Design and implement a TwoSum class. It should support the following operations: add
and find
- Add the number to an internal data structure.find
- Find if there exists any pair of numbers which sum is equal to the value.
For example,
add(1); add(3); add(5); find(4) -> true find(7) -> false
* Your TwoSum object will be instantiated and called as such:
* TwoSum obj = new TwoSum();
* obj.add(number);
* boolean param_2 = obj.find(value);
此题是一个设计题,和之前的两个two sum题目不同的地方是,此题不是给数组,而是给了add,find方法,此题有个小细节需要考虑,实际操作中究竟是add的操作多还是find的操作多?因此对应了以下几种做法:1.add的操作多的时候,可以用hashmap来存储数据,key保存加的值,value保存同一个key值出现的次数。然后迭代哈希表键值来检查是否和等于指定值。代码如下:
public class TwoSum {
Map<Integer,Integer> map;
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
public TwoSum() {
map = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
/** Add the number to an internal data structure.. */
public void add(int number) {
/** Find if there exists any pair of numbers which sum is equal to the value. */
public boolean find(int value) {
for(Map.Entry<Integer,Integer> entry:map.entrySet()){
int a = entry.getKey();
int b = value-a;
return true;
return false;
public class TwoSum {
Set<Integer> num;
Set<Integer> sum;
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
public TwoSum() {
num = new HashSet<Integer>();
sum = new HashSet<Integer>();
/** Add the number to an internal data structure.. */
public void add(int number) {
Iterator<Integer> iter = num.iterator();
/** Find if there exists any pair of numbers which sum is equal to the value. */
public boolean find(int value) {
return sum.contains(value);
此题可以学到,hashset和hashmap都可以用iterator进行迭代(Iterator<Integer> iter = hashmap.keySet().iterator()),也可以手动对hashmap进行迭代,如Map.Entry<a,b> entry;以后还会有keySet(),valueSet()等等