1020. Tree Traversals (25) PAT甲级真题





pirntf("%d ",data);



PTREE BuildTree(int * post, int *in,int size){
    PTREE tree;
    int i=0;



 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 #include<stdlib.h>
 3 #include<iostream>
 4 #include<queue>
 5 using namespace std;
 6 typedef struct tree{
 7     int data;
 8     struct tree *Left;
 9     struct tree *Right;
12 int TraversalTree(PTREE tree);
13 PTREE BuildTree(int *,int *,int);
14 int * TraversalTree_By_Level(PTREE,int);
16 int main(){
17     PTREE tree;
18     int count,count1,Temp,i=0,count2;
19     scanf("%d",&count);
20     int pre[count],in[count];
21     count1=count;
22     count2=count;
23     int size=count;
24     while(count1!=0){
25         scanf("%d",&Temp);
26         pre[i]=Temp;
27         i++;
28         count1--;
29     }
30     i=0;
31     while(count!=0){
32         scanf("%d",&Temp);
33         in[i]=Temp;
34         i++;
35         count--;
36     }
37     tree=BuildTree(pre,in,size);
38     TraversalTree_By_Level(tree,count2);
40 }
43 int TraversalTree(PTREE tree){
44     if(tree==NULL)
45         return(0);
46     printf("%d ",tree->data);
47     TraversalTree(tree->Left);
48     TraversalTree(tree->Right);
49 }
51 PTREE BuildTree(int * post, int *in,int size){
52     PTREE tree;
53     int i=0;
54     if(!size){
55         return(NULL);
56     }
58     tree=(PTREE)malloc(sizeof(TREE));
59     tree->data=post[size-1];
60     for(i=0;i<size;i++){
61         if(post[size-1]==in[i])
62             break;
63     }
64     //2 3 1  5 7 6  4
65     //1 2 3  4  5 6 7
66     tree->Left=BuildTree(post,in,i);
67     tree->Right=BuildTree(post+i,in+i+1,size-i-1);
68     return(tree);
69 }
70 int * TraversalTree_By_Level(PTREE tree,int count2){
71     int a[100];int i=0;int k=0;
72     queue<PTREE>q1;
73     PTREE Temp;
74     q1.push(tree);
75     while(!q1.empty()){
76         Temp=q1.front();
77         q1.pop();
78         a[k]=Temp->data;
79         k++;
80         if(Temp->Left!=NULL)
81             q1.push(Temp->Left);
82         if(Temp->Right!=NULL)
83             q1.push(Temp->Right);
84     }
85     while(i<count2-1){
86         printf("%d ",a[i]);
87         i++;
88     }
89     printf("%d",a[i]);
90     return(NULL);
91 }
时间: 2024-10-12 11:09:59

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