The judgment is not important. Arbitration that is only agreed on by one party is nothing more than toilet paper. This is my land; why should I let som
//比较两个时间的大小 举例:CompareDate("12:00","11:15") function CompareDate(t1, t2) { var date = new Date(); var a = t1.split(":"); var b = t2.split(":"); return date.setHours(a[0], a[1]) > date.setHours(b[0], b[1]); } 原文地址
'''一个嵌套很多层的列表,如l=[1,2,[3,[4,5,6,[7,8,[9,10,[11,12,13,[14,15]]]]]]],用递归取出所有的值''' l=[1,2,[3,[4,5,6,[7,8,[9,10,[11,12,13,[14,15]]]]]]] def get(seq): for item in seq: if type(item) is list: get(item) else: print(item) get(l) 原文地址: