OSI model

The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI Model) will group
communication functions into seven logical layers. A layer serves the layer
above it and is served by the layer below it. For example, a layer that
provides error-free communications across a network provides the path needed by
applications above it, while it calls the next lower layer to send and receive
packets that make up the contents of that path.

Layer 1: Physical Layer

The physical layer has the following major functions:

It defines the electrical and physical specifications of the
data connection. It defines the relationship between a device and a physical
transmission medium (e.g., a copper or fiber optical cable). This includes the
layout of pins, voltages, line impedance, cable specifications, signal timing,
hubs, repeaters, network adapters, host bus adapters (HBA used in storage area
networks) and more.

It defines the protocol to establish and terminate a connection
between two directly connected nodes over a communications medium.

Layer 2: Data Link
(switches operates on)

The data link layer provides node-to-node data transfer -- a
reliable link between two directly connected nodes, by detecting and possibly
correcting errors that may occur in the physical layer. The data link layer is
divided into two sub layers:

The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is an example of a data link
layer in the TCP/IP protocol stack.

The ITU-T G.hn standard, which provides high-speed local area
networking over existing wires (power lines, phone lines and coaxial cables),
includes a complete data link layer that provides both error correction and
flow control by means of a selective-repeat sliding-window protocol.

Layer 3: Network Layer(router works on, ip address)

The network layer provides the functional and procedural means
of transferring variable length data sequences (called datagrams) from one node
to another connected to the same network. It translates logical network address
into physical machine address.

A network is a medium to which many nodes can be connected, on
which every node has an address and which permits nodes connected to it to
transfer messages to other nodes connected to it by merely providing the
content of a message and the address of the destination node and letting the
network find the way to deliver ("route") the message to the
destination node. In addition to message routing, the network may (or may not)
implement message delivery by splitting the message into several fragments,
delivering each fragment by a separate route and reassembling the fragments,
report delivery errors, etc.

Layer 4: Transport Layer
(deals with the data that back and

The transport layer provides the functional and procedural means
of transferring variable-length data sequences from a source to a destination
host via one or more networks, while maintaining the quality of service

An example of a transport-layer protocol in the standard
Internet stack is Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), usually built on top of
the Internet Protocol (IP).

The transport layer controls the reliability of a given link through
flow control, segmentation/desegmentation, and error control. Some protocols
are state- and connection-oriented. This means that the transport layer can
keep track of the segments and retransmit those that fail. The transport layer
also provides the acknowledgement of the successful data transmission and sends
the next data if no errors occurred. The transport layer creates packets out of
the message received from the application layer. Packetizing is a process of
dividing the long message into smaller messages.

Layer 5: Session Layer(create session bw your computer and the computer you are connection )

The session layer controls the dialogues (connections) between
computers. It establishes, manages and terminates the connections between the
local and remote application. It provides for full-duplex, half-duplex, or
simple x operation, and establishes check pointing, adjournment, termination,
and restart procedures. The OSI model made this layer responsible for close of
sessions, which is a property of the Transmission Control Protocol, and also
for session check pointing and recovery, which is not usually used in the
Internet Protocol Suite. The session layer is commonly implemented explicitly
in application environments that use remote procedure calls.

Layer 6: Presentation
(operation system works on)

The presentation layer establishes context between
application-layer entities, in which the application-layer entities may use
different syntax and semantics if the presentation service provides a big
mapping between them. If a mapping is available, presentation service data
units are encapsulated into session protocol data units, and passed down the
protocol stack.

This layer provides independence from data representation (e.g.,
encryption) by translating between application and network formats. The
presentation layer transforms data into the form that the application accepts.
This layer formats and encrypts data to be sent across a network

Layer 7: Application Layer(Firefox, chrome, Skype)

The application layer is the OSI layer closest to the end user,
which means both the OSI application layer and the user interact directly with
the software application. This layer interacts with software applications that
implement a communicating component. Such application programs fall outside the
scope of the OSI model. Application-layer functions typically include
identifying communication partners, determining resource availability, and
synchronizing communication.
When identifying communication partners, the application layer determines the
identity and availability of communication partners for an application with
data to transmit. When determining resource availability, the application layer
must decide whether sufficient network or the requested communication exists.

时间: 2024-10-16 04:47:23



转:http://blog.csdn.net/superjunjin/article/details/7841099/ TCP/IP四层模型 TCP/IP是一组协议的代名词,它还包括许多协议,组成了TCP/IP协议簇.TCP/IP协议簇分为四层,IP位于协议簇的第二层(对应OSI的第三层),TCP位于协议簇的第三层(对应OSI的第四层).   TCP/IP通讯协议采用了4层的层级结构,每一层都呼叫它的下一层所提供的网络来完成自己的需求.这4层分别为: 应用层:应用程序间沟通的层,如简单电子邮件传


一.为什么学习 网络与我们的生活息息相关,能上网的地方都离不开网络的支持,整体听小伙伴们谈论网络相关的知识,自己却无从插口... 工作中发邮件.聊扣扣生活中玩网游等,我们通过网络所做的事情都与网络低层有关.终归到底,自己还是一个做编程的,这些都不懂,学习中处处遇障碍,所以要学习这块. 二.分层的概念 分层在生活中随处可见,公司分老板.总监.经理.小团队,传销团伙也是金字塔形的,只要是个组织,都会有分层的概念.一般来说:低层是为高层服务的,每一层都可以使用下层提供的服务,并向高层提供服务. 三.O


协议的分层 OSI参考模型将通信协议中必要的功能分成了7层.通过这些分层,使得那些比较复杂的网络协议更加简单化.在这一模型中,每个分层都接收由它下一层所提供的特定服务,并且负责为自己的上一层提供特定的服务.上下层之间进行交互时所遵循的约定叫做"接口".同一层之间的交互所遵循的约定叫做"协议".如图: OSI参考模型 OSI参考模型将这样一个复杂的协议整理并分为了易于理解的7个分层: OSI参考模型中各个分层的作用 应用层 为应用程序提供服务并规定应用程序中通信相关的


OSI七层模型 由于整个网络连接的过程相当复杂,包括硬件.软件数据封包与应用程序的互相链接等等.如果想要写一支将联网全部功能都串连在一块的程序,那么当某个小环节出现问题时,整只程序都需要改写.所以我们将整个网络分成数层,每层都有自己独立的功能,而且每层的代码都可以独立撰写,因为相互之间不会干扰.如此一来,当某个小环节出现问题时,只要将该层的代码改写即可.并且这样可以让整个网络层次更加的清晰. 在网络上传输信息就像是一个发包裹的过程,从己方的应用程序开始往第七层的包裹里塞数据,再依次塞到第一层的包

OSI七层模型详解 TCP/IP协议

总结 OSI中的层 功能 TCP/IP协议族 应用层 文件传输,电子邮件,文件服务,虚拟终端 TFTP,HTTP,SNMP,FTP,SMTP,DNS,Telnet 等等 表示层 数据格式化,代码转换,数据加密 没有协议 会话层 解除或建立与别的接点的联系 没有协议 传输层 提供端对端的接口 TCP,UDP 网络层 为数据包选择路由 IP,ICMP,OSPF,EIGRP,IGMP 数据链路层 传输有地址的帧以及错误检测功能 SLIP,CSLIP,PPP,MTU 物理层 以二进制数据形式在物理媒体上


各层简介: [1]物理层:主要定义物理设备标准,如网线的接口类型.光纤的接口类型.各种传输介质的传输速率等.它的主要作用是传输比特流(就是由1.0转化为电流强弱来进行传输,到达目的地后在转化为1.0,也就是我们常说的数模转换与模数转换),这一层的数据叫做比特. [2]数据链路层:定义了如何让格式化数据以进行传输,以及如何让控制对物理介质的访问,这一层通常还提供错误检测和纠正,以确保数据的可靠传输. [3]网络层:在位于不同地理位置的网络中的两个主机系统之间提供连接和路径选择,Internet的发


OSI(Open System Interconnect )开放系统互连参考模型是国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电报电话咨询委员会(CCITT)联合制定的开放系统互连参考模型,为开放式互连信息系统提供了一种功能结构的框架.这里所说的开放系统,实质上指的是遵循OSI参考模型和相关协议能够实现互连的具有各种应用目的的计算机系统.它从低到高分别是:物理层.数据链路层.网络层.传输层.会话层.表示层和应用层.而TCP/IP协议栈和OSI模型有着对应关系,那么先看一下OSI参考模型.OSI参考模型如下图所


以下整理的是计算机网络的OSI,TCP/IP,五层协议的体系结构,以及各层协议,便于以后查看: OSI分层,自上而下分别是:物理层,数据链路层,网络层,传输层,会话层,表示层,应用层 TCP/IP分层:网络接口层(对应OSI的物理层和数据链路层),网际层(对应OSI的网络层,定义了标准的分组格式和协议,即IP协议,当前采用ip4,下一版为ip6),运输层(对应OSI的传输层),应用层(对应OSI的会话层,表示层和应用层) 五层协议分别为:物理层,数据链路层,网络层,传输层,应用层 物理层:作用:


OSI七层:Open System Interconnection开放系统互联. 什么叫协议? 答:协议顾名思义就是协商,商议后制定的合法凭证. 层对应设备与协议: 分层 设备 传输单元(PDU) 协议 应用层 PC SMTP,FTP,TFTP,DHCP,DNS,SNMP,HTTP,HTTPS,TELNEL 表示层 会话层 传输层 防火墙 数据段 TCP,UDP,SPX 网络层 路由器 数据包 IP,ARP,RARP,ICMP,RIP,OSPF,IGMP 数据链路层 交换机 数据帧 STP,PP


OSI 七层模型通过七个层次化的结构模型使不同的系统不同的网络之间实现可靠的通讯,因此其最主要的功能就是帮助不同类型的主机实现数据传输 . 完成中继功能的节点通常称为中继系统.在OSI七层模型中,处于不同层的中继系统具有不同的名称. 一个设备工作在哪一层,关键看它工作时利用哪一层的数据头部信息.网桥工作时,是以MAC头部来决定转发端口的,因此显然它是数据链路层的设备. 具体说: 物理层:网卡,网线,集线器,中继器,调制解调器 数据链路层:网桥,交换机 网络层:路由器 网关工作在第四层传输层及其以