leetcode LRU Cache




class LRUCache{
//146LRU Least Recently Used
    int LRUsize;
    struct LRUNode
        int key;
        int value;
        LRUNode *pre, *next;
        LRUNode(int x, int y): key(x), value(y), pre(NULL), next(NULL){}
    unordered_map<int, LRUNode *> LRUmap;
    LRUNode *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;

    LRUCache(int capacity)
        LRUsize = capacity;

    int get(int key)
        if (LRUmap.count(key)) // if exists
            if (head != LRUmap[key] && tail != LRUmap[key]) // 节点在中间
                LRUmap[key] -> pre -> next = LRUmap[key] -> next;
                LRUmap[key] -> next -> pre = LRUmap[key] -> pre;
                LRUmap[key] -> next = head;
                head -> pre = LRUmap[key];
                head = LRUmap[key];
                head -> pre = NULL;
            else if (head != LRUmap[key] && tail == LRUmap[key]) // 节点最后一个则放在头部即可
                tail = LRUmap[key] -> pre;
                tail -> next = NULL;
                LRUmap[key] -> pre = NULL;
                head -> pre = LRUmap[key];
                LRUmap[key] -> next = head;
                head = LRUmap[key];
            return LRUmap[key] -> value;
            return -1;

    void set(int key, int value)
        if (LRUmap.count(key))
            LRUmap[key] -> value = value; // 一定要更新value
            if (head != LRUmap[key] && tail != LRUmap[key]) // 节点在中间
                LRUmap[key] -> pre -> next = LRUmap[key] -> next;
                LRUmap[key] -> next -> pre = LRUmap[key] -> pre;
                LRUmap[key] -> next = head;
                head -> pre = LRUmap[key];
                head = LRUmap[key];
                head -> pre = NULL;
            else if (head != LRUmap[key] && tail == LRUmap[key]) // 节点最后一个则放在头部即可
                tail = tail -> pre;
                tail -> next = NULL;
                LRUmap[key] -> pre = NULL;
                head -> pre = LRUmap[key];
                LRUmap[key] -> next = head;
                head = LRUmap[key];
            LRUNode *tmp = new LRUNode(key, value);
            if (head == tail && head == NULL)
                head = tmp;
                tail = tmp;
                LRUmap[key] = head;

            else if (LRUsize == LRUmap.size()) //注意可能容量只为1,满了记得删除
                tmp -> next = head;
                head -> pre = tmp;
                head = tmp;
                LRUmap[key] = tmp;
                LRUmap.erase(tail -> key);
                tail = tail -> pre;
                tail -> next = NULL;

                tmp -> next = head;
                head -> pre = tmp;
                head = tmp;
                LRUmap[key] = tmp;






时间: 2024-08-08 18:45:44

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