SQL面试笔试经典题(Part 1)

本文是在Cat Qi的原贴的基础之上,经本人逐题分别在MySql数据库中实现的笔记,持续更新...


01 表结构

  Student(Sno,Sname,Sage,Ssex)    学生表 
  Course(Cno,Cname,Tno)       课程表 
  SC(Sno,Cno,score)          成绩表 
  Teacher(Tno,Tname)        教师表

02 建表及插入测试数据

  (1) 建表:

 7 (
 8 Sno int,
 9 Sname varchar(32),
10 Sage int,
11 Ssex varchar(8)
12 )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
15   (
16      Cno    INT,
17      Cname varchar(32),
18      Tno    INT
19   )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
22 (
23 Sno    INT,
24 Cno   INT,
25 score INT
26 )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
29   (
30      Tno    INT,
31      Tname varchar(16)
32   )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

  【注】MySQL数据库建表时需要添加“ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci”命令,否则中文会发生乱码。

  (2) 插入测试数据:

 1  insert into Student select 1,‘刘一‘,18,‘男‘ union all
 2  select 2,‘钱二‘,19,‘女‘ union all
 3  select 3,‘张三‘,17,‘男‘ union all
 4  select 4,‘李四‘,18,‘女‘ union all
 5  select 5,‘王五‘,17,‘男‘ union all
 6  select 6,‘赵六‘,19,‘女‘
 8  insert into Teacher select 1,‘叶平‘ union all
 9  select 2,‘贺高‘ union all
10  select 3,‘杨艳‘ union all
11  select 4,‘周磊‘;
13  insert into Course select 1,‘语文‘,1 union all
14  select 2,‘数学‘,2 union all
15  select 3,‘英语‘,3 union all
16  select 4,‘物理‘,4;
18  insert into SC
19  select 1,1,56 union all
20  select 1,2,78 union all
21  select 1,3,67 union all
22  select 1,4,58 union all
23  select 2,1,79 union all
24  select 2,2,81 union all
25  select 2,3,92 union all
26  select 2,4,68 union all
27  select 3,1,91 union all
28  select 3,2,47 union all
29  select 3,3,88 union all
30  select 3,4,56 union all
31  select 4,2,88 union all
32  select 4,3,90 union all
33  select 4,4,93 union all
34  select 5,1,46 union all
35  select 5,3,78 union all
36  select 5,4,53 union all
37  select 6,1,35 union all
38  select 6,2,68 union all
39  select 6,4,71;

03 问题及实现代码


select a.sno from
(select sno,score from sc where cno=1) a,
(select sno,score from sc where cno=2) b
where a.sno=b.sno and a.score>b.score;


 select Sno,AVG(Score) as AvgScore
 from SC
 group by Sno
 having AVG(Score)>60


 select student.sno,student.sname,count(sc.cno),sum(sc.score) from
 student left outer join sc
 on student.sno = sc.sno
 group by student.sno
 order by student.sno;


 select count(distinct tname) as count
 from teacher
 where tname like ‘李%‘;


 select s.sno,s.sname
 from student s
 where s.sno not in
	select distinct(sc.sno) from sc ,course c,teacher t
	where sc.cno = c.cno and c.tno = t.tno and t.tname = ‘叶平‘


 select s.sno,s.sname from
 student s,
 (select sno from sc where cno=1) a,
 (select sno from sc where cno=2) b
 where s.sno = a.sno and a.sno = b.sno;

  方法二 用exist函数

 select s.Sno,s.Sname
 from Student s,SC sc
 where s.Sno=sc.Sno and sc.Cno=1 and exists
     select * from SC sc2 where sc.Sno=sc2.Sno and sc2.Cno=2


 select s.sno,s.sname
 from student s,teacher t,
 course c left outer join sc
 on c.cno = sc.cno
 where t.tname="叶平" and t.tno = c.cno and s.sno = sc.sno ;


 select s.sno,s.sname
 from student s
 where s.sno in
	select sc.sno
	from sc,course c,teacher t
	where c.cno=sc.cno and c.tno=t.tno and t.tname ="叶平"
	group by sc.sno
	having count(sc.cno)=
		select count(c1.cno)
		from course c1,teacher t1
		where c1.tno=t1.tno and t1,tname ="叶平"


 select s.sno,s.sname
 from student s
 where s.sno in
	select a.sno from
	(select sno,score from sc where cno=2) a,
	(select sno,score from sc where cno=1) b
	where a.sno = b.sno and a.score < b.score


select s.sno,s.sname
 from student s,sc
 where sc.score<60 and s.sno=sc.sno
 group by s.sno;


 select s.sno,s.sname
 from student s
 where s.sno not in
	select sc.sno from sc
	group by sc.sno
	having count(distinct sc.cno)=
		select count(distinct c.cno) from course c


 select distinct(s.sno),s.sname
 from student s,sc
 where s.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno in
	select distinct(cno) from sc where sno=1


 select distinct(s.sno),s.sname
 from student s,sc
 where s.sno=sc.sno and s.sno != 1 and sc.cno in
	select distinct(cno) from sc where sno=1


 update sc set score =
	select avg(sc1.score) from sc sc1,course c,teacher t
	where sc1.cno = c.cno and c.tno = t.tno and t.tname="叶平"
 where cno in
	select cno from course c,teacher t
	where c.tno = t.tno and t.tname="叶平"


 select s.sno,s.sname
 from student s
 where s.sno != 2 and s.sno in
	select distinct(sno) from sc
	where cno in (select cno from sc where sno=2)
	group by sno
	having count(distinct cno)=
		select count(distinct cno) from sc where sno=2


 delete from sc where cno in
	select c.cno from course c,teacher t
	where c.tno = t.tno and t.tname="叶平"


 insert into sc
 select s.sno,2,(select avg(score) from sc where cno=2)
 from student s
 where s.sno not in (select distinct(sno) from sc where cno=2);

  (17)按平均成绩从低到高显示所有学生的“语文”、“数学”、“英语”三门的课程成绩,按如下形式显示: 学生ID,语文,数学,英语,有效课程数,有效平均分; 【此处已补回15题中被删除的数据】

 select sc0.sno as "学生ID",
 (select score from sc where sno=sc0.sno and cno =1) as "语文" ,
 (select score from sc where sno=sc0.sno and cno =2) as "数学" ,
 (select score from sc where sno=sc0.sno and cno =3) as "英语" ,
 count(sc0.cno) as "有效课程数",
 avg(sc0.score) as "有效平均分"
 from sc sc0
 group by sc0.sno
 order by avg(sc0.score);


 select cno as "课程ID",max(score) as "最高分",min(score) as "最低分"
 from sc
 group by cno;


 select sc.cno as "课程ID",
 c.cname as "课程名称",
 avg(sc.score) as "平均分",
 100*sum(case when sc.score >= 60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(sc.score) as "Percent(%)"
 from sc ,course c
 where sc.cno = c.cno
 group by sc.cno
 order by avg(sc.score) desc ;

  (20)查询如下课程平均成绩和及格率的百分数(备注:需要在1行内显示): 企业管理(2),OO&UML (3),数据库(4)

 sum(case when cno=2 then score else 0 end)/sum(case when cno=2 then 1 else 0 end) as "企业管理平均成绩",
 100*sum(case when cno=2 and score >= 60 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when cno=2 then 1 else 0 end) as "企业管理及格率(%)",
 sum(case when cno=3 then score else 0 end)/sum(case when cno=3 then 1 else 0 end) as "OO&UML平均成绩",
 100*sum(case when cno=3 and score >= 60 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when cno=3 then 1 else 0 end) as "OO&UML及格率(%)",
 sum(case when cno=4 then score else 0 end)/sum(case when cno=4 then 1 else 0 end) as "数据库平均成绩",
 100*sum(case when cno=4 and score >= 60 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when cno=4 then 1 else 0 end) as "数据库及格率(%)"
 from sc;


 select t.tname as "老师姓名",
 c.cname as "课程名称",
 avg(sc.score) as "平均分"
 from sc,teacher t,course c
 where t.tno=c.tno and c.cno=sc.cno
 group by t.tno
 order by avg(sc.score) desc;

  (22)查询如下课程成绩第 3 名到第 6 名的学生成绩单:企业管理(1),马克思(2),UML (3),数据库(4)  

 select distinct
      SC.Sno As "学生学号",
      Student.Sname as "学生姓名" ,
      T1.score as "企业管理",
      T2.score as "马克思",
      T3.score as "UML",
      T4.score as "数据库",
      ifnull(T1.score,0) + ifnull(T2.score,0) + ifnull(T3.score,0) + ifnull(T4.score,0) as "总分"
      from Student,SC  left join SC as T1
                      on SC.Sno = T1.Sno and T1.Cno = 1
            left join SC as T2
                      on SC.Sno = T2.Sno and T2.Cno = 2
            left join SC as T3
                      on SC.Sno = T3.Sno and T3.Cno = 3
            left join SC as T4
                      on SC.Sno = T4.Sno and T4.Cno = 4
      where student.Sno=SC.Sno
      order by ifnull(T1.score,0) + ifnull(T2.score,0) + ifnull(T3.score,0) + ifnull(T4.score,0) desc ;


时间: 2024-10-12 20:04:25

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本文是在Cat Qi的参考原帖的基础之上经本人一题一题练习后编辑而成,非原创,仅润色而已.另外,本文所列题目的解法并非只有一种,本文只是给出比较普通的一种而已,也希望各位园友能够自由发挥. 一.书到用时方恨少:"图书-读者-借阅"类题目 1.1 本题目的表结构 本题用到下面三个关系表: CARDS 借书卡. CNO 卡号,NAME 姓名,CLASS 班级 BOOKS 图书. BNO 书号,BNAME 书名,AUTHOR 作者,PRICE 单价,QUANTITY 库存册数 BORROW


如何巧妙地回答面试官的问题? 本文摘自<PHP程序员面试笔试宝典> 应届生在面试时,偶尔也会遇到一些系统设计题,而这些题目往往只是测试求职者的知识面,或者测试求职者对系统架构方面的了解,一般不会涉及具体的编码工作.虽然如此,对于此类问题,很多人还是感觉难以应对,也不知道从何处答题. 如何应对此类题目呢?在正式介绍基础知识之前,首先列举几个常见的系统设计相关的面试.笔试题. 题目1:设计一个DNS的Cache结构,要求能够满足5000次/s以上的查询,满足IP数据的快速插入,查询的速度要快(题目


1>    编写strcpy函数,已知函数原型char*strcpy(char* strDest,char* strSrc) ANSWER: Chat* strcpy(char* strDest,char* strSrc) { If(strSrc==NULL)  return NULL; Char*ch1=strSrc,*ch2=strDest; While(*ch1!='\0') { *ch2++=*ch1++; } *ch2='\0'; Return strDest; } 2>    用递