Limited time and timing


We always say,  "Time is limited", and teacher in speech class would ask us to focus on the timing when addressing a speech.

Limited time are as the most scary monster in the world. It looks like tiny, but affects us a lot. A quiz is really an  art of timing. The problems in the paper are usually set way above the normal time that could be soved by an ordinary person.

For me, I don‘t think I am the one that could do that well with limited time. My definition of happiness is not a hurry of life, but experience the life itself. So I wish I could have more time to enjoy every moment of life. That‘s a way of living.

But unfortunately, sometimes we have to face with the timing problems, because usually those test estimates people by their knowledge and outputs within limited time. Capability to deal with emergency event is also valued by people.

But ib a more general way, we should cherish time more, because everyone cannot live more than 100 years. Usually 80 years or less. So we are not immortal. When we cut all those sleeping hours, and childhoods, time is pretty limited. If you want to enjoy more, than learn to make friend with time. Because by this way, we could enjoy our life better.

Good luck


From Shanghai

时间: 2024-12-20 09:30:10

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