结对对象:谢小山 博客:http://home.cnblogs.com/u/898254/
// ConsoleApplication2.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; struct Num{ int num = 1; char *s = NULL; }; Num word[99]; int Judge(char danci[])//判断单词 { bool j1 = (strlen(danci) >= 4); bool j2 = (danci[0] >= ‘a‘ && danci[0] <= ‘z‘); if (!(j1&&j2)) return -1; else for (int ns = 1; danci[ns] != ‘\0‘;) { if (!((danci[ns] >= ‘a‘ && danci[ns] <= ‘z‘) || (danci[ns] >= ‘0‘ && danci[ns] <= ‘9‘))) return -1; else ns++; } } int Sta(char danci[], int nn) //判断该单词是否出现过 { if (nn>0) for (int i = 0; i <nn; i++) { if (!strcmp(danci, word[i].s)) //出现 { word[i].num++; //+1 return -1; } } } int main() { char sentence[1000];//字符数组长度要足够大 ifstream file("d://A_Tale_of_Two_Cities.txt"); ofstream outfile("d://Result1.txt"); //读取 if (!file){ cout << "Unable to open file"; exit(1); } if (!outfile){ cout << "Unable to open outmyfile"; exit(1); } while (!file.eof()) { file.getline(sentence, 1000); } file.close(); int num2 = 0; while (sentence[num2] != ‘\0‘)//转小写 { if (sentence[num2] >= ‘A‘&&sentence[num2] <= ‘Z‘) sentence[num2] = sentence[num2] + 32; num2++; } const char *delim = " ,“”.‘‘‘’!?"; //分隔符 char *p, *pNext = NULL; int n = 0, //计数器 n ,t 初始化 t = 0; p = strtok_s(sentence, delim, &pNext); //strtovk_s函数根据分隔符分隔字符串 while (p) { if (Judge(p) != -1) { if (Sta(p, n) != -1) { word[n].s = p; n++; } } p = strtok_s(NULL, delim, &pNext); } while (word[t].s) //输出统计结果 { cout<< word[t].s << ":" << word[t].num << ‘\n‘; outfile<< word[t].s << ":" << word[t].num << ‘\n‘; t++; } outfile.close(); return 0; }
时间: 2024-12-22 03:10:40