配置resin web方式部署项目


最近打算做一个小项目,然后容器选用了resin。想通过web提交war文件的方式 进行部署,更新代码也方便。






# resin.properties - configuration variable values
# See resin.xml, cluster-default.xml, and health.xml for full configuration.
# Any variable defined by ${...} can be set as a property in this file.
# Individual server overrides can be specified by prepending the server.id.
# For example, increasing the log level for an individual server:
# log_level : info
# app-0.log_level : finest
# Like Resin XML configuration, modification of this file will trigger
# a restart.

# General log level (modify resin.xml for more granular log level adjustments)
# log_level     : finer

# Enable verbose browser error reporting
dev_mode      : false

# How often Resin should check for updated files.
# dependency_check_interval : 5m

# Enable /resin-doc Resin documentation
resin_doc      : false
resin_doc_host :

# List Triad server ip-addresses:hmux-port for each tier, space separated
# App tier Triad servers must be listed to enable web-tier to
# app-tier load-balancing

# web-tier Triad servers: web-0 web-1 web-2
# web_servers      :

# app-tier Triad servers: app-0 app-1 app-2
app_servers      :

# Configures Resin for a memcached server tier
# memcached-tier Triad servers: memcached-0 memcached-1 memcached-2
# memcached_servers    :
# memcached_port : 11211

# proxycache tier: proxycache-0 proxycache-1 proxycache-2
# proxycache_servers   :
# backend_servers       :

# Allow elastic nodes to join the cluster (enable for cloud mode)
# elastic_cloud_enable : true

# The cluster that elastic nodes should join - each will contact a Triad server
# Use a separate resin.properties file for each cluster
home_cluster : app

# Used for an elastic server to join the cluster in home_cluster
# elastic_server : true

# Create a distinct webapps/ directory for each server, for vertical scaling
# elastic_webapp : true

# Used for cloud servers with dynamic IP addresses where the DNS name for the
# server is assigned after the server starts. Resin will retry the start.
# elastic_dns : true

# specifies the --server in the config file
# home_server : app-0

# Set HTTP and HTTPS bind address
# http_address  : *

# Set HTTP and HTTPS ports.
# Use overrides for individual server control, for example: app-0.http : 8081
app.http          : 80
app.https         : 8443

web.http          : 80
# web.https         : 8443

# memcached.http      : 8080
# memcached.https     : 8443

# proxycache.http    : 8080
# proxycache.https  : 8443

# For security, Resin can switch to a non-root user after binding to port 80
setuid_user   :
setuid_group  : 

# Arg passed directly to the JVM
jvm_args  : -Xms1500m -Xmx1500m -XX:PermSize=206m -XX:MaxPermSize=206m
# jvm_args  : -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
jvm_mode    : -server

# This classpath has priority over the default classpath, like when you want to
# use a third party library like Hibernate‘s JPA
# jvm_classpath :

# Local URLs for the watchdog to check to ensure the server is up,
# space separated
# http_ping_urls :

# Throttle the number of active threads for a port
port_thread_max   : 1000
accept_thread_max : 1000
accept_thread_min : 200
keepalive_max   : 512

# Enable JNI TCP speed optimizations
tcp_cork : true
sendfile : true
keepalive_select_enable : true

# OpenSSL certificate configuration
# Keys are typically stored in the resin configuration directory.
# openssl_file : keys/test.crt
# openssl_key : keys/test.key
# openssl_password : changeme
# openssl_protocols : -sslv2 -sslv3

# JSSE certificate configuration
# Keys are typically stored in the resin configuration directory.
# jsse_keystore_type : jks
# jsse_keystore_file : /etc/resin/keys/server.keystore
# jsse_keystore_password : changeme

# In absence of a signed certificate, Resin will fallback to using a
# self-signed development certificate if HTTPS is enabled

# Enable the proxy-cache - for caching static content in memory
proxy_cache_enable : false

# Sets the proxy cache memory size
# proxy_cache_size : 256m

# Enable clustered persistent sessions (for failover)
session_store : true

# disable the quercus *.php mapping when using Apache for PHP
# quercus_disable : true

# Web-apps named with numeric suffixes, e.g. foo-10.0.war and can be browsed
# as /foo. When a new version of the web-app is deployed, Resin continues
# to route active session requests to the previous web-app version while
# new sessions go to the new version, so users will not be aware of the
# application upgrade.
# webapp_multiversion_routing : true

# Set the email address to receive weekly and restart PDF reports
# email : [email protected]

# pdf_summary : true

# Set a global password to prevent foreign Resin instances from connecting.
# Must be identical between web, app, and cache clusters.
# cluster_system_key : changeme

# Enable remote admin (for remote CLI and for EC2 ext: triad discovery)
# remote_admin_enable : true

# Enable /resin-admin web administration console
web_admin_enable : true
web_admin_host   :

# Permit access to /resin-admin from non-local network ip-addresses
web_admin_external : true

# Require HTTPS to access /resin-admin
# web_admin_ssl : true

# Enable Resin REST Admin
# rest_admin_enable : true

# Require SSL for REST Admin
# rest_admin_ssl : true

# Access to /resin-admin and remote CLI is password restricted.
# Use "resinctl generate-password" and copy/paste here to set the admin
# admin_user : admin
# admin_password : {SSHA}xxxxxxxx

# Enable reading EC2 user data as resin properties
# properties_import_url :


<host id="youryuming.com" root-directory=".">

      <web-app id="/" root-directory="webapps/testDeploy"/>




PS:为什么要使用https,注册不使用https也可以,通过youryuming.com:8443/resin-admin/ 也可以。后面进行上传war包就会提示需要使用ssl。为了避免麻烦索性直接通过https进行注册登录

点击create configuration file 后根据页面提示进行操作修改,这里不再赘述。




时间: 2024-12-09 17:00:04

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?? 1.下载Nginx,进入Nginx下载地址:http://nginx.org/ 点击nginx-1.8.0,进入:http://nginx.org/en/download.html,下载文件: 2 下载pcre,这个是一个正则表达式的库,Nginx做rewriter的时候回用到这个库: 进入pcre的官网(rewrite模式需要pcre):http://www.pcre.org/ 选中右击复制所需要的版本: 3 下载zlib库(gzip模块需要zlib):http://www.zlib.n

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