Building a desktop application with Electron

Building a desktop application with Electron的相关文章

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Walkthrough: My first WPF desktop application This article shows you how to develop a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) desktop application that includes the elements that are common to most WPF applications: Extensible Application Markup Languag

Electron 构建桌面应用程序开发资料整理

Electron 是什么? Electron 是一个程序库,基于Electron库我们可以使用HTML.CSS.JS来开发跨平台桌面应用程序(building cross-platform desktop applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.) 学习资源  Electron 官网文档 Electron 实现原理 ? Electron 结合了 Chromium 开源浏览器和带有一系列

Overview of iOS Crash Reporting Tools: Part 1/2

Believe it or not, developers are not perfect, and every once in a while you might have a (gasp!) bug in your app. You will try your best to ship your apps with no bugs in them, but more often than not you realise afterwards that a bug has slipped th

一篇很好的解释了.Net Core, .Net Framework, .Net standard library, Xamarin 之间关系的文章 (转载)

Introducing .NET Standard In my last post, I talked about how we want to make porting to .NET Core easier. In this post, I’ll focus on how we’re making this plan a reality with .NET Standard. We’ll cover which APIs we plan to include, how cross-frame


来源: 核心基础课程(Core) javascripting 学习 JavaScript 语言的基础,无需任何编程经验 npm install -g javascripting git-it 学习 Git 和 GitHub 的基本操作. npm install -g git-it Scope Chains & Closures 学习作用域,作用域链,闭包和垃圾回收机制的细节. npm install -g scope-chains-clos

SPA UI-router

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPA SPA(单页面应用):A single-page application (SPA) is a web application or web site that fits on a single web page with the goal of providing a user experience similar t

Delphi REST和Cloud Services

Paulo: What sort of MVC examples are you looking for? Daniele Teti has some great articles on building an MVC desktop application: well as his MVC web server framework:htt

Introduction to ASP.NET Web API

Services for Native AppsAs stated earlier, smartphones had an important part in the trend toward simpler pure HTTP API and away fromSOAP. Many of the native apps can be likened to dumb terminals connected to a big mainframe, with the mainframebeing t


我个人认为一个优秀的软件工程师必须掌握一定的测试技能.可能有的开发工程师认为测试是测试工程师的事情,不是开发工程师的事情.这种开发工程师是缺一条腿的,离开了测试工程师,你如何证明你的程序没有问题. 下面是我这两天搜集的性能测试工具,如果大家知道别的工具,可以在回复中分享出来. Webbench Web Bench is very simple tool for benchmarking WWW or proxy servers. Uses fork() for simulating multip