Tips for Making Your Pet Dog Wear Collar

Dogs may refuse to wear dog collars at the very beginning, and many dog keepers feel confused and helpless. Collars can help pet keepers to manage their pets better and control their behaviors, but what is your dog is just unwilling to do that? Here I would like to share with you some experience about how to make dogs wear dog collars.

At first, you could ask your dog to wear collar for a certain short period everyday. Instead of dog collar, you could dress it with pet dog neckerchief for adaptation, it’s more comfortable and acceptable. But for some small dog, you should take off its collar when you leave your home, or it may hook the corner of the table or something else and cause accidents. And if you try to walk your small dog with collar, then the first walking occasion should be your home, for it can ensure the dog‘s safety, you have to understand that the adaptive capacity of small dogs are often weaker than big dogs.

Once your dog gets used to the collar and conquer its fear, you could try to walk it outside. However, you have to realize that the collar should be used to increase the fun of walking but not for punishment, therefore you should choose some comfortable or funny dog collars, like pink LED pet collar, which can glow in the dark. Dogs are just as curious as human beings, once it feels interesting, its vigilance and insecurity will decrease greatly.

When you choose dog collar, remember to choose according to your dog‘s size, or it will feel uncomfortable when wearing it. Be careful that the collar should not tangle with the dog hair. And the collar should not be fastened too tight, two finger‘s gap will be suitable. The collar will not loose even if the dog tries to drag the leash backwards. Besides, you could take it off easily once there is an emergency.

Tips for Making Your Pet Dog Wear Collar

时间: 2024-11-08 15:31:36

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