最近由于好友推荐我入坑了国内的山寨币,所以顺便研究了下聚币网的API。 不过网页版的聚币网和手机版的做的不好,而且因为是7x24 小时交易,自己没有那么多的精力盯盘,所以写了python代码进行监控。
# -*-coding=utf-8-*- __author__ = ‘Rocky‘ ‘‘‘ http://30daydo.com Contact: [email protected] ‘‘‘ import random import hashlib import hmac,time import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email import Utils import threading import requests,datetime,itchat from toolkit import Toolkit class Jubi_web(): def __init__(self, send=None): cfg = Toolkit.getUserData(‘data.cfg‘) self.public_key = cfg[‘public_key‘] self.private_key = cfg[‘private_key‘] self.send=send from_mail = cfg[‘from_mail‘] password = cfg[‘password‘] to_mail = cfg[‘to_mail‘] smtp_server = ‘smtp.qq.com‘ self.server = smtp_server self.username = from_mail.split("@")[0] self.from_mail = from_mail self.password = password self.to_mail = to_mail self.coin_list=[‘IFC‘,‘DOGE‘,‘EAC‘,‘DNC‘,‘MET‘,‘ZET‘,‘SKT‘,‘YTC‘,‘PLC‘,‘LKC‘, ‘JBC‘,‘MRYC‘,‘GOOC‘,‘QEC‘,‘PEB‘,‘XRP‘,‘NXT‘,‘WDC‘,‘MAX‘,‘ZCC‘, ‘HLB‘,‘RSS‘,‘PGC‘,‘RIO‘,‘XAS‘,‘TFC‘,‘BLK‘,‘FZ‘,‘ANS‘,‘XPM‘,‘VTC‘, ‘KTC‘,‘VRC‘,‘XSGS‘,‘LSK‘,‘PPC‘,‘ETC‘,‘GAME‘,‘LTC‘,‘ETH‘,‘BTC‘] # 初始化邮箱设置读取需要股票信息 # 这样子只登陆一次 if self.send == ‘msn‘: try: self.smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(port=465) self.smtp.connect(self.server) self.smtp.login(self.username, self.password) except smtplib.SMTPException, e: print e return 0 if send==‘wechat‘: self.w_name=u‘xxxxx‘ itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True) account=itchat.get_friends(self.w_name) def send_wechat(self,name,content): w_content=name+‘ ‘+content itchat.send(w_content,toUserName=self.toName) time.sleep(1) itchat.send(w_content,toUserName=‘filehelper‘) def send_text(self, name, content): subject = ‘%s‘ % name self.msg = MIMEText(content, ‘plain‘, ‘utf-8‘) self.msg[‘to‘] = self.to_mail self.msg[‘from‘] = self.from_mail self.msg[‘Subject‘] = subject self.msg[‘Date‘] = Utils.formatdate(localtime=1) try: self.smtp.sendmail(self.msg[‘from‘], self.msg[‘to‘], self.msg.as_string()) self.smtp.quit() print "sent" except smtplib.SMTPException, e: print e return 0 def warming(self, coin, up_price, down_price): url = ‘https://www.jubi.com/api/v1/ticker/‘ while 1: time.sleep(5) try: data = requests.post(url, data={‘coin‘: coin}).json() except Exception,e: print e print "time out. Retry" time.sleep(15) continue current = float(data[‘last‘]) if current >= up_price: print "Up to ", up_price print "current price ",current if self.send==‘msn‘: self.send_text(coin,str(current)) if self.send==‘wechat‘: self.send_wechat(coin,str(current)) time.sleep(1200) if current <= down_price: print "Down to ", down_price print "current price ",current if self.send==‘msn‘: self.send_text(coin,str(current)) if self.send==‘wechat‘: self.send_wechat(coin,str(current)) time.sleep(1200) #上面的内容尽量不用修改。 def getContent(self): url = ‘https://www.jubi.com/api/v1/trade_list‘ params_data = {‘key‘: ‘x‘, ‘signature‘: ‘x‘} s = requests.get(url=url, params=params_data) def getHash(self, s): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(s) return m.hexdigest() def sha_convert(self, s): return hashlib.sha256(self.getHash(s)).hexdigest() def get_nonce(self): lens = 12 return ‘‘.join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for i in range(lens)]) def get_signiture(self): url = ‘xxxxxxxxx‘ coin = ‘zet‘ nonce = self.get_nonce() # sha=self.sha_convert(private_key) md5 = self.getHash(self.private_key) message = ‘nonce=‘ + nonce + ‘&‘ + ‘key=‘ + self.public_key # print message signature = hmac.new(md5, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() # print signature # req=requests.post(url,data={‘signature‘:signature,‘key‘:public_key,‘nonce‘:nonce,‘coin‘:‘zet‘}) req = requests.post(url, data={‘coin‘: coin}) print req.status_code print req.text def real_time_ticker(self, coin): url = ‘xxxxxxxx‘ try: data = requests.post(url, data={‘coin‘: coin}).json() #print data except Exception ,e: print e return data def real_time_depth(self, coin): url = ‘xxxxxxxxx‘ data = requests.post(url, data={‘coin‘: coin}).json() print data data_bids = data[‘bids‘] data_asks = data[‘asks‘] print "bids" for i in data_bids: print i[0], print ‘ ‘, print i[1] print "asks" for j in data_asks: print j[0], print ‘ ‘, print j[1] def list_all_price(self): for i in self.coin_list: print i, print " price: ", p=self.real_time_ticker(i.lower()) if p is not None: print p[u‘last‘] def getOrder(self,coin): url=‘https://www.jubi.com/api/v1/orders/‘ try: req=requests.get(url,params={‘coin‘:coin}) except Exception,e: print e data=req.json() return data # recent 100 trade turn over def turnover(self,coin): i=coin.lower() coins=Toolkit.getUserData(‘coins.csv‘) total=long(coins[i]) [i] [/i]p=self.getOrder(i) print p amount=0.00 for j in p: t= j[u‘amount‘] amount=float(t)+amount #current=float(self.real_time_ticker(i)[u‘last‘]) turn_over=amount*1.00/total*100 print turn_over def multi_thread(self,coin_list,price_list): thread_num=len(coin_list) thread_list= for i in range(thread_num): t=threading.Thread(target=self.warming, args=(coin_list,price_list[0],price_list[1]),) thread_list.append(t) for j in thread_list: j.start() for k in thread_list: k.join() if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: obj = Jubi_web(send=‘wechat‘) coin_list=[‘zet‘,‘doge‘] price_list=[[0.2,0.13],[0.03,0.024]] obj.multi_thread(coin_list,price_list) [/i]
coin_list=[‘zet‘,‘doge‘] price_list=[[0.2,0.13],[0.03,0.024]]
时间: 2024-12-18 22:50:55