sharepoint 2013 使用outlook 打开sharepoint 任务失败

使用outlook 2010打开失败时可以检查下面几点:

Applies To:

  • Workflow Conductor 2.1 and higher
  • SharePoint Server 2010 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
  • Microsoft Outlook 2007 and Microsoft Outlook 2010

In Workflow Conductor 2.1 and higher, e-mail notifications sent for workflow tasks can be recognized by Microsoft Outlook as SharePoint tasks. Outlook adds the Edit this Task button (Open this Task, in Outlook 2010) to the Outlook message toolbar to allow users to update the task in SharePoint.

Full SharePoint task integration in Microsoft Outlook is only available with SharePoint Server 2010 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. TheEdit/Open this Task button does not work if the workflow task was created in SharePoint Foundation 2010 or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. This is a SharePoint limitation.

The following additional requirements must be met for the Outlook Edit/Open this Task button to work with Workflow Conductor tasks:

  • The SharePoint server and the machine running the Microsoft Outlook client must be in the same Active Directory domain.
  • The SharePoint site where the task was created must be a trusted site in IE. To check if the site is trusted, open a new IE browser window (close all other IE windows first). Browse to the site. If you are prompted for a user name and password, the site is not yet trusted. Add the site to the Trusted Sites list in IE to enable Outlook Edit Task functionality.

When you see the Edit/Open this Task button at the top of a workflow notification message, click on it to view the workflow task in SharePoint and perform any required actions.

outlook 2013 打开失败,可以用2010,也可以用下面的workround的解决方案:

The Open the task mentioned in the email is a button named "Open the task" which can be find in Outlook toolbar which can be used to open related task form, so that we can approval task directly from Outlook.

If you want to add custom link to the approval form page to the email, please follow this step:

  1. Open workflow from SharePoint Designer.
  2. Click the approval task and Change the behavior of a single task.
  3. Under When a Task is Pending, there are 2 Email task notification actions and these actions is used to send the approval task emails, so we need to modify the emails by modify these actions.
  4. Then in Define E-mail Message window, click the Hyperlink button (the last button on the fourth row).
  5. Type "Open this task" for Text to display option.
  6. Click ... button behind the Address option, type following string in String builder.
    http://server/site/Lists/your task list/DispForm.aspx?ID=
    Then click Add or Change Lookup on the left button of the String builder, select ID field from Current Task data source.
    So the final string should similar like this: 
    http://server/site/Lists/your task list/DispForm.aspx?ID=[%Current Task:ID%]
  7. Add the link to both 2 email task notification actions.
  8. Save and Publish the workflow.


时间: 2024-08-27 22:26:48

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