游戏框架其九:灯光和材质( Lights and Material )


1. 灯光

#pragma once
// Lights.h - implements a simple light class for the scene graph

#include "D3DRenderer.h"
#include "Geometry.h"
#include "Scene.h"
#include "SceneNodes.h"

// 光的颜色刚好反映在材质上面
// Note: Light color is stored in the Material structure, which is already present in all SceneNodes.

// struct LightProperties
struct LightProperties
	float	m_Attenuation[3];  /* Attenuation coefficients 衰减系数 */
	float	m_Range;           /* 光照范围 */
	float	m_Falloff;
	float	m_Theta;
	float	m_Phi;

// class LightNode
//    Note: In the book this class implements the LightNode in D3D11, but here it is a base
//    class. The derived classes make it possible to run the engine in D3D9 or D3D11.

typedef unsigned int ActorId;
typedef unsigned int GameViewId;
typedef D3DXCOLOR    Color;
typedef unsigned int  DWORD;
typedef unsigned char  BYTE;
#define GCC_NEW new
enum HRESULT {

class LightNode : public SceneNode
	LightProperties m_LightProps;

	LightNode(const ActorId actorId, WeakBaseRenderComponentPtr renderComponent, const LightProperties &props, const Mat4x4 *t);

class D3DLightNode9 : public LightNode
	D3DLightNode9(const ActorId actorId, WeakBaseRenderComponentPtr renderComponent, const LightProperties &lightProps, const Mat4x4 *t)
		: LightNode(actorId, renderComponent, lightProps,  t) { }

	D3DLIGHT9	m_d3dLight9;

	virtual HRESULT VOnRestore(Scene *pScene);
	virtual HRESULT VOnUpdate(Scene *, DWORD const elapsedMs);

class D3DLightNode11 : public LightNode
	D3DLightNode11(const ActorId actorId, WeakBaseRenderComponentPtr renderComponent,  const LightProperties &lightProps, const Mat4x4 *t)
		: LightNode(actorId, renderComponent, lightProps,  t) { }

	virtual HRESULT VOnRestore() { return S_OK; };
	virtual HRESULT VOnUpdate(Scene *, DWORD const elapsedMs);

struct ConstantBuffer_Lighting;

// class LightManager
class LightManager
	friend class Scene;

	Lights					m_Lights;
    Color					m_vLightDiffuse[MAXIMUM_LIGHTS_SUPPORTED];
	Vec4					m_vLightAmbient;
	void CalcLighting(Scene *pScene);
	void CalcLighting(ConstantBuffer_Lighting* pLighting, SceneNode *pNode);
	int GetLightCount(const SceneNode *node) { return m_Lights.size(); }
	const Vec4 *GetLightAmbient(const SceneNode *node) { return &m_vLightAmbient; }
	const Vec4 *GetLightDirection(const SceneNode *node) { return m_vLightDir; }
	const Color *GetLightDiffuse(const SceneNode *node) { return m_vLightDiffuse; }
// Lights.h - implements a simple light class for the GameCode4 scene graph

#include "GameCodeStd.h"

#include "GameCode.h"
#include "RenderComponent.h"
#include "Lights.h"

LightNode::LightNode(const ActorId actorId, WeakBaseRenderComponentPtr renderComponent, const LightProperties &props,  const Mat4x4 *t)
 : SceneNode(actorId, renderComponent,  RenderPass_NotRendered,  t)
	m_LightProps = props;

HRESULT D3DLightNode9::VOnRestore(Scene *pScene)
	ZeroMemory( &m_d3dLight9, sizeof(D3DLIGHT9) );
    m_d3dLight9.Type        = D3DLIGHT_DIRECTIONAL;

	// These parameters are constant for the list after the scene is loaded
	m_d3dLight9.Range        = m_LightProps.m_Range;
    m_d3dLight9.Falloff		= m_LightProps.m_Falloff;
	m_d3dLight9.Attenuation0	= m_LightProps.m_Attenuation[0];
    m_d3dLight9.Attenuation1	= m_LightProps.m_Attenuation[0];
    m_d3dLight9.Attenuation2	= m_LightProps.m_Attenuation[0];
    m_d3dLight9.Theta			= m_LightProps.m_Theta;
    m_d3dLight9.Phi			= m_LightProps.m_Phi;

	return S_OK;

HRESULT D3DLightNode9::VOnUpdate(Scene *, DWORD const elapsedMs)
	// light color can change anytime! Check the BaseRenderComponent!
	LightRenderComponent* lrc = static_cast<LightRenderComponent*>(m_RenderComponent);

	m_d3dLight9.Diffuse = m_Props.GetMaterial().GetDiffuse();
	float power;
	Color spec;
    m_Props.GetMaterial().GetSpecular(spec, power);
	m_d3dLight9.Specular = spec;
    m_d3dLight9.Ambient = m_Props.GetMaterial().GetAmbient();

	m_d3dLight9.Position = GetPosition();
	m_d3dLight9.Direction = GetDirection();
	return S_OK;

HRESULT D3DLightNode11::VOnUpdate(Scene *, DWORD const elapsedMs)
	// light color can change anytime! Check the BaseRenderComponent!
	LightRenderComponent* lrc = static_cast<LightRenderComponent*>(m_RenderComponent);
	return S_OK;

// LightManager::CalcLighting
void LightManager::CalcLighting(Scene *pScene)
	// FUTURE WORK: There might be all kinds of things you'd want to do here for optimization, especially turning off lights on actors that can't be seen, etc.
	pScene->GetRenderer()->VCalcLighting(&m_Lights, MAXIMUM_LIGHTS_SUPPORTED);

	int count = 0;

	for(Lights::iterator i=m_Lights.begin(); i!=m_Lights.end(); ++i, ++count)
		shared_ptr<LightNode> light = *i;

		if (count==0)
			// Light 0 is the only one we use for ambient lighting. The rest are ignored in the simple shaders used for GameCode4.
			Color ambient = light->VGet()->GetMaterial().GetAmbient();
			m_vLightAmbient = D3DXVECTOR4(ambient.r, ambient.g, ambient.b, 1.0f);

		Vec3 lightDir = light->GetDirection();
		m_vLightDir[count] = D3DXVECTOR4(lightDir.x, lightDir.y, lightDir.z, 1.0f);
		m_vLightDiffuse[count] = light->VGet()->GetMaterial().GetDiffuse();

void LightManager::CalcLighting(ConstantBuffer_Lighting* pLighting, SceneNode *pNode)
	int count = GetLightCount(pNode);
	if (count)
		pLighting->m_vLightAmbient = *GetLightAmbient(pNode);
		memcpy(pLighting->m_vLightDir, GetLightDirection(pNode), sizeof( Vec4 ) * count );
		memcpy(pLighting->m_vLightDiffuse, GetLightDiffuse(pNode), sizeof( Vec4 ) * count);
		pLighting->m_nNumLights = count;

2. 材质

#pragma once
// File: Material.h - stores texture and material information for D3D9 and D3D11

//  class Material

#include "Geometry.h"
#include "ResCache.h"

class Material
	D3DMATERIAL9 m_D3DMaterial;// This structure stores diffuse,ambient,specular,emissive,power.
	void SetAmbient(const Color &color);
	const Color GetAmbient() { return m_D3DMaterial.Ambient; }

	void SetDiffuse(const Color &color);
	const Color GetDiffuse() { return m_D3DMaterial.Diffuse; }

	void SetSpecular(const Color &color, const float power);
	void GetSpecular(Color &_color, float &_power)
		{ _color = m_D3DMaterial.Specular; _power = m_D3DMaterial.Power; }

	void SetEmissive(const Color &color);
	const Color GetEmissive() { return m_D3DMaterial.Emissive; }

	void SetAlpha(const float alpha);
	bool HasAlpha() const { return GetAlpha() != fOPAQUE; }
	float GetAlpha() const { return m_D3DMaterial.Diffuse.a; }

	void D3DUse9();

//  class D3DTextureResourceExtraData9, also see D3DTextureResourceExtraData11
class D3DTextureResourceExtraData9 : public IResourceExtraData
	friend class TextureResourceLoader;

	virtual ~D3DTextureResourceExtraData9() { SAFE_RELEASE(m_pTexture); }
	virtual std::string VToString() { return "D3DTextureResourceExtraData9"; }

	LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 const GetTexture() { return m_pTexture; }


//  class D3DTextureResourceExtraData11
class D3DTextureResourceExtraData11 : public IResourceExtraData
	friend class TextureResourceLoader;

	virtual ~D3DTextureResourceExtraData11() { SAFE_RELEASE(m_pTexture); SAFE_RELEASE(m_pSamplerLinear); }
	virtual std::string VToString() { return "D3DTextureResourceExtraData11"; }

	ID3D11ShaderResourceView * const *GetTexture() { return &m_pTexture; }
	ID3D11SamplerState * const *GetSampler() { return &m_pSamplerLinear; }

	ID3D11ShaderResourceView *m_pTexture;
	ID3D11SamplerState* m_pSamplerLinear;

//  class TextureResourceLoader
class TextureResourceLoader : public IResourceLoader
	virtual bool VUseRawFile() { return false; }
	virtual bool VDiscardRawBufferAfterLoad() { return true; }
	virtual unsigned int VGetLoadedResourceSize(char *rawBuffer, unsigned int rawSize);
	virtual bool VLoadResource(char *rawBuffer, unsigned int rawSize, shared_ptr<ResHandle> handle);
// File: Material.cpp - stores texture and material information for D3D9 and D3D11

#include "GameCodeStd.h"
#include "GameCode.h"
#include "ResCache.h"
#include "SceneNodes.h"

// class Material

	ZeroMemory( &m_D3DMaterial, sizeof( D3DMATERIAL9 ) );
	m_D3DMaterial.Diffuse = g_White;
	m_D3DMaterial.Ambient = Color(0.10f, 0.10f, 0.10f, 1.0f);
	m_D3DMaterial.Specular = g_White;
	m_D3DMaterial.Emissive = g_Black;

void Material::SetAmbient(const Color &color)
	m_D3DMaterial.Ambient = color;

void Material::SetDiffuse(const Color &color)
	m_D3DMaterial.Diffuse = color;

void Material::SetSpecular(const Color &color, const float power)
	m_D3DMaterial.Specular = color;
	m_D3DMaterial.Power = power;

void Material::SetEmissive(const Color &color)
	m_D3DMaterial.Emissive = color;

void Material::SetAlpha(float alpha)
	m_D3DMaterial.Diffuse.a = alpha;

void Material::D3DUse9()
	DXUTGetD3D9Device()->SetMaterial( &m_D3DMaterial );

// class DdsResourceLoader	- creates an interface with the Resource cache to load DDS files
class DdsResourceLoader : public TextureResourceLoader
	virtual std::string VGetPattern() { return "*.dds"; }

shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> CreateDDSResourceLoader()
	return shared_ptr<IResourceLoader>(GCC_NEW DdsResourceLoader());

// class JpgResourceLoader - creates an interface with the Resource cache to load JPG files
class JpgResourceLoader : public TextureResourceLoader
	virtual std::string VGetPattern() { return "*.jpg"; }

shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> CreateJPGResourceLoader()
	return shared_ptr<IResourceLoader>(GCC_NEW JpgResourceLoader());

: m_pTexture(NULL)

: m_pTexture(NULL), m_pSamplerLinear(NULL)

unsigned int TextureResourceLoader::VGetLoadedResourceSize(char *rawBuffer, unsigned int rawSize)
	// This will keep the resource cache from allocating memory for the texture, so DirectX can manage it on it's own.
	return 0;

// TextureResourceLoader::VLoadResource
bool TextureResourceLoader::VLoadResource(char *rawBuffer, unsigned int rawSize, shared_ptr<ResHandle> handle)
	GameCodeApp::Renderer renderer = GameCodeApp::GetRendererImpl();
	if (renderer == GameCodeApp::Renderer_D3D9)
		shared_ptr<D3DTextureResourceExtraData9> extra = shared_ptr<D3DTextureResourceExtraData9>(GCC_NEW D3DTextureResourceExtraData9());

		if ( FAILED ( D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemory( DXUTGetD3D9Device(), rawBuffer, rawSize, &extra->m_pTexture ) ) )
			return false;
			return true;
	else if (renderer == GameCodeApp::Renderer_D3D11)
		shared_ptr<D3DTextureResourceExtraData11> extra = shared_ptr<D3DTextureResourceExtraData11>(GCC_NEW D3DTextureResourceExtraData11());

		// Load the Texture
		if ( FAILED ( D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromMemory( DXUTGetD3D11Device(), rawBuffer, rawSize, NULL, NULL, &extra->m_pTexture, NULL ) ) )
			return false;

		// Create the sample state
		D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC sampDesc;
		ZeroMemory( &sampDesc, sizeof(sampDesc) );
		sampDesc.Filter = D3D11_FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR;
		sampDesc.AddressU = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_WRAP;
		sampDesc.AddressV = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_WRAP;
		sampDesc.AddressW = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_WRAP;
		sampDesc.ComparisonFunc = D3D11_COMPARISON_NEVER;
		sampDesc.MinLOD = 0;
		sampDesc.MaxLOD = D3D11_FLOAT32_MAX;
		if( FAILED( DXUTGetD3D11Device()->CreateSamplerState( &sampDesc, &extra->m_pSamplerLinear ) ) )
			return false;

		return true;

	GCC_ASSERT(0 && "Unsupported Renderer in TextureResourceLoader::VLoadResource");
	return false;

下一篇是网 Mesh 和 着色器 Shader ~~~

时间: 2025-01-05 09:10:02

游戏框架其九:灯光和材质( Lights and Material )的相关文章

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libgdx作为上层为java,底层c和c++的游戏引擎.简直是优秀得一塌糊涂.  这个游戏框架最初只有1个人在维护,现在已经加入不少人了,越来越给力. libgdx的架构 很清晰, 我们先从包的结构分析: assets 代表资源包,用于资源加载等管理. audio 音频包,游戏需要播放声音时用. files 文件处理包,内部主要对象是FileHandle ,如果你用过Libgdx肯定对次很熟悉,libgdx加载纹理图片等都是通过此对象. graphics 绘画相关,就是我们要把游戏中的控件或者


转载自: Libgdx作者博客: Libgdx项目地址: Libgdx是一款支持2D与3D游戏开发的游戏类库,兼容大多数微机平台(标准JavaSE实现,能执行在Mac.Linux.Windows等系统)与Android平台(Android1.5以上就可以使用.Andro

使用Html5+C#+微信 开发移动端游戏详细教程 :(三)使用html5引擎搭建游戏框架

教程里的案例我们是通过H5游戏引擎开发,目前H5的游戏引擎比较好用的是白鹭,不过对于新手来说白鹭的开发环境和工具使用过于复杂,这里推荐一个国内大神编写的游戏引擎:lufylegend. 直接在页面引入Js文件,就可以开发了,运行效率非常高效,语法是仿AS3语法,懂C#的人上手会很快. Lufylegend引擎具体的API和使用方法可以参考官网和论坛: 之前微信上有一款"怪兽必须死&q


前言 前一阵发现一个不错的网站,都是一些用html5+css+js写的小游戏,于是打算学习一番,写下这个系列博客主要是为了加深理解,当然也有一些个人感悟,如果英文好可以直接Click Here. 概述 一般,小游戏都要关注两个问题:刷新和交互.因为游戏一般是动态的,所以需要不断刷新.JavaScript是单线程,如果用C语言写过贪吃蛇之类的小游戏,应该知道,单线程一般是挂起一个时间来达到动态效果.比如C语言的Sleep(),JS的setInterval()等.但是js还有一种更高性能的方法req


libgdx是一款开源的java游戏框架,而且还实现了Desktop/Android/BlackBerry/iOS/HTML5这些些平台的跨平台开发.官方网址: 框架项目截图(Eclipse需要安装Gradle): libgdx项目采用工具自动生成项目(可以自己配置扩展): 原文由博主 乐智 编辑撰写,版权归博主所有. 原文地址 转载请注明出处!


一.游戏的基本框架: WelcomeScene    ——>    GameScene   ——>   GameOverScene ||                                       ||                                    || ∨                                      ∨                                   ∨ WelcomeLayer            


一 定义 有限状态机就是一个具有有限数量状态, 并且能够根据相应的操作从一个状态变换到另一个状态, 而在同一时刻只能处在一种状态下的智能体. 英文:Finite State Machine 简称:FSM 二 最简单的状态机 最简单的状态机:if-else 实际上if-else就是一个最有两种状态的状态机,分别是true和false 三 伪状态机 当两种情况不能满足我们的需求时,我们可以用if-else if -...-else, 不过,为了方便,我们可以使用switch-case代替 首先,定义