English (一)


do somebody a favour

give sb a hand

do something for sb

come to sb aid  帮助某人

what can i do for you? = Is there anything i can do for you? 我可以帮助你吗?

leave sb/sth + adj/adv/v_ing/v_ed(宾语补足语)   eg:leave the door open

confident of sth/doing sth  对做某事非常自信

take the gameble of = take the risk of(冒险做某事)  gamble (n)赌博

the capital of ......的首都  Zheng Zhou is the capital of He Nan.

As we all know,.......    As Chinese we all know  作为中国人我们都知道

As is well-known   As is well-known,China is a great country with a long history.

a short campaign = a quick victory 速战速决

lanch an attack against on 对......发起进攻 China lanches an attack against on American.

armed force army/navy/air force    陆军/海军/空军力量

lie  lay   lain  lying 躺

lie  lied  lied  lying  说谎

lie laid  laid          下蛋

英语中分数的表达式口诀: 分母序数词,分子基数词,分子不为一,分母+s;  eg: 三分之一:  one-third ; 三分之二:  two-thirds;

Proverb 谚语:

Two heads are always better than one  三人行必有我师/三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮

Practice makes perfect  熟能生巧

word  单词:

freeze 冻结,冷冻

breeze (n)微风  (v)吹微风

angel  天使

angel 三角

pig 猪  porkling  小猪    duck鸭子    ducking 小鸭

retreat (v)撤退,后退; eg: They wee attacked and forced to retreat. 他们受到攻击,被迫撤退。

invasion 侵犯,入侵,侵略。  invade  武力入侵,侵略,侵占。

conquer 征服   conquest(n)


时间: 2024-08-08 09:39:21

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