing the praises of
1266 skeleton in the cupboard slap down
1267 slap in the face slap on the back
1268 slap on the wrist slap someone on the back
1269 sleight of hand slice of life
1270 slippery slope slope arms
1271 slope off slough sth off
1272 slowly but surely smell a rat
1273 smell blood smell the roses
1274 snow someone under snow under
1275 soak something up social conventional
1276 sod all soft option
1277 soft touch some few
1278 some little someone had a good innings
1279 something fierce something nasty in the woodshed
1280 somewhat of son of a bitch
1281 son of a gun sore point
1282 sorry for oneself soup something up
1283 spanner in the works spark out
1284 sparks fly speak evil of
1285 speak the same language spend a penny
1286 spill the beans spin a yarn
1287 splendid isolation split the difference
1288 spoil for spread like wildfire
1289 spread oneself too thin spring a leak
1290 stab someone in the back stack arms
1291 stake a claim stand on ceremony
1292 stand sentinel stand sentry
1293 stand someone in good stead stark naked
1294 start a hare status quo
1295 stave off steal a march on
1296 steal someone blind steer a middle course
1297 steer clear of step into the breach
1298 step on the gas sticky fingers
1299 stiff as a board still and all
1300 still small voice still waters run deep
1301 sting in the tail stir the blood
1302 stitch someone up stop at nothing
1303 straight up strain at the leash
1304 streak of lightning streets ahead
1305 stricken in years strike a balance
1306 strike a discordant note strive for
1307 struggling movie industry stuck on
1308 stuffed toys stump something up
1309 suck it and see suck it up
1310 suck someone dry sugar the pill
1311 suit the action to the word sum up
1312 supply and demand surrender to bail
1313 survival of the fittest suspend disbelief
1314 suspend payment swarm up
1315 swear like a trooper sweep someone off their feet
1316 sweep something under the carpet sweep the board
1317 sweeten the pill sweetness and light
1318 switch something off switch something on
1319 take a bath take a beating
1320 take a chair take a dim view of
1321 take a dive take a flyer
1322 take a hammering take a shine to
1323 take a woman to wife take advantage of
1324 take advice take aim
1325 take cognizance of take delivery of
1326 take exception to take fright
1327 take into consideration take issue
1328 take issue with take liberties
1329 take no prisoners take ship
1330 take silk take someone aback
1331 take someone down a peg or two take someone in rear
1332 take someone or something for granted take someone to task
1333 take someone to the cleaners take someone to the woodshed
1334 take something amiss take something kindly
1335 take something on board take something personally
1336 take something under advisement take the biscuit
1337 take the bull by the horns take the chair
1338 take the field take the fifth
1339 take the floor take the gilt off the gingerbread
1340 take the liberty take the mound
1341 take the plunge take the salute
1342 take the shine off take the starch out of someone
1343 take the veil take time by the forelock
1344 take too much for granted talk nineteen to the dozen
1345 talk shop talk turkey
1346 tank up tea and sympathy
1347 teach school teach someone a lesson
1348 tear someone limb from limb tease out
1349 tee off tee someone off
1350 tell tales tell that to the marines
1351 ten out of ten ten to one
1352 tender mercies terminate someone with extreme prejudice
1353 terms of reference testify against
1354 thank someone kindly thanks a million
1355 thanks to that is as may be
1356 the Ancient of Days the Established Church
1357 the Eternal City the Evil One
1358 the Fab Four the Supreme Being
1359 the Whore of Babylon the Windy City
1360 the Yard the acceptable face of
1361 the ancients the angel in the house
1362 the apple never falls far from the tree the ayes have it
1363 the back of an envelope the back of beyond
1364 the ball is in your court the ball of the foot
1365 the ball of the thumb the bare bones
1366 the beautiful people the beginning of the end
1367 the benefit of the doubt the betting is
1368 the big boys the big enchilada
1369 the big lie the bird has flown
1370 the birds and the bees the bloom is off the rose
1371 the body beautiful the brass ring
1372 the calm before the storm the centre of attention
1373 the chattering classes the cherry on the cake
1374 the chop the coast is clear
1375 the common good the corridors of power
1376 the course of nature the damage is done
1377 the darkest hour is just before the dawn the deep end
1378 the dirty end of the stick the dismals
1379 the distaff side the dizzy heights
1380 the dole queue the dust settles
1381 the early bird catches the worm the eleventh hour
1382 the end of the road the evil eye
1383 the exception proves the rule the eye of a needle
1384 the fat is in the fire the final straw
1385 the finished article the firing line
1386 the flower of the forbidden degrees
1387 the fortunes of war the four freedoms
1388 the fourth estate the fur will fly
1389 the game is up the garden of England
1390 the genuine article the ghost in the machine
1391 the gift of the gab the gift of tongues
1392 the gory details the grass is always greener on the other side of t
1393 the great and the good the heavens open
1394 the heavy mob the international community
1395 the jig is up the jury is out
1396 the land of Nod the land of the free
1397 the law of the jungle the length and breadth of
1398 the lowest of the low the lull before the storm
1399 the mailed fist the middle of nowhere
1400 the mixture as before the next world
1401 the noes have it the object of the exercise
1402 the oldest profession the opposite sex
1403 the other side of the coin the path of least resistance
1404 the patter of tiny feet the pen is mightier than the sword
1405 the plot thickens the pot calling the kettle black
1406 the proof of the pudding is in the eating the public eye
1407 the rest is history the rocky road to
1408 the rough end of the pineapple the royal road
1409 the scheme of things the sharp end
1410 the silent majority the silent treatment
1411 the silly season the sky is the limit
1412 the sport of kings the staff of life
1413 the sterner sex the straight and narrow
1414 the sun is over the yardarm the tail wags the dog
1415 the thin blue line the thrill of the chase
1416 the time is ripe the tried and true
1417 the university of life the weak link
1418 the weaker sex the whip hand
1419 the whole enchilada the whole shooting match
1420 the witching hour the world is your oyster
1421 the yellow peril there is no knowing
1422 there is no mistaking someone or something there is no rose without a thorn
1423 thereby hangs a tale thin air
1424 thin end of the wedge think scorn of
1425 thrash out thrash something out
1426 three cheers three parts
1427 thrills and spills through and through
1428 throw away the key throw something overboard
1429 throw the baby out with the bathwater tide over
1430 tide someone over tie someone hand and foot
1431 tie to be tied till doomsday
1432 till the cows come home tired and emotional
1433 to a T to a degree
1434 to a nicety to a tee
1435 to advantage to all intents and purposes
1436 to be on the safe side to be precise
1437 to begin with to coin a phrase
1438 to crown it all to date
1439 to distraction to good purpose
1440 to no purpose to perfection
1441 to that effect to the accompaniment of
1442 to the best of my belief to the bitter end
1443 to the core to the effect that
1444 to the exclusion of to the fore
1445 to the gunwales to the letter
1446 to the manner born to the marrow
1447 to the nth degree to the purpose
1448 to the skies to windward
1449 to windward of today week
1450 together with tone down
1451 tone something down tone up
1452 too clever by half tool up
1453 torsional vibration tough it out
1454 tower of strength toy with
1455 trade places trail arms
1456 transcendental meditation trial and error
1457 trial by fire trip the light fantastic
1458 trip up on troop the colour
1459 trouble and strife troubled waters
1460 tuck something away tug of love
1461 turn on the charm turn something to advantage
1462 turn the other cheek turn the tables
1463 turn traitor turn turtle
1464 two cheers under a cloud
1465 under a spell under attack
1466 under bare poles under canvas
1467 under consideration under control
1468 under debate under lock and key
1469 under observation under protest
1470 under review under sentence of
1471 under siege under suspicion
1472 under the auspices of under the banner of
1473 under the hatches under the impression that
1474 under the influence under the microscope
1475 under the open sky under the sod
1476 under the sun under the table
1477 under the weather under way Dutch
1478 undesirable components unknown to
1479 up a stump up for grabs
1480 up in the air up the river
1481 up to speed up yours
1482 upwardly mobile vale of tears
1483 valet parking value for money
1484 variety is the spice of life vote of confidence
1485 wait and see wait for it
1486 wake up and smell the coffee walk all over
1487 walk away from walk before one can run
1488 walk off with walk on air
1489 walk out on walk the boards
1490 walk the plank walking encyclopedia
1491 waltz Matilda war clouds
1492 ward of court warn someone off
1493 warn someone off the course warts and all
1494 watch someone like a hawk watch this space
1495 wave something aside wax and wane
1496 wax lyrical weak at the knees
1497 wear the trousers weasel words
1498 weather in weigh anchor
1499 what makes someone tick what someone is driving at
1500 what the hey whatever next
1501 whether or no which is which
1502 whomp something up wig out
1503 wild and woolly will do
1504 wipe off the map wipe something off the map
1505 wish someone joy with a grain of salt
1506 with a thud with a vengeance
1507 with a view to with all guns blazing
1508 with apologies to with both barrels
1509 with flying colors with flying colours
1510 with forked tongue with intent
1511 with malice aforethought with one voice
1512 with prejudice with the exception of
1513 with the pedal to the metal with young
1514 withdrawal symptoms wither on the vine
1515 within doors within hail
1516 within limits within striking distance
1517 without a murmur without a red cent
1518 without cease without ceremony
1519 without exception without fail
1520 without limit without peer
1521 without prejudice without recourse
1522 without result woe betide
1523 wonderful news work like a charm
1524 worry something out yes and no
1525 you and yours you wait
1526 your humble servant your obedient servant
1527 yours faithfully yours sincerely
1528 yours truly zero in
1529 zone out
时间: 2024-12-24 07:29:30


4.1 frank习语机经

4,26上午 口语习语完


4.5 Frank 口语习语前7



实现代码:基于word分词提供的文本相似度算法来实现通用的网页相似度检测 运行结果: 检查的博文数:128 1.检查博文:192本软件著作用词分析(五)用词最复杂99级,相似度分值:Simple=0.968589 Cosine=0.955598 EditDistance=0.916884 EuclideanDistance=0.00825 ManhattanDistance=0.001209 Jaccard=0.859838 JaroDistance=0.824469 JaroWinklerDi


如果我们需要在海量的结构未知的网页库中找到和指定的网页相似度比较高的一些网页,我们该怎么办呢?本文提出的"一种通用的网页相似度检测算法"就是专门解决这个问题. 算法如下: 1.提取网页文本.这个提取步骤不要求精确,也没办法精确,因为你面对的是未知结构的网页,所以只需要提取去掉标签之后的文本即可. 2.对提取的文本进行分词.我们使用开源的中文分词组件word分词. 3.为每一个网页建立一个词向量,向量的维度就是两个网页的不重复词的并集,每一个维度的权重就是词频TF,我们这里忽略IDF也不


1.  介绍 随着英语学习越来越普及,基本上现在每位大学生的电脑上都会有一款便捷的英语查词软件,这次我们团队选择测评的是微软必应词典(和金山词霸(2014.05.16.044). 2.  功能测评 (1)词典(单词查询) 作为日常英语学习用的一个查词软件,单词查询当然是最基本也是使用频率最多的一项功能.这两个软件的单词查询功能名字都是“词典”,而且都是页面中最显眼的第一项.我们首先也是选择测试这两个软件的这个功能. 我们首先查了一个很普遍的单词——“take” 结果如下:

美语新诠1:海外喷饭录(乔志高 著)

美语新诠1:海外喷饭录(乔志高  著)  白先勇说,“乔志高先生,这个人英文是一流的,那比美国人的英文还要道地.”陆谷孙说,“<美语新诠>既有学习英语的工具性,又有很强的通俗娱乐性.”“老顽童”乔志高的得意之作<美语新诠>系列,正是他在华语世界最受欢迎的作品. 乔志高累积在美国数十年“听”美语的经验,将地道有趣的习语.俚语.谚语,以中国化的观点和智慧加以诠释.美语中涌现的新词语.新用法,它们的来龙去脉.言外之意,凡微妙费解处,都用亦庄亦谐的文字.风趣耐读的故事,或追本溯源,娓娓道来


这是六个人的故事,从不服输而又有强烈控制欲的monica,未经世事的千金大小姐rachel,正直又专情的ross,幽默风趣的chandle,古怪迷人的phoebe,花心天真的joey——六个好友之间的情路坎坷,事业成败和生活中的喜怒哀乐,无时无刻不牵动着彼此的心,而正是正平凡的点点滴滴,却成为最令人感动与留恋的东西. 人物:1.瑞秋•格林(RACHEL GREENE)由珍妮佛•安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)扮演 瑞秋是莫妮卡的高中同学,在与牙医未婚夫的婚礼上脱逃至莫妮卡处. 2.罗