
Two years ago, Rupert Murdoch‘s daughter, Elisabeth, spoke of the "unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of four institutions". Integrity had collapsed, she argued, because of a collective acceptance that the only "sorting mechanism" in society should be profit and the market. But "it‘s us, human beings, we the people who create the society we want, not profit".

Driving her point home, she continued: "It‘s increasingly apparent that the absence of purpose, of a moral language within government, media or business could become one of the most dangerous goals for capitalism and freedom." This same absence of moral purpose was wounding companies, such as News International, she thought, making it more likely that it would lose its way as it had with widespread illegal telephone hacking.

As the hacking trial concludes -- finding guilty one ex-editor of the News of the World, Andy Coulson, for conspiring to hack phones, and finding his predecessor, Rebakah Brooks, innocent of the same charge -- the wider issue of dearth of integrity still stands. Journalists are known to have hacked the phones of up to 5,500 people. This is hacking on an industrial scale, as was acknowledged by Glenn Mulcaire, the man hired by the News of the World in 2001 to be the point person for phonehacking. Others await trial. This long story still unfolds.

In many respects, the dearth of moral purpose frames not only the fact of scuh widespread phone hacking but the terms on which the trial took place. One of the astonishing revelations was how little Rebekah Brooks knew of what went on in her newsroom, how little she thought to ask and the fact that she never inquired how the stories arrived. The core of her successful defense was that she knew nothing.

In today‘s world, it has become normal that well-paid executives should not be accountable for what happens in the organizations that they run. Perhaps we should not be so surprised. For a generation, the collective doctrine has been that the sorting mechanism of society should be profit. The words that have mattered are efficiency, flexibility, shareholder value, business-friendly, wealth generation, sales, impact and, in newspapers, circulation. Words degraded to the margin have been justice, fairness, tolerance, proportionality and accountability.

The purpose of editing the News of the World was no to promote reader understanding, to be fair in what was written or to betray any common humanity. It was to ruin lives in the quest for circulation and impact. Ms Brooks may or may not have had suspicions about how her journalists got their stories, but she asked no questions, gave no instructions -- nor received traceable, recorded answers.

On a five to three vote, the Surpreme Court knocked out much of Arizona‘s immigration law Monday -- a modest policy victory for the Obama Administration. But on the more important matter of the Constitution, the decision was an 8-0 defeat for the Administration‘s effort to upset the balance of power between the federal government and the states.

In Arizona vs United Staes, the majority overturned three of the four contested provisons of Arizona‘s controvesial plan to have state and local police enforce federal immigration law. The Constitutional principles that Washington alone has the power to "establish a uniform Rule of Natruralization" and that federal laws precede state laws are noncontroversial. Arizona had attempted to fashion state policies that ran parallel to the existing federal ones.

Justice Anthony Kennedy, joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and the Court‘s liberals, ruled that the state flew too close to the federal sun. On the overturned provisions the majority held the congress had deliberately "occupied the field" and Arizona had thus intruded on the federal‘s privileged powers.

However, the Justices said that Arizona police would be allowed to verify the legal status of people who come in contact with law enforcement. That‘s because Congress has always envisioned joint federal-state immigration enforcement and explicitly encourages state officers to share information and cooperate with federal colleagues.

Two of the three objecting Justice -- Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas -- agreed with this Constitutional logic but disagreed about which Arizona rules conflicted with the federal stature. The only major objection came from Justice Antonin Scalia, who offered an even more robust defense of state privileges going back to the alien and Sedition Acts.

The 8-0 objection to President Obama turns on what Justice Samuel Alito describes in his objection as "a shocking assertion of federal executive power". The White House argued that Arizona‘s laws conflicted with its enforcement priorities, even if state Laws complied with federal statues to the letter. In effect, the White House claimed that it could invalidate any otherwise legitimate state law that it disagree with.

Some powers do belong exclusively to the federal government, and control of citizenship and the borders is among them. Buf if Congress wanted to prevent states from using their own resources to check immigration status, it could. It never did So. The administration was in essence asserting that because it didn‘t want to carry out Congress‘s immigration wishes, no state should be allowed to do so either. Every Justice rightly rejected this remarkable claim.

时间: 2024-10-14 00:44:18


安卓第一夜 第一个应用

作者:Vamei 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/vamei 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明.谢谢! 承接"Java快速教程",我将开始写安卓相关的文章. 安卓(Android)开发主要使用Java语言.Java语言基础,是安卓开发的第一道门槛.再者,一个好的安卓应用往往配合有远程服务器.这两方面,可以参考Java快速教程中对Java语言和Play框架的讲解.安卓开发还需要其它技术的合作,包括操作系统.互联网.图形化界面.数据库等.可以说,移动开发是一个现实的战场,平常


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安卓第五夜 维纳斯的诞生

作者:Vamei 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/vamei 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明.谢谢! 之前各讲中,分别讲解了安卓的开发环境.架构和基本概念.从这一讲开始,我将制作一个简单的应用,并通过逐步升级它的功能,连带出安卓开发的多个情境. <维纳斯的诞生>是文艺复兴早期名画.相传美神维纳斯从海的泡沫中诞生,波提切利用大胆的笔触描绘这一古典神话.画面洋溢着对人体和美的热爱.如果在中世纪或者西班牙宗教审判时期,这幅画足够波提切利上火刑架了. 任务描述 我将制作一个简单的欢迎页


作者:Vamei 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/vamei 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明.谢谢! Java是面向对象语言.这门语言其实相当年轻,于1995年才出现,由Sun公司出品.James Gosling领导了Java的项目小组.该项目的最初只想为家电设计一门容易移植的语言.然而,在获得了Netscape浏览器支持后,Java快速推广,应用广泛. Java受到C和C++的强烈影响.Java与C++相近,都是静态类型,但移除了C++中容易出错的一些特征,比如指针和多重继承.


Java快速教程 作者:Vamei 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/vamei 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明.谢谢! Java是面向对象语言.这门语言其实相当年轻,于1995年才出现,由Sun公司出品.James Gosling领导了Java的项目小组.该项目的最初只想为家电设计一门容易移植的语言.然而,在获得了Netscape浏览器支持后,Java快速推广,应用广泛. Java受到C和C++的强烈影响.Java与C++相近,都是静态类型,但移除了C++中容易出错的一些特征,比


作者:Vamei 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/vamei 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明.谢谢! Java是面向对象语言.这门语言其实相当年轻,于1995年才出现,由Sun公司出品.James Gosling领导了Java的项目小组.该项目的最初只想为家电设计一门容易移植的语言.然而,在获得了Netscape浏览器支持后,Java快速推广,应用广泛. Java受到C和C++的强烈影响. Java与C++相近,都是静态类型,但移除了C++中容易出错的一些特征,比如指针和多重继承


事先啰嗦几句 1. 纯叙述分享,也当挖坟自我重新认识(大概就是把以前的经历又翻出来的意思). 2. 前面叙述有“摇尾乞怜”之嫌,所以采用分段叙述的方式,只想看创业分享的直接往下拉. 3. 故意回避了一些真实信息,也为了避免说是软文(你TM就是怕被人肉么),所以很多东西就没写了,大家就当看小说,看看,笑笑,就过去了,别太认真.或者,就当重温一下<疯狂程序猿>(我去,你这离那小说十万八千里),哦,不对,应该叫<屌丝的逆袭之路>. 4. 特意提到自己贫困的时候(其实大学有去过贵州大方威宁


引言 即将离开北京这个繁华的帝都,在离开之前,还是要坐在自己北京的出租屋里写上一篇文章,来纪念这个改变自己命运的城市,以示对帝都的尊重. 北上 2011年的3月份,LZ和自己的母亲来到了北京,这个承载了无数人梦想的城市. 初到北京,一种陌生的感觉在心底滋生.在北京的第一夜,LZ住的是地下室,那种苦闷和阴暗的环境,让LZ的心里产生了一丝恐惧,“这个城市,我真的能活下去吗?” 来不急安慰自己脆弱的心灵,接踵而至的,就是进入培训机构,没日没夜的学习.幸运的是,虽然LZ只是一个垃圾二本院校的非计算机专业

[转] Java快速教程

[转] Java快速教程 转自:Vamei的Java快速教程 2015-07-03 安装环境 Step 1: Eclipse JDK 下载.安装.配置 (download.install.deploy) Step 2: eclipse Eclipse JDK 下载.安装.配置 (download.install.deploy) Java是面向对象语言.这门语言其实相当年轻,于1995年才出现,由Sun公司出品.James Gosling领导了Java的项目小组.该项目的最初只想为家电设计一门容易