[LeetCode] Ransom Note

A very typical application of hash maps. Since I am now learning Java, I code in Java. The following code uses toCharArray() and getOrDefault(), which are learnt from this post.

public class Solution {
    public boolean canConstruct(String ransomNote, String magazine) {
        HashMap<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        for (Character k : magazine.toCharArray()) {
            int v = map.getOrDefault(k, 0) + 1;
            map.put(k, v);
        for (Character k : ransomNote.toCharArray()) {
            int v = map.getOrDefault(k, 0) - 1;
            if (v < 0) return false;
            map.put(k, v);
        return true;

This code takes about 60ms.

In fact, arrays can be used to replace hash maps since the test cases of this problem only contan the 26 English letters. A array-version solution can be found here and is rewritten below.

public class Solution {
    public boolean canConstruct(String ransomNote, String magazine) {
        int[] map = new int[26];
        for (char k : magazine.toCharArray())
            map[k - ‘a‘]++;
        for (char k : ransomNote.toCharArray()) {
            int v = --map[k - ‘a‘];
            if (v < 0) return false;
        return true;

This version is much faster, about 13ms.

时间: 2025-01-14 20:48:59

[LeetCode] Ransom Note的相关文章

LeetCode:Ransom Note_383

LeetCode:Ransom Note [问题再现] Given? an ?arbitrary? ransom? note? string ?and ?another ?string ?containing ?letters from? all ?the ?magazines,? write ?a ?function ?that ?will ?return ?true ?if ?the ?ransom ? note ?can ?be ?constructed ?from ?the ?magaz

Leetcode 383. Ransom Note JAVA语言

Given an arbitrary ransom note string and another string containing letters from all the magazines, write a function that will return true if the ransom note can be constructed from the magazines ; otherwise, it will return false. Each letter in the 

&lt;LeetCode OJ&gt; 383. Ransom Note

Given? an ?arbitrary? ransom? note? string ?and ?another ?string ?containing ?letters from? all ?the ?magazines,? write ?a ?function ?that ?will ?return ?true ?if ?the ?ransom ? note ?can ?be ?constructed ?from ?the ?magazines ; ?otherwise, ?it ?will

【Leetcode】Ransom Note

题目链接:https://leetcode.com/problems/ransom-note/ 题目: Given? an ?arbitrary? ransom? note? string ?and ?another ?string ?containing ?letters from? all ?the ?magazines,? write ?a ?function ?that ?will ?return ?true ?if ?the ?ransom ? note ?can ?be ?const

LeetCode 383 Ransom Note

Given? an ?arbitrary? ransom? note? string ?and ?another ?string ?containing ?letters from? all ?the ?magazines,? write ?a ?function ?that ?will ?return ?true ?if ?the ?ransom ? note ?can ?be ?constructed ?from ?the ?magazines ; ?otherwise, ?it ?will

Java [Leetcode 383]Ransom Note

题目描述: Given? an ?arbitrary? ransom? note? string ?and ?another ?string ?containing ?letters from? all ?the ?magazines,? write ?a ?function ?that ?will ?return ?true ?if ?the ?ransom ? note ?can ?be ?constructed ?from ?the ?magazines ; ?otherwise, ?it

[LeetCode]383. Ransom Note 解题小结

题目: ?Given? an ?arbitrary? ransom? note? string ?and ?another ?string ?containing ?letters from? all ?the ?magazines,? write ?a ?function ?that ?will ?return ?true ?if ?the ?ransom ? note ?can ?be ?constructed ?from ?the ?magazines ; ?otherwise, ?it

leetcode修炼之路——383. Ransom Note

题目是这样的 Given? an ?arbitrary? ransom? note? string ?and ?another ?string ?containing ?letters from? all ?the ?magazines,? write ?a ?function ?that ?will ?return ?true ?if ?the ?ransom ? note ?can ?be ?constructed ?from ?the ?magazines ; ?otherwise, ?i

[LeetCode] NO.383 Ransom Note

[题目] Given? an ?arbitrary? ransom? note? string ?and ?another ?string ?containing ?letters from? all ?the ?magazines,? write ?a ?function ?that ?will ?return ?true ?if ?the ?ransom ? note ?can ?be ?constructed ?from ?the ?magazines ; ?otherwise, ?it