May 10th 2017 Week 19th Wednesday

Imagination is the source of creation.


Sometimes, creation and innovation are very simple, nothing more than combination of two or more existing things.

If you check the details of some inventions, you will find the basic theory may be very simple, and you know that as well.

However, why didn‘t you have those ideas? Maybe just due to the lack of imagination.

And that makes me remember some of fantasy novles I had read, at one time I was indulged in reading them.

How interesting the stories are. Why I can‘t plot out the same stories? Also due to the lack of imagination.

Sometimes I even can‘t make the existing things clear, not to mention to imagine some new things.

Write down some motivation sentences to refresh:

Consult not to our fears but our hopes and our dreams.

Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential.

Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.

I think part of my gift, or if I have one, is that I love listening.


From Eric Clapton.

Before writing down my thoughts about this quotation from Eric Patrick Clapton, I‘d like to make a brief introduction about this famous guitarist.

Have you remembered that several days before we discussed a quotation from Jimi Hendrix, also a well-known guitarist? Jimi Hendrix created a new era of electirc music, but he already passed away, Eric Clapton, is still alive.

He was born on March 30 1945, now 72 years old. As an English rock and blues guitarist, he is the only three-time inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Undoubtedly, he is a gifted musician. And part of his gifts, as he has said, is that he loves listening.

Maybe I can comprehend his meaning in two different ways.

First, he loves listening and he have listened many musical works, which helped him enlarge his vision and deepen his understanding about music.

Second, he loves listening, through which he can learn a lot of things and feelings of others that he might not experice before, and that may benefit a lot in his music.

So, whatever we are engaged in, we‘d better to learn from the existing knowledge and experience, both of ourselves and others, that can become the groundwork of our innovation.

时间: 2024-07-29 05:31:35

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