


在最开始的时候,所有的ARM指令都被编码为4字节。这被称为ARM mode。

后来发现可以压缩到两个字节。这被称为Thumb mode

* Thumb mode和ARM mode可能会同时存在于一个程序中。



* many other RISC ISAs with fixed length 32-bit opcodes, such as MIPS, PowerPC and Alpha AXP.


The x86 ISA has always been one with variable-length opcodes, so when the 64-bit era came, the x64 extensions did not impact the ISA very significantly. In fact, the x86 ISA still contains a lot of instructions that first appeared in 16-bit 8086 CPU, yet are still found in the CPUs of today. ARM is a RISC3 CPU designed with constant-length opcode in mind, which had some advantages in the past. In the very beginning, all ARM instructions were encoded in 4 bytes4. This is now referred to as “ARM mode”. Then they thought it wasn’t as frugal as they first imagined. In fact, most used CPU instructions5 in real world applications can be encoded using less information. They therefore added another ISA, called Thumb, where each instruction was encoded in just 2 bytes. This is now referred as “Thumb mode”. However, not all ARM instructions can be encoded in just 2 bytes, so the Thumb instruction set is somewhat limited. It is worth noting that code compiled for ARM mode and Thumb mode may of course coexist within one single program. The ARM creators thought Thumb could be extended, giving rise to Thumb-2, which appeared in ARMv7. Thumb-2 still uses 2-byte instructions, but has some new instructions which have the size of 4 bytes. There is a common misconception that Thumb-2 is a mix of ARM and Thumb. This is incorrect. Rather, Thumb- 2 was extended to fully support all processor features so it could compete with ARM mode—a goal that was clearly achieved, as the majority of applications for iPod/iPhone/iPad are compiled for the Thumb-2 instruction set (admittedly, largely due to the fact that Xcode does this by default). Later the 64-bit ARM came out. This ISA has 4-byte opcodes, and lacked the need of any additional Thumb mode. However, the 64-bit requirements affected the ISA, resulting in us now having three ARM instruction sets: ARM mode, Thumb mode (including Thumb-2) and ARM64. These ISAs intersect partially, but it can be said that they are different ISAs, rather than variations of the same one. Therefore, we would try to add fragments of code in all three ARM ISAs in this book. There are, by the way, many other RISC ISAs with fixed length 32-bit opcodes, such as MIPS, PowerPC and Alpha AXP.

时间: 2024-12-18 09:25:27


读书笔记 effective c++ Item 32 确保public继承建立“is-a”模型

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Java Inheritance ( IS-A relationship)

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Objective-C isa 指针 与 runtime 机制

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C++ is-a was-a has-a holds-a

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Object-C 类,对象,运行时,isa 附带类本质的内存图

如果不是Apple,不是App Store,Object-C恐怕早就淡出人们的视线了.大部分编程语言都是基于C语法风格的,所以初次接触这个非C风格的语言,会看不懂它那怪异的语法.但如果掌握了它之后,也并不会觉得它又太多的不同.今天记录一下它的底层运作.       1: 类Class:       typedef struct objc_class * Class;     从Class的定义可以看出,它是一个 objc_class 结构类型的指针,objc_class又是什么呢? struct