Navigate the Detail Pane

导航详细窗格Navigate the Detail Pane

在你发现在时间轴面板潜在的问题区域,使用详细信息窗格中检查该地区的数据(见图12-1)。“详细信息”窗格显示与所选工具的当前跟踪运行相关联的数据。工具在细节窗格中每次只显示一个工具,因此您必须选择不同的工具才能看到不同的细节集。After you identify a potential problem area in the timeline pane, use the detail pane to examine the data in that area (see Figure 12-1). The detail pane displays the data associated with the current trace run for the selected instrument. Instruments displays only one instrument at a time in the detail pane, so you must select different instruments to see different sets of details.

Figure 12-1查看仪器的详细数据Viewing detail data for an instrument

打开或关闭详细窗格To open or close the detail pane

Do one of the following:

  • Choose View > Detail.

  • Click the Detail View button () at the right end of the toolbar.

要查看特定工具的详细窗格中的数据To view data in the detail pane for a specific instrument

  1. 单击策略窗格中的工具。Click the instrument in the strategy pane.

在详细窗格中查看不同类型的数据View Different Types of Data in the Detail Pane

对于某些工具,可以以多种格式显示数据。例如,活动监视器工具允许查看数据摘要、父信息和示例列表。For some instruments, you can display data in more than one format. For example, the Activity Monitor instrument allows you to view a summary of data, parent child information, and a list of samples.

在细节类型之间切换To switch between detail types

  1. 从详细窗格的导航栏中的“详细类型”列表中选择适当的模式。Choose the appropriate mode from the detail type list in the navigation bar of the detail pane.

    仪器支持的哪种模式取决于该仪器收集的数据类型。Which modes an instrument supports depends on the type of data gathered by that instrument.

对于一些细节的类型,如分配工具的调用树模式,你可以使用披露的三角形(见图12-2)在某些细节窗格行潜水深入到相应的层次。单击“披露三角形”只对给定行展开或关闭。For some detail types, like the Allocations instrument’s call tree mode, you can use disclosure triangles (see Figure 12-2) in certain detail pane rows to dive further down into the corresponding hierarchy. Clicking a disclosure triangle expands or closes just the given row.

Figure 12-2在详细窗格中导航分析数据Navigating profiling data in the detail pane


若要展开行及其所有子节点,请按住选项键,同时单击“披露三角形”。To expand both the row and all of its children, hold down the Option key while clicking a disclosure triangle.

在查看调用树时,许多工具包括隐藏系统调用和反转调用树的选项。这些选项在“检查面板”下的“显示选项”下的“调用树”区域中找到。隐藏系统调用允许您快速过滤应用程序所做的调用。反转调用树允许您首先看到最重的调用。When viewing a call tree, many instruments include options to hide system calls and invert the call tree. These options are found in the Call Tree area under Display Options in the inspector pane. Hiding system calls allows you to quickly filter for calls made by your app. Inverting the call tree allows you to see the heaviest calls first.

在细节窗格中排序Sort in the Detail Pane

排序显示在详细信息窗格中的信息按某一列中的数据,请单击相应的列标题(见图12-3)。细节窗格中的列与每个工具不同。To sort the information displayed in the detail pane according to the data in a particular column, click the appropriate column header (see Figure 12-3). The columns in the detail pane differ with each instrument.

Figure 12-3在详细窗格中排序分析数据Sorting profiling data in the detail pane

使用扩展的细节窗格Use the Extended Detail Pane

对于某些工具,“检查”窗格中的扩展详细区域显示了当前在详细窗格中选中的项的附加信息。此扩展的详细信息可以包括记录的探针或事件的描述、堆栈跟踪、记录信息的时间以及其他信息。For some instruments, the extended detail area in the inspector pane shows additional information about the item currently selected in the detail pane. This extended detail information can include a description of the probe or event that was recorded, a stack trace, and the time when the information was recorded, as well as other information.

打开或关闭检查员扩展的详细区域To open or close the extended detail area of the inspector

Do one of the following:

  • Choose View > Inspectors > Show Extended Detail or Hide Extended Detail (or press Command-3).

  • Click the Extended Detail button () in the navigation bar at the top of the inspector pane.

你可以躲在一个堆栈跟踪的系统调用,通过单击折叠按钮的在堆栈顶部区域在检查员的扩展的详细区域,如图12-4所示。You can hide system calls in a stack trace by clicking the Collapse button  at the top of the stack trace area in the extended detail area of the inspector, as shown in Figure 12-4.

Figure 12-4在“检查窗格”的扩展详细区域中隐藏系统调用Hiding system calls in the extended detail area of the inspector pane

时间: 2024-12-15 17:58:02

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