Element Operators


Returns the element at a specified index in a collection


Returns the element at a specified index in a collection or a default value if the index is out of range.


Returns the first element of a collection, or the first element that satisfies a condition.


Returns the first element of a collection, or the first element that satisfies a condition. Returns a default value if index is out of range.


Returns the last element of a collection, or the last element that satisfies a condition


Returns the last element of a collection, or the last element that satisfies a condition. Returns a default value if no such element exists.


Returns the only element of a collection, or the only element that satisfies a condition.


Returns the only element of a collection, or the only element that satisfies a condition. Returns a default value if no such element exists or the collection does not contain exactly one element.

时间: 2024-12-23 06:21:35

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