codevs 1277 生活大爆炸 2012年CCC加拿大高中生信息学奥赛

时间限制: 1 s

空间限制: 128000 KB

题目等级 : 白银 Silver

题目描述 Description

Sheldon and Leonard are physicists who are ?xated on the BIG BANG theory. In order to exchange secret insights they have devised a code that encodes UPPERCASE words by shifting their letters forward.


Shifting a letter by S positions means to go forward S letters in the alphabet. For example, shifting B by S = 3 positions gives E. However, sometimes this makes us go past Z, the last letter of the alphabet. Whenever this happens we wrap around, treating A as the letter that follows Z. For example, shifting Z by S = 2 positions gives B.


Sheldon and Leonard’s code depends on a parameter K and also varies depending on the position of each letter in the word. For the letter at position P, they use the shift value of S = 3P + K.

他们有一个密钥K。第P个字母有S = 3P + K。

For example, here is how ZOOM is encoded when K = 3. The ?rst letter Z has a shift value of S = 3 × 1 + 3 = 6; it wraps around and becomes the letter F. The second letter, O, has S = 3 × 2 + 3 = 9 and becomes X. The last two letters become A and B. So Sheldon sends Leonard the secret message: FXAB
Write a program for Leonard that will decode messages sent by Sheldon.

输入描述 Input Description

The input will be two lines. The ?rst line will contain the positive integer K (K < 10), which is used to compute the shift value. The second line of input will be the word, which will be a sequence of uppercase characters of length at most 20.


输出描述 Output Description

The output will be the decoded word of uppercase letters.


样例输入 Sample Input







样例输出 Sample Output





数据范围及提示 Data Size & Hint


using namespace std;

int main()
    char b[25];
    int i,k,s;
时间: 2024-10-09 04:18:30

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