Codeblocks 遇到的问题 Cannot open output file, permission denied

Codeblocks下运行C++的程序时,偶尔会出现  Cannot open output file, permission denied 的问题,导致不能够编译。

在 Stack Overflow 上看到有过类似的遭遇。   链接地址

I have encountered the same problem you have. I found that it may have some relationship with the way you terminate your run result. When you run your code, whether it has a printout, the debugger will call the console which print a "Press any key to continue...". If you terminate the console by pressing key, it‘s ok; if you do it by click the close button, the problem comes as you described. When you terminate it in the latter way, you have to wait several minutes before you can rebuild your code.

时间: 2024-12-19 16:18:43

Codeblocks 遇到的问题 Cannot open output file, permission denied的相关文章

cannot open shared object file Permission denied

原始链接: 原文地址:

[.net] 关于CS0016: Could not write to output file ‘c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files… ‘Access is denied.’ 的解决办法

[.net] 关于CS0016: Could not write to output file ‘c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files… ‘Access is denied.’ 的解决办法 1.添加用户"Network Service” 和 “IIS_IUSERS” 读下面目录的读写权限 a) C:\Windows\Temp b) C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framewo

Multiple build commands for output file

[Multiple build commands for output file] copy了多个同名文件,就会出现此警告,因为ios机制,所有copy的资源都放置在根目录下. 解决方法中在BuildPhases在CopyBundleResource中,只保留一个资源,或者重命名资源. Multiple build commands for output file,布布扣,

Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /xxx

xcode中 有时候会报一个警告: [WARN]Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /xxx 要解决这个问题很简单: 1.选择你的工程 2.选择target 3.点击 Build Phases 4.展开Copy Bundle Resources 5.删除里面的刚才提示警告的文件,一般为红色的名字的文件(或者有重复的文件)

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ORACLE EBS中快速查看某个Request的Output File或log等信息(转)

ORACLE EBS中快速查看某个Request的Output File或log等信息   项目上,经常有请求报红报黄等问题反映到技术顾问这边,但是由于某些权限的限制,有时候哪怕System Administrator职责也只能看到某个Request信息,但是不能查看它的Output File.用下面这个方法可以很方便地查看请求的输出和日志等信息,甚至不用进系统就可以查看了,只需要一个请求编号就可以: Sql代码   /* Function: GET_URL * * Purpose: Const

iOS开发 - Xcode警告:Warning: Multiple build commands for output file

Warning: Multiple build commands for output file 该问题是由外部文件的重复引用造成的,解决方法为: 方法一: 前往 Targets -> Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources 将重复引用的文件从列表中移除. 方法二: 前往 Targets -> Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources 右键点击 列表中重复的文件 -> Reveal In Project N

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checking for c compiler default output file name... configure:error:C compiler cannot create executables See 'config.log' for more details. 打开config.log查看明细: 网上找了下,说是没有安装cpp,libc5-devel,而在redhat中指的是glibc,glibc-devel,cpp,查看是否安装,: 果然没有,然后安装: 再次编译,发现换了一