
1、TinyOS communication

  • java serialApp -comm [email protected]/dev/ttyUSB0:telosb

  • java net.tinyos.tools.Listen
    -comm [email protected]/dev/ttyUSB0:telosb

  • java net.tinyos.tools.MsgReader serialMsgApp
    -comm [email protected]/dev/ttyUSB0:telos

  • java net.tinyos.sf.SerialForwarder -comm [email protected]/dev/ttyUSB0:telosb

  • java net.tinyos.sf.SerialForwarder -comm [email protected]:9002

  • java net.tinyos.sf.SerialForwarder -port 9003 -comm [email protected]:9002

  Most TinyOS communication tools take an optional
-comm parameter, which allows you to specify the
packet source as a string. 



  (1) Listen tool

  The Java tool Listen is a basic packet sniffer: it prints out the binary contents of any packet it


  One problem with Listen is that it just dumps binary data: a user has to be
able to read the bytes and parse them into a given packet format.

  (2) MsgReader

  use a Java message class to print out the

  Rather than parse packet formats manually, you can use the
(Message Interface Generator)
tool to build a Java, Python, or C
interface to the message structure. Given a sequence of bytes, the MIG-generated
code will automatically parse each of the fields in the packet, and it provides
a set of standard accessors and mutators for printing out received packets or
generating new ones.

  e.g.:output like this:  


  (3) SerialForwarder

  Most generally, the SerialForwarder program opens a packet source
and lets many applications connect to it over a TCP/IP stream
in order to use that source. For example, you can run a SerialForwarder whose
packet source is the serial port; instead of connecting to the
serial port directly, applications connect to the SerialForwarder, which acts as
a proxy to read and write packets. Since applications connect to SerialForwarder
over TCP/IP, applications can connect over the Internet.

  SerialForwarder is the second kind of packet source.

  A SerialForwarder source has this syntax:

[email protected]:PORT

2、Sending an AM packet to the serial
port in TinyOS

  The TinyOS serial stack follows the same programming model as the radio
stack. There is a SerialActiveMessageC for turning
the stack on and off (mote processors often cannot enter their lowest
power state while the serial stack is on
), and generic components for
sending and receiving packets. As the serial stack is a dedicated link, however,
it does not provide a snooping interface, and it does not filter based on the
destination address of the packet.


  Serial AM communication has the same interfaces as radio AM

时间: 2024-11-05 23:29:00



Caliburn.Micro学习笔记(二)----Actions 上一篇已经简单说了一下引导类和简单的控件绑定 我的上一个例子里的button自动匹配到ViewModel事件你一定感觉很好玩吧 今天说一下它的Actions,看一下Caliburn.Micro给我们提供了多强大的支持 我们还是从做例子开始 demo的源码下载在文章的最后 例子1.无参数方法调用 点击button把textBox输入的文本弹出来 如果textbox里没有文本button不可点,看一下效果图 看一下前台代码 <Stac

2. 蛤蟆Python脚本学习笔记二基本命令畅玩

2. 蛤蟆Python脚本学习笔记二基本命令畅玩 本篇名言:"成功源于发现细节,没有细节就没有机遇,留心细节意味着创造机遇.一件司空见惯的小事或许就可能是打开机遇宝库的钥匙!" 下班回家,咱先来看下一些常用的基本命令. 欢迎转载,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/notbaron/article/details/48092873 1.  数字和表达式 看下图1一就能说明很多问题: 加法,整除,浮点除,取模,幂乘方等.是不是很直接也很粗暴. 关于上限,蛤蟆不太清楚


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第二部分:DOM编程 1.文档象模型(DOM)提供了访问结构化文档的一种方式,很多语言自己的DOM解析器. DOM解析器就是完成结构化文档和DOM树之间的转换关系. DOM解析器解析结构化文档:将磁盘上的结构化文档转换成内存中的DOM树 从DOM树输出结构化文档:将内存中的DOM树转换成磁盘上的结构化文档 2.DOM模型扩展了HTML元素,为几乎所有的HTML元素都新增了innerHTML属性,该属性代表该元素的"内容",即返回的某个元素的开始标签.结束标签之间的字符串内容(不包含其它


DRBD: 主从 primary: 可执行读.写操作 secondary: 文件系统不能挂载 DRBD: dual primay, 双主(基于集群文件系统的高可用集群) 磁盘调度器:合并读请求,合并写请求: Procotol:drbd数据同步协议 A: Async, 异步  数据发送到本机tcp/ip协议栈 B:semi sync, 半同步  数据发送到对方tcp/ip协议 C:sync, 同步  数据到达对方存储设备 DRBD Source: DRBD资源 资源名称:可以是除了空白字符外的任意

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关于参数类型,在以前的编程过程中,很多时间都忽视了形参与实参的区别.通过这两天的学习,算是捡回了漏掉的知识. 在swift中,参数有形参和实参之分,形参即只能在函数内部调用的参数,默认是不能修改的,如果想要修改就需要在参数前添加var声明. 但这样的声明过后,仍旧不会改变实参的值,这样就要用到inout了,传递给inout的参数类型必须是var类型的,不能是let类型或者字面类型,(字面类型是在swift中常提的一个术语,个人认为就是赋值语句,也不能修改)而且在传递过程中,要用传值符号"&


7.简单的汇编语法:   堆栈平衡  PUSH,POP功能: 把操作数压入或取出堆栈语法: PUSH 操作数 POP 操作数格式: PUSH r PUSH M PUSH data POP r POP mPUSHF,POPF,PUSHA,POPA功能: 堆栈指令群格式: PUSHF POPF PUSHA POPAADD,ADC功能: 加法指令语法: ADD OP1,OP2 ADC OP1,OP2格式: ADD r1,r2 ADD r,m ADD m,r ADD r,data影响标志: C,P,A,