The influence of informal governance mechanisms on knowledge integration

Title:The influence of informal governance mechanisms on knowledge integration within cross-functional project teams: A social capital perspective


ABSTRACT :This paper aims to explore the influence of informal governance mechanisms (IGMs) on knowledge integration (KI) within cross-functional project teams (CFPTs). In order to achieve this objective, we provide a novel and distinct perspective - social capital (SC). From this perspective, we analyse three dimensions of IGMs, that is, social interaction, social trust and social cognition. Propositions on underlying influencing mechanisms of the three dimensions on KI are then empirically tested using qualitative data from semi-structured interviews and quantitative data from questionnaire surveys. Results indicate that strong social ties, mutual trust and formation of shared vision facilitate KI within CFPTs. In addition, communication platforms are encouraged to provide more opportunities for team members to exchange knowledge. This paper provides suggestions for both knowledge governance theory and project management practice.


This paper is published on the journal of knowledge management research & practice. The impact factor of the journal is 0.41. From the abstract of this paper, the writing is very good. The first sentence talks about the purpose of the paper, for example, aims to explore the influence is a common use. The second sentence emphases the innovation of the paper to provide a novel and distinct perspective, and the ‘in order to achieve this objective ‘ is rather sophisticated. The flashpoint of the third sentence is ‘from this perspective‘, it is a good connection of the previous sentence and current sentence. The flashpoint of the fourth sentence is ‘Proposition on‘ and ‘are then empirically  tested usting qualitative data from semi-structured interviews and quantitative data from questionnarie survey‘, is is very moved. The flashpoint of the fifth is ‘result indicate that‘, the word of indicate give a brief explain, it is very classical. The flashpoint of the sixth is ‘in addition‘. The flashpoint of the seven is ‘this paper provides suggestions of both and‘.

In short, from the abstract of the paper, i have more confidenct to conclude that the paper have a high quality. I want to see the full text, but it is not open-access, so I don‘t see the electric copy of the paper.

时间: 2024-12-25 17:25:01

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