shutdown-force.sh解决tomcat无法正常关闭需要手动kill问题. 把shutdown-force.sh放到tomcat/bin目录下,强制关闭tomcat: cd tomcat/bin ./ sh脚本内容: set fileformat=unix #!/bin/bash #by lym6520 2014-11-08 #force shutdown tomcat,copy this sh file to tomcat/bin dir path=
netty 处理远程主机强制关闭一个连接,首先看下api解释: /** * Returns {@code true} if and only if the channel should not close itself when its remote * peer shuts down output to make the connection half-closed. If {@code false}, the connection * is closed automaticall
参考文章: 笔记本蓝屏,造成VMware非法关闭,开机重启VMware后,发现无法打开虚拟机了,报错如下: 点击确定后,出现Internal Error错误: 解决办法很简单,打开任务管理器 --> 进程,然后把所有vmware相关的进程都关闭,在重新打开vmware就好了: 红框中为需要关闭的进程 VMware强制关闭,造成(failed to get exclusive lock on th
今天在使用composer添加Redis缓存的时候,运行Redis发生错误:> set dachou dadachou (error) MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled. Please check Redis