
Question1: Use the following method printPrimes() for questions a–d.

 1 /*******************************************************
 2      * Finds and prints n prime integers
 3      * Jeff Offutt, Spring 2003
 4      ******************************************************/
 5     public static void printPrimes (int n)
 6     {
 7         int curPrime; // Value currently considered for primeness
 8         int numPrimes; // Number of primes found so far.
 9         boolean isPrime; // Is curPrime prime?
10         int [] primes = new int [MAXPRIMES]; // The list of prime numbers.
12         // Initialize 2 into the list of primes.
13         primes [0] = 2;
14         numPrimes = 1;
15         curPrime = 2;
16         while (numPrimes < n)
17         {
18             curPrime++; // next number to consider ...
19             isPrime = true;
20             for (int i = 0; i <= numPrimes-1; i++)
21             { // for each previous prime.
22                 if (curPrime%primes[i]==0)
23                 { // Found a divisor, curPrime is not prime.
24                     isPrime = false;
25                     break; // out of loop through primes.
26                 }
27             }
28             if (isPrime)
29             { // save it!
30                 primes[numPrimes] = curPrime;
31                 numPrimes++;
32             }
33         } // End while
35         // Print all the primes out.
36         for (int i = 0; i <= numPrimes-1; i++)
37         {
38             System.out.println ("Prime: " + primes[i]);
39         }
40     } // end printPrimes

(a) Draw the control flow graph for the printPrimes() method.


(b) Consider test cases t1=(n=3) and t2=(n=5). Although these tour the same prime paths in ptinrPrimes(), they do not necessarily find the same faults. Design a simple fault that t2 would be more likely to discover than t1 would.


When MAXPRIMES = 4, t2=(n=5) is overflow, but t1=(n=3) has not error.

(c) For printPrimes(), find a test case such that the corresponding test path visits the edge that connects the beginning of the while statement to the for statement withtout going through the body of the while loop.


When n = 1, the program will run through edge (2, 12) without running into while loop.

(d) Enumerate the test requirements for node coverage, edge coverage, amd prime path coverage for the graph fpr printPrime().


1.Node Coverage

TR = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};

2.Edge Coverage

TR = {(1,2),(2,3),(3,4),(4,5),(5,6),(6,8),(8,5),(6,7),(7,9),(5,9),(9,10),(9,11),(10,11),(11,2),(2,12),(12,13),(13,14),(14,15),(15,13),(13,16)};

3.Prime Path Coverage




package st_hw3;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

public class PrimesTest {
    Primes prime;
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        prime = new Primes();

    public void test() {




时间: 2024-10-13 10:09:42



软件测试作业--Junit使用 [TOC] 题目要求 Install Junit(4.12),Hamcrest(1.3) with Eclipse Install Eclemma with Eclipse Write a javaprogram for the triangle problem and test the program with Junit. Description oftriangle problem:Functiontriangle takes three integers


作业见<软件测试基础>中文版49页第7题.英文版63页 a) b) 令MAXPRIMES = 4,t1不能检查出错误,t2发生数组越界,使得t2比t1更容易发现. c)t3=(n=1) d)节点覆盖:TR={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16} 边覆盖:TR={(1,2),(2,3),(2,12),(3,4),(4,5),(5,6),(6,8),(8,5),(6,7),(7,9), (5,9),(9,10),(10,11),(9,11),(12,13)


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<软件测试>第四次作业 软金3班      陈小燕       3137102311 1.某公司网站的后台管理有一个用户注册的功能需要测试,该测试为黑盒测试,请用表格的方式给出该功能的测试用例(参考课本P107页).用户注册功能描述如下: (1)       管理员必须先登录,方可进入网站后台管理,进入后台管理界面后可以进行用户注册(假设用户注册的URL地址为http://www.fengt.com/Admin/UserRegister.jsp) (2)       用户注册要求输入用户名.密


作业内容: private static void printPrimes(int n) { int curPrime; int numPrimes; boolean isPrime; int MAXPRIMES=50; int [] primes = new int [MAXPRIMES]; primes [0] = 2; numPrimes = 1; curPrime = 2; while (numPrimes < n) { curPrime++; isPrime = true; for (


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软件测试中的错误Failure, Error, Fault的区别: Failure: External, incorrect behavior with respect to the requirements or other description of the expected behavior(预期行为出错或与其他的外部行为描述不符).指软件在运行时出现的功能的丧失,类似于看病时病人发病的症状. Fault: A static defect in the software(软件中的静态缺陷


作业内容: Use the following method printPrimes() for questions a–f below. 代码如下: 1. /** ***************************************************** 2. * Finds and prints n prime integers 3. * Jeff Offutt, Spring 2003 4. *****************************************


在完成web大作业时,经常会遇到两个问题,一类是string类型在判断是否相等时发生错误:另一类是当分情况讨论或运用循环时出现空指针报错. 1.判断两个string是否相等,不能直接用==或!=,需要用equals()判断,相等则返回1.Java中字符串用==比较引用,equal比较值,其中不同的声明方法对字符串的直接比较也有影响. 例如:  String str1=new String("a");           String str2=new String("a&qu