Breadth-first search

given a graph G  and a distinguished source vertex s, breadth-first
search systematically explores the edges of G to “discover” every vertex that is
reachable from s.

To keep track of progress, breadth-first search colors each vertex white, gray, or
black. All vertices start out white and may later become gray and then black. A
vertex is discovered the first time it is encountered during the search, at which time
it becomes nonwhite. Gray and black vertices, therefore, have been discovered, but
breadth-first search distinguishes between them to ensure that the search proceeds
in a breadth-first manner

  1 package element_graph;
  4 import java.util.Iterator;
  5 import java.util.LinkedList;
  6 import java.util.List;
 10 import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Queue;
 13 public class breadth_first_search {
 14     private static class vertex{
 15         private LinkedList<vertex> link;
 16         private String name;
 17         private String color;
 18         private vertex p;
 19         private int d;
 20         public vertex(String na,LinkedList<vertex> lin){
 21             name = na;
 22             link = lin;
 23             color = "white";
 24             p = null;
 25             d = 9999;
 26         }
 27     }
 28     public static void BFS(vertex s){
 29         s.color = "grey";
 30         s.d = 0;
 31         Queue<vertex> q = new Queue<vertex>();
 32         q.enqueue(s);
 33         while(!q.isEmpty()){
 34             vertex u = q.dequeue();
 35             for (vertex v : {  //every adj
 36                 if(v.color == "white"){
 37                     v.color = "gray";
 38                     v.d = v.d + 1;
 39                     v.p = u;
 40                     q.enqueue(v);
 41                 }
 42             }
 43             u.color = "black";
 44             }
 46     }
 47     public static void printpath(vertex s,vertex v){
 48         if(v == s){
 49             System.out.println(;
 50         }
 51         else if(v.p == null){  //will not get s
 52             System.out.println("no way");
 53         }
 54         else{
 55             printpath(s,v.p);
 56             System.out.println(;
 57         }
 58     }
 63      public static void main(String[] args) {
 64             LinkedList<vertex> sl = new LinkedList<vertex>();
 66             LinkedList<vertex> rl = new LinkedList<vertex>();
 68             LinkedList<vertex> vl = new LinkedList<vertex>();
 70             LinkedList<vertex> wl = new LinkedList<vertex>();
 72             LinkedList<vertex> tl = new LinkedList<vertex>();
 74             LinkedList<vertex> xl = new LinkedList<vertex>();
 76             LinkedList<vertex> ul = new LinkedList<vertex>();
 78             LinkedList<vertex> yl = new LinkedList<vertex>();
 80             vertex sv = new vertex("s",sl);
 81             vertex rv = new vertex("r",rl);
 82             vertex vv = new vertex("v",vl);
 83             vertex wv = new vertex("w",wl);
 84             vertex tv = new vertex("t",tl);
 85             vertex xv = new vertex("x",xl);
 86             vertex uv = new vertex("u",ul);
 87             vertex yv = new vertex("y",yl);
 88             sl.add(rv);
 89             sl.add(wv);
 90             rl.add(sv);
 91             rl.add(vv);
 92             vl.add(rv);
 93             wl.add(xv);
 94             wl.add(tv);
 95             wl.add(sv);
 96             tl.add(xv);
 97             tl.add(uv);
 98             tl.add(wv);
 99             xl.add(tv);
100             xl.add(uv);
101             xl.add(yv);
102             xl.add(wv);
103             xl.add(tv);
104             xl.add(xv);
105             xl.add(yv);
106             xl.add(uv);
107             xl.add(xv);
108              BFS(sv);
109              printpath(sv,tv);
111         }
112 }
时间: 2024-10-13 00:37:49

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2017-09-13 21:54:52 writer:pprp 图论全部都忘记了,重新学一下吧,之前学的实在是太烂了 测试数据如下: 7 12//顶点个数, 路径个数3 11 41 22 42 54 34 54 64 73 65 76 73//起始点 代码如下: /* @theme:无权最短路径问题 @complexity:O(|E| + |V|) @writer:pprp @begin:21:10 @end:21:53 @error: @declare: breadth first searc

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特征选择的一般过程: 1.生成子集:搜索特征子集,为评价函数提供特征子集 2.评价函数:评价特征子集的好坏 3.停止准则:与评价函数相关,一般是阈值,评价函数达到一定标准后就可停止搜索 4.验证过程:在验证数据集上验证选出来的特征子集的有效性 1.生成子集 搜索算法有 完全搜索.启发式搜索.随机搜索 三大类. (1)完全搜索 <1>宽搜(Breadth First Search):时间复杂度高,不实用 <2>分支界限搜索(Branch and Bound):其实就是宽搜加上深度的限