Changing Fonts in LaTeX

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Posted: 28th July 2009 by Tim in LaTeX

Tags: arialcourierdocumentfontfontsLaTeXlayoutpalatinotimestimes new roman


The default font used in LaTeX is a little bland. Most of us would like to use Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica or something similar. This is quite a simple thing to do. All of the fonts are stored in packages and simply including that package (\usepackage{package}) will change the font.

Some of the fonts which are available are:

  • Antiqua (antiqua package)
  • Arial (uarial package)
  • Courier (courier package
  • Helvetica (helvet package)
  • Luximono (luximono package)
  • Palatino (palatino package)
  • Times New Roman (times package)

For example, to use Times New Roman, Add the following to the top of the document:


There are many, many more fonts out there. A quick google search should be able to tell you which package to use.

时间: 2024-10-23 20:24:22

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