Redis代码阅读之Hacking Strings

Hacking Strings

The implementation of Redis strings is contained in sds.c ( sds stands for Simple Dynamic Strings ).
The C structure sdshdr declared in sds.h represents a Redis string:

struct sdshdr {
    long len;
    long free;
    char buf[];

The buf character array stores the actual string.
The len field stores the length of buf. This makes obtaining the length of a Redis string an O(1) operation.
The free field stores the number of additional bytes available for use.
Together the len and free field can be thought of as holding the metadata of the buf character array.

Creating Redis Strings

A new data type named sds is defined in sds.h to be a synonymn for a character pointer:

typedef char *sds;

sdsnewlen function defined in sds.c creates a new Redis String:

sds sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen) {
    struct sdshdr *sh;
    sh = zmalloc(sizeof(struct sdshdr)+initlen+1);
    if (sh == NULL) sdsOomAbort();
    if (sh == NULL) return NULL;
    sh->len = initlen;
    sh->free = 0;
    if (initlen) {
        if (init) memcpy(sh->buf, init, initlen);
        else memset(sh->buf,0,initlen);
    sh->buf[initlen] = ‘\0‘;
    return (char*)sh->buf;

Remember a Redis string is a variable of type struct sdshdr. But sdsnewlen returns a character pointer!!
That‘s a trick and needs some explanation.
Suppose I create a Redis string using sdsnewlen like below:

sdsnewlen("redis", 5);

This creates a new variable of type struct sdshdr allocating memory for len and free fields as well as for the buf character array.

sh = zmalloc(sizeof(struct sdshdr)+initlen+1); // initlen is length of init argument.

After sdsnewlen succesfully creates a Redis string the result is something like:

^   ^
sh  sh->buf

sdsnewlen returns sh->buf to the caller.

What do you do if you need to free the Redis string pointed by sh?
You want the pointer sh but you only have the pointer sh->buf.
Can you get the pointer sh from sh->buf?
Yes. Pointer arithmetic. Notice from the above ASCII art that if you subtract the size of two longs from sh->buf you get the pointer sh
The sizeof two longs happens to be the size of struct sdshdr.
Look at sdslen function and see this trick at work:

size_t sdslen(const sds s) {
    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));
    return sh->len;

Knowing this trick you could easily go through the rest of the functions in sds.c.
The Redis string implementation is hidden behind an interface that accepts only character pointers. The users of Redis strings need not care about how its implemented and treat Redis strings as a character pointer.

C Struct array member without specific length

时间: 2024-10-21 09:23:50

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阅读代码是程序员的基本技能,同时也是软件开发.维护.演进.审查和重用过程中不可或缺的组成部分.<代码阅读方法与实践之读书笔记之一>这本书围绕代码阅读,详细论述了相关的知识与技能.我希望通过仔细阅读并学习本书,可以快速地提高我的代码阅读的技能与技巧,进而从现有的优秀代码.算法.构架.设计中汲取营养,提高自身的开发与设计能力.此次读了此书的前四章,以下是我从中汲取到的宝贵养分: 从第一章<导论>一节中我体会到了我们要养成一个经常花时间阅读别人编写的高品质代码的习惯,因为阅读高品质的代码

图形化代码阅读工具——Scitools Understand

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Understand 2.0是一款源码阅读分析软件,功能强大.试用过一段时间后,感觉相当不错,确实能够大大提高代码阅读效率.因为Understand功能十分强大,本文不可能详尽地介绍它的全部功能,所以仅仅列举本人觉得比較重要或有特色的功能,以做抛砖引玉之举. Understand 2.0能够从下载到,安装后能够试用15天. 使用Understand阅读代码前,要先创建一个Project,然后把全部的源码文件增加到这个Project里.这里我创建了一


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