“intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains” message upon boot blacklist.conf -1

“intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains” message upon boot

I install fresh Ubuntu 14. 04 server under ESXI 5.1.0.
During my installation I did not get any erorrs or strange things. My problem is when I boot machine at console screen I get messages like

[ 6.958104] intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 0 
[ 7.508153] intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 0
[ 8.058695] intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 0
[ 8.609932] intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 0
[ 9.163260] intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 0

After that messages I am able to log in and my to me Ubuntu works OK. I have internet connection I am able to call apt-get update and I am able to login over SSH.

Should I investigate these errors deeply before I continue build my server.
Do I need to react on these Messages or it is ok to run Ubuntu like this.

The intel_rapl message was driving me crazy. The solution for me was to (sudo) edit/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and add blacklist intel_rapl. No more messages after reboot.

This was a change introduced in October 2013 to support Intel RAPL power capping driver in the Linux kernel. This message is non-obstructive, and when it appears it doesn‘t affect the performance or functionality of the system, since it‘s only a power management module.

If your virtualization software supports this driver (and the host supports advanced power features) then the message disappears.

You can check the source tree of the module to check what it does.

I know in virualbox you can enable PAE/NX which will solve "no valid rapl domains found in package" on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I don‘t know how about ESXI if it supports PAE/NX or not.

I install fresh Ubuntu 14. 04 server under ESXI 5.1.0.
During my installation I did not get any erorrs or strange things. My problem is when I boot machine at console screen I get messages like

[ 6.958104] intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 0  [ 7.508153] intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 0 [ 8.058695] intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 0 [ 8.609932] intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 0 [ 9.163260] intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 0

After that messages I am able to log in and my to me Ubuntu works OK. I have internet connection I am able to call apt-get update and I am able to login over SSH.

Should I investigate these errors deeply before I continue build my server.
Do I need to react on these Messages or it is ok to run Ubuntu like this.


blacklist intel_rapl

blacklist the_module name

blacklist i2c_piix4

# Listing a module here prevents the hotplug scripts from loading it.
# Usually that‘d be so that some other driver will bind it instead,
# no matter which driver happens to get probed first.  Sometimes user
# mode tools can also control driver binding.
# Syntax:  driver name alone (without any spaces) on a line. Other
# lines are ignored.

# watchdog drivers
blacklist i8xx_tco

# framebuffer drivers
blacklist aty128fb
blacklist atyfb
blacklist radeonfb
blacklist i810fb
blacklist cirrusfb
blacklist intelfb
blacklist kyrofb
blacklist i2c-matroxfb
blacklist hgafb
blacklist nvidiafb
blacklist rivafb
blacklist savagefb
blacklist sstfb
blacklist neofb
blacklist tridentfb
blacklist tdfxfb
blacklist virgefb
blacklist vga16fb

# ISDN - see bugs 154799, 159068
blacklist hisax
blacklist hisax_fcpcipnp

# sound drivers
blacklist snd-pcsp
blacklist nouveau

时间: 2024-10-11 07:14:08

“intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains” message upon boot blacklist.conf -1的相关文章

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前言 /boot目录是一个系统启动最重要的目录,系统在上电自检MBR引导之后,系统就要读取/boot目 录下的文件.详细的内容见:http://vinsent.blog.51cto.com/13116656/1963546.总之/boot被破坏 了是很大的问题,今天就带大家一步步恢复/boot目录中的各文件,欢迎您的阅读!! 一.破坏现象 我们都知道/boot/目录是一个用于引导系统开机启动的目录,如果你不小心破坏了该目录.你将的系统将不能启动.CentOS 6会进入都如下界面: CentOS


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