Given a binary tree, determine if it is height-balanced.
For this problem, a height-balanced binary tree is defined as a binarytree in which the depth of the two subtrees of every nodenever differ by more than 1.
#pragma once #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct TreeNode { int val; TreeNode *left; TreeNode *right; TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {} }; //取最大值 int max(int a, int b) { if (a > b) return a; return b; } //求深度 int findDepth(TreeNode* p) { if (!p) return 0; return max(findDepth(p->left), findDepth(p->right)) + 1; } //平衡条件:左平衡+右平衡+左右深度差小于等于1 bool isBalanced(TreeNode *root) { if (!root)//空节点也平衡 return true; if (isBalanced(root->left) && isBalanced(root->right) && abs(findDepth(root->left) - findDepth(root->right)) <= 1) return true; return false; } void main() { TreeNode* t1 = new TreeNode(1); TreeNode* t12 = new TreeNode(2); TreeNode* t22 = new TreeNode(2); TreeNode* t13 = new TreeNode(3); TreeNode* t23 = new TreeNode(3); TreeNode* t14 = new TreeNode(4); TreeNode* t24 = new TreeNode(4); t1->left = t12; t12->left = t13; t13->left = t14; t1->right = t22; t22->right = t23; t23->right = t24; cout << isBalanced(t1) << endl; cout << findDepth(t12) << endl; system("pause"); }
时间: 2024-12-17 22:56:07